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Update 01


Fall 2014

General team/project information

Project title:

Anesthesia learning device

Update order
01: Christiansen, Trevor
02: Vu,Anh
03: Nguyen,Stephen
04: Ustariz,Kelly
05: Aizharkyn, Kymbat

Advisory board
F: Dr.Park ?
G: Graduate assistant (not required).
H: Mike Solmon, Anesthesiologist
Primary working area
W: BIEN B265

Update content
Progress toward completion of an overall project blueprint
-Acquistion of the HuMod program that is capable of simulatuing physiological systems
-Find a co advisor in the cs department to help with the coding logic of the expirement
-Dr.Solomon would then specify which biological factors we would have to regulate with the program
-Analyzation of the HuMod code to see how we could specifically focus on the factors that need to be regulated for
only anesthesia purposes
-Regroup once again with coadvisors for help in the logic of coding and insertion of our own specific factors, mainly
drugs used during procedures such as desflourine , isofluorine, sevofluorine
-Actually write the code for the anlaysis and see if it can mimic real life dilemmas
-Development of some type of point system that could detect once a patient falls into shock( whether user passes or
-Test against actual data pulled up from real procedures , work out bugs

HuMOd interface
Photos of HuMOd

HuMod interface

Progress toward completion of an overall project timeline

-Trevor is emailing Dr.Solomon to be are official advisor ( in progress)
- A meeting was scheduled for Nov 6 to speak to a potential co advisor in the Cs department named Christian Shelton
-HudMod acquisition will be completed by the 8 of Novemeber
-Specification of the actual factors we would need to regulate, to be completed by the 11 of November
- Analyzation of HudMod bare code is up in the air because we have yet to confirm any of the coadvisors
- The rest of the steps require the analyzation of code

Initial script for an elevator pitch

Our design prohect is the construction of a anesthesia simulation device that would help in the training and educating
of possible anastheisiologists. Currently anesthesiology have no widely accepted electronic training simulation, there
are quiz programs but they do not output real time scenarios of possible patients. There is almost a archaic aspect to
anesthesiology because cuyrrently there is no automated program that can help anasthesiologists deal with patients
under the knife, all monitorization is done with pen and paper. It is our goal to help modernize this aspect of the

medical field with the simulation training advice, and to one day create a monitoring device that would work in real
time, monitoring multiple patients and unloading some of the burden for anasthesiologists.

HumMod: a modeling environment for the simulation of integrative

human physiology

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