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Flood is a kind of natural disasters. It happens when the water submerges the area that
is usually dry. Although flood can be caused by nature activities, it is mostly caused by
human activities, such as throwing rubbish to a water resource that will block the water
flow and make the water overflow. There are five kinds of flood, namely Coastal, River,
Flash, Groundwater, and Sewer flood.
Coastal flood is caused by heavy storms or other extreme weather conditions
combined with high tides, that can cause the sea level to rise above normal. This
condition will force the sea water to the land and cause coastal flooding.
River flood is marked by the rise of water level in a river that overtops the river banks.
This kind of flood is mostly caused by series of heavy rain in a long period.
Flash flood is a fast-moving and unexpected flood. It happens after a heavy rain, and it
can be worsen by the lack of drainage system.
Groundwater flood happens when the water levels under the ground rise above normal
and approaching the surface. It is usually caused by a long period of rainfall. This kind of
flood can last for weeks even months.
The last kind of flood is Sewer flood. It happens when there is a failure in the
sewerage system. This kind of flood is divided into two, they are internal flooding and
external flooding.

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