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Brett Mertz

November 15, 2014

Classroom Management/Organizational Plan

My Framework for classroom management will be one in which the student will
actively participate. Students will be made aware of all the rules, rewards, consequences,
routines, procedures, and expectations on the first day of school. I will organize the
classroom in such a manner that students can learn as a group as well as individually.
This follows the theory of cognitivism in which problem solving is used in group learning situation and students can learn through their peers as well as the teacher. I would
address the needs of students on an individual basis as much as possible and involve the
parents in all aspects of their Childs educational, behavioral and social progress.
As a teacher I will inform my students of the rules and procedures of my classroom. I will be sending home a weekly newsletter discussing what curriculum was
taught, activities the students participated in and any upcoming events. I will also include
the weekly spelling list for the following week. I expect each student to respect teachers,
their peers and the classroom space. I will call a parent if I have any concerns about the
student behaviorally , academically or socially. Also, as the teacher I will try and implement different activities to create a community of learners. I believe creating a community of learners will allow students to become successful learners. The community of
learners that I will create in my classroom will have students, parents, and teachers working together to produce the most successful students in my classroom.
Students in my classroom will become very familiar with the daily routine of my
classroom. Students will begin each day by coming in the classroom and hanging their

jackets and backpacks up. They will then be familiar with starting whatever handout or
assignment I have put on each students desk. This assignment will either be a word
search, grammar corrections worksheet, a coloring activity, and spelling worksheets. The
morning routine will consist of reading and writing activities. After lunch the students
will come back to the classroom and will begin either a Social Studies lesson or a Science
lesson. The afternoon time in the classroom will be focused on different lesson that deal
with Science and Social studies.
As a teacher in my own classroom I will make sure I have designed good transitions to help students move from one activity to the next. Having transitions in place will
also allow me to become a more effective teacher. I will make sure materials are prepared ahead of time to ensure transitions to the next lesson are ready and organized. I
will also make sure students understand how to transfer from their desk to the carpet for
reading activities. Students will be aware of the correct way to leave their desks and the
correct way to move to the carpet.

Classroom Rules/ Expectations

1. Always raise hand to speak.
2. Never leave the classroom without telling an adult.
3. Respect the teacher and other student and classroom property
4. Always follow directions from the teacher.
5. Listen carefully without talking when the teacher is speaking
Communication with Parents/ Family
- I will be sending home weekly news letters to explain the weekly lesson plan, and
any events that takes place during the week.
- Contact parents via Email, or phone call to discuss behavioral or education concerns.
- Send home individual index cards for parents contact information for emergency
or concerns with students.

I will also ask parent to get involved in classroom activities to show students that
parents are involved in their students education.

Communication/Accommodations with Students

- Be aware of student behavioral plans, IEPC goals or any other plan the school has
in place for a particular student.
- Always try to implement different strategies to help students succeed.
- I will provide design lesson in such a way to ensure each and every student is able
to learn and understand the information.
- Contact a resource teacher for an observation to be conducted on the student if
- Never express a negativity, always reinforce a positive solution.
-As a Class
-No Recess
-Spend lunch with teacher.
-No computer time
-Keep students back from assembly or other school event.
-As an Individual
-Each student will have their name on a chart in the classroom that keeps track of
their behavior or lack of classroom participation. Each student starts the day with 3 cards,
Green, yellow, and red. Green means all task have been completed for that day. Yellow
means a warning is in place for that student. Red means a consequence. (Call to parent,
loss of recess, or no computer time.
-Individual rewards
-Computer game time
-Reward Box with (pencils, Erasers, stickers, ect..)
-More time added to recess.
Classroom Rewards
-I will have a large jar on my desk in front of all the student so they can see it.
Every time they have a substitute or a classroom visitor I will reward the class with a
scoop of popcorn in the jar for every good comment the visitor leaves me. For every negative comment I will take away a scoop from the jar. When the jar is full the students will
be rewarded with a popcorn party for their class.

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