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Jumaa Prayer

November 7, 2014
NIGER: Please pray for the Assemblies of God primary school here. This school was recently recognized by the
government as being #1 in the nation, and is providing more than 1,000 Muslim children with quality academic
and spiritual education. A couple of weeks ago, two children died of malaria. Last week a wind brought fire from
a nearby burning hut to the grass roof of the school, damaging classrooms. Pray that many will see the Lord's
hand at work even through these difficult times. Pray for the parents who have lost children, that they might turn
to Jesus in their time of grief.
BURKINA FASO: On October 30, the Parliament here in Ouagadougou was to vote on changing the
Constitution and thus allow the 27-year incumbent president to run for another term. Angry protestors ransacked
and set fire to the Parliament building, leading President Blaise Campoare to resign and flee the country the next
day. An army general is now the transitional head of state, and the African Union has called for the transition to a
civilian government within 2 weeks. Sixty percent of Burkina Faso's people are Muslims. The Assemblies of
God churches are found throughout the nation. Pray that the Spirit would give wisdom to pastors and believers
as they have opportunities to reach people during this time of uncertainty and transition.
NIGERIA: In a new video released last Friday, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau responds to claims that
Islamist militant group had agreed to a ceasefire, saying that there was no such agreement, and that the girls
kidnapped from Chibok have embraced Islam and been married off. Please continue praying for Shekau and his
group, that the Spirit open their eyes to the deception they live under. Intercede for these girls, most of whom
have had a Christian upbringing. Pray that they may cling to Jesus. draw strength from Him, and be used of Him
wherever they are. See also http://allafrica.com/stories/201411010015.html
As we hear more and more harrowing reports about our brothers and sisters who face persecution around the
world, how do we pray for them without becoming either discouraged or desensitized? The editor of Morning
Star News, which covers stories of persecuted believers and churches, responds to this question with a Kingdom
perspective in this article: http://tinyurl.com/o28ogyf.

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