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A atual biota de uma rea fortemente influenciada pelas ltimas sries de eventos
geolgicos e climticos; estudos paleoclimticos so muito importantes para analisar os
padres existentes de distribuio.

Fonte: HEY, J. The Divergence of Chimpanzee Species and Subspecies as

Revealed in Multipopulation Isolation-with-Migration AnalysesMol Biol
Evol (2010) 27 (4): 921-933 first published online December 2, 2009doi:10.1093/molbev/msp298.

Congo River, was born several years ago during the Pleistocene. The formation of the Congo could lead
to allopatric speciation of the bonobo and the chimpanzee in their most recent common ancestor

The Natural History of The Congo River. http://longestriver.blogspot.com.br/2011/08/natural-historyof-congo-river.html.

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