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Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing:
Through the Cloud
Kevin O'Brien
IT 103-005
September 29, 2014

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Cloud Computing
Cloud computing or the cloud is one of the most important and progressive
advancements in technology in the history of information technology. Cloud computing is
simply a large group of server that allows centralized data sharing, data storage and access to
computer services and resources (Strickland, 2008). There are three different types of cloud
public, private and hybrid. The clouds biggest advantage is that it makes sharing information
easier and faster for people and businesses all over the world. The cloud allows for the local
computers to not do all the work because the large network computers of the cloud now can
handle the running of things like applications. This could be very valuable to large business
because instead of having to download a new software for each computer you only have to
download one it saves time and money, two very important things in big businesses. There are
many legal, ethical and social issues about cloud computing that have some people scared
about their personal security online and some people are scared about how the cloud can turn
into a negative thing. In this essay legal, ethical and social issues will be addressed and
problems and advantages will be talked about. There are also many concerns to the cloud that
include lost in data and lack of necessary security. There are many ways these things can be
solved the question is will they be.
The benefits for the cloud could be out of this world for what it could do for the future
of information technology. For one sharing and data would be faster and easier than it has ever
been. Being about to finish something and instantaneously have people access it. It also gives
companies flexibility if a company needed more bandwidth they can instantly obtain more
without the wait. Which means more jobs can be created in a shorter period. Also the ability to
work from any computer as long as you put it on the cloud you can pull it up by using the cloud.

Cloud Computing
Lastly using the cloud is very environmentally safe. It only uses the server space it needs which
decreases the carbon footprint we would be making without the cloud.
Two of the biggest legal issues with cloud computing would be data security and
protection of your own personal belongs (Gray, 2013). Recently there has been many cases in
which the cloud has come under much scrutiny for the release of private photos of celebrities.
Hackers were able to access the photos through the cloud and then released them to the
public. Data theft is also a big problem data from personal information to credit card
information all these things are under risk when using cloud computing. This can be a big
problem for large companies that do business over the internet using the cloud, they would
lose not only money but respect and reputation from customers and sellers. Losing these
customers and sellers could result in the collapse of a company. People not being able to trust
the cloud could cause the cloud to also collapse if people stop using it because of their worry
for security. The IT security specialist should work on making the cloud more secure and save
for all customers so popularity grows. A good way for the cloud to improve it security is to
make contracts more clear and favorable to the people using it. The contract should also
include backup obligations for security breaches in the servers. Cloud Computing is a great
advancement in information technology but it does come with many risks and dangers of
security. One of the most important thing to people is to know is that there secret or personal
items are safe and the cloud has some unanswered questions about security. When the clouds
security is all secure it will become the normal way to store documents and personal items.
Two main ethical problems with cloud computing are the sections of technology and
services that are being used and the risk of using it every day (Henley, 2013). The two ethical

Cloud Computing
rules for cloud computing are duty of confidentially and duty of Safeguard client property. The
first rule is about the right for a lawyer may make reasonable efforts to prevent private
information from being disclosed when representing their client. This means depending on the
situation the right for the information to be released can be determined by the lawyer. If it is
not necessary or of importance for the case the information wont be released. This also relates
to information also deals with lawyers being caution about information ending up in the wrong
hands or other side during a case. It is very important because most of the information is not
with the lawyer so making sure no one else can obtain it is very valuable. Many of the
information is outside the control of the lawyer. Another ethical question is does the firm have
to confirm with the clients that they are using the cloud for their clients case. All use of the
cloud should go through the acceptance of the client, who the information belongs to or is
about because it is their property. More ethical issues with the cloud is its easy ability to
distribute information due to the easy storage and digital transfer of data. Which mean people
can cheat systems like buying songs from websites and sharing them with their friends for no
charge. Lastly people should know when some access or trys to access your personal
information and with the cloud that is not true anyone at any time can be looking at your
persona items. This ability can be used and be very danger when items that should not be seen
by other eyes are released.
Social issues connects to both the legal and ethical issues in that sharing information
and data can be very dangerous. Many things you send to people go through the cloud if the
person sending it knows it or not. Socially the cloud could be very important and help social
media and communication become even faster and easy then it is now but once again security

Cloud Computing
is always the issue. Since many of these systems are public knowing your personal messages
arent being looked at by someone else isnt always a sure thing. Many people look at the cloud
and dont know much about it besides what they see in the news about the bad things about it.
While it can be helpful in the social aspect it has the ability to cause very big problems socially.
The release of private messages for example if messages between the presidents were hacked,
found and released showing the world private things that we should see. The lack of privacy
socially is the great social problem with the cloud because as humans our privacy is one of our
greatest rights. Everyone doesnt get the right to know everything about everyone and the
cloud gives a way for everyones information to be released to the world.
As you can see cloud computing can be very beneficial to the world but is it worth the
risk. Everything has its positives and negatives and I believe the cloud computing will become
the normal use of information technology in the future. Once all the security issues and the
world accepts it the cloud will be the main source of computer linking systems in the world.
With this technology communication around the world will be at an all-time high because of the
accessibly and speed. Learning with increase because of the interaction it will increase between
people from different countries. Cloud computing is the next big thing in information technology
and it is only a very years away from hitting full scale and really making a boom not only in the
technology world but it will affect everything we do.

Cloud Computing

Gray, P. (2013, March 5). Legal issues to consider with cloud computing. Retrieved September 30, 2014,
from http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/tech-decision-maker/legal-issues-to-consider-with-cloudcomputing/.
This article talked about the legal issues with cloud computing.
Strickland, J. (2008, May 9). HowStuffWorks "How Cloud Computing Works" Retrieved September 30,
2014, from http://computer.howstuffworks.com/cloud-computing/cloud-computing.htm
This article talks about how cloud computing works and what it is.
Henley, B. (2013, October 14). Ethical Issues in Cloud Computing. Retrieved September 29, 2014, from
This article is about the ethical issues and problems with cloud computing
Griffith, E. (2013, March 13). What Is Cloud Computing? Retrieved September 30, 2014, from
This article explains the benefits and what cloud computing is.
Viswanathan, P. (2014, June 10). What You Should Know Before Moving to the Cloud. Retrieved October
2, 2014, from http://mobiledevices.about.com/od/additionalresources/a/Cloud-Computing-Is-It-ReallyAll-That-Beneficial.htm
This article shows the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing.

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