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Caron 1

Jack Caron
Scott Merrow
Writ 1301-046
19 September 2014
Technology Can Be Hurtful
In Fast Entertainment and Multitasking in an Always-On World, S. Craig Watkins
informs about technology and media nowadays. He tells us Like fast food, fast
entertainment is easy to get, all around us, and typically cheap, but not always good for
you (143). Watkins talks about how technology is growing, how the young have access
to a lot of this technology, and how multitasking can be detrimental to these kids.
Watkins establishes good points about technology and makes them easy to comprehend
by making them relatable to everyday life.
Watkins believes that technology is always improving and people are looking for
new ways to use it. With technology developing, people are consuming in different ways.
Watkins informs that people are consuming more and less at the same time (144). We
watch more YouTube videos because they are shorter and easier to access than before.
People continuously consume media because it is easier to access than before. Watkins
states We have evolved from a culture of instant gratification to one of constant
gratification (144). Our culture is always looking to be satisfied no matter what we are
doing. Technology is always growing around us.
According to Watkins, the younger generation has media all around them. With
this easier access to electronics, kids are using them a lot more. Watkins tells us Among
college students, using one media almost always means interacting with other media too

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(147). A lot of students will listen to music while on their laptop. College students are
notorious for multitasking.
Watkins also talks about how completing two tasks simultaneously can hurt
performance and efficiency. He mentions dual-task interference, which is when there is a
traffic jam in your brain when it tries to process two things at once (Watkins 148). It is
difficult for the brain to process more than one thing at once. What if people are not
multitasking but rather just paying attention to multiple different things? Watkins
suggests that instead of multitasking people are actually suffering from continuous partial
attention, also known as CPA (150). CPA is when you are paying partial attention to
multiple different tasks. Many students today suffer from CPA with all the different
forms of technology available.
Many good points are made by Watkins in his essay. I agree with Watkins when
he says that technology is growing. I have noticed even from my childhood to the current
day that technology has become a major part in the lives of people. Kids are gaining
access to technology at younger and younger ages, as it becomes more of a social norm.
Another good point made by Watkins is CPA because I have noticed that I tend to work
on homework while also watching TV or checking my phone. I am constantly paying
attention to multiple different things. CPA is a better explanation for what college
students do because we are always trying to pay attention to multiple different electronics
or forms of online media. Watkins explains well what he believes to be fast entertainment
and how multitasking can have a negative impact.
Watkins makes some key main points in his essay including the growth of
technology, the media wealth of young people, multitasking, and CPA. Innovation of

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technology is constantly growing and improving. Along with being improved, technology
is easier to access and thus media to consume. Unless kids learn to focus their attention,
they will surely lose knowledge in the long run.

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Works Cited
Watkins, S. Craig. "Fast Entertainment and Multitasking in an Always-On World." Sign
of Life in the USA. Maasik, Sonia and Jack Solomon. Boston: Bedford/St.
Martins. 2012. 143-151. Print.

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