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Participation in PHYSICAL ACTIVITY is associated with

Improved Concentration
Better Scores on Tests of Math, Reading and Writing Skills
Reduced Disruptive Behavior

Participation in VIGROUS PHYSICAL ACTIVITY is associated with

Improved student Attitudes towards themselves and school

For Children diagnosed with ADHD, participating in exercise for 40min 5days per
week, showed improvement in behaviour in as little as 3 weeks

1. L.Kolbe et al., Appropriate Functions of Health Education in Schools: Improving Health and Cognitive Performance, in Child Health Behavior: A
behavioural Pediatrics Perspective, eds. N. Krairweger, J. Arasteli, and M. Cataldo (New York: John Wiley, 1986)
2. B. McCracken, Creating an Environment for Learning, Education Standard (autumn 2002): 46-51.


When children are active, their heart rate is faster, breathing becomes faster and
deeper, oxygen-rich blood reaches the brain more quickly, and student performance
and learning can improve

Brain development is related to movement as well as the development of motor

skills. As motor skills develop, neurons in the brain form synapses that enable the
brain to function better.
Physical Activity reduces stress, improves mood and promotes a calming effect
among students

3. D. R. Patel and E. F. Luckstead, Sport Participation, Risk Taking, and Health Risk Behaviors, Adoslescent Medicine 11 (2000): 141-55.
4. H. Taras, Physical Activity and Student Performance at School, Journal of School Health 75, no. 8 (August 2005)

Take Stand-and-Stretch Breaks every 20min to energize the class

Incorporate daily or weekly role plays as a way to dramatize key concepts
Make it a classroom tradition to have a 5-minute walking break before a test to help

everyone unwind and relax

Break students into groups of 2 or 3, and assign a topic related to a current lesson

plan that students need to discuss while taking a 5-minute walk. They should report
their discussion back to the class
Before your next class change, stop class 3 minutes early and take your students the

long way to their next room

Find more of such ideas on http://school.fueluptoplay60.com/tools/view.php?id=15749467

Child gets a strike for each time he/she misbehaves. Have a different consequence for

each strike (i.e., strike 1: warning, strike 2: parent receives a call from the teacher,
strike 3: child is sent to the principals office)
Child to write a letter of apology explaining what he/she did wrong

Extra homework given if he/she did not do homework

Student and teacher to call home together to report misbehavior to family
Send a note about misbehavior home, have it signed by parent and return it the next

school day
Also, dont forget to reward positive behaviour with perhaps more Physical Activity

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