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1. What does it mean to simplify an exponential expression?

-It means that you reduce the exponential expression in simplier form by using t
he laws of exponents to be able to analyze it and to evaluate it easily.
2. Answer: A variable x is raised to nth power. Meaning, you will multiply x to
itself n times. Ex: x^2 (x squared or x raised to 2), it means that x multiplied
to itself (x) twice.
3. a)When dividing expressions with like bases, keep the base and subtract the t
he exponents, upper exponent - lower exponent.
b)When an expression is raised to any power of power, simply multiply the expone
c)When two expressions are grouped into parenthesis and raised to n exponent, ju
st distribute the exponent to each expression.
d)To raise a quotient of two numbers to a power, raise each number to the power.
4. No. 3x^2 is not equal to (2x)^3 because if you simplify the second expression
, (2x)^3 will become 2^3x^3 or simply (2)(2)(2)(x^3) = 8x^3.
5.No. Let x = 2, and y = 3. 2^3 =8 while 3^2 = 9.
6. Not always. Because sometimes some powers are in negative exponents and other
are rational exponents where a number is raised to the ratio of two integers. E
x: 2^1/2 is equal to Square Root of 2 which is less than the original number 2.
Same goes when 2^-2, the result will be 1/2^2 or simply 1/4 which is les than 2.

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