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Q: PIT db restore in tsm 6.1.0?

A: IC61496 (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=663&context=SSGSG7&dc=D
"c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\server\dsmserv" removedb tsmdb1
"c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\server\dsmserv" format ACTIVELOGD=c:\tsm\server1\al
MIRRORLOGD=c:\tsm\server1\alm ARCHL=c:\tsm\server1\pal ARCHF=c:\tsm\server1\sal
"c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\server\dsmserv" restore db todate=today source=dbsn
but in my case it caused "connection with client severed" error.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: Database backup terminated. DB2 SQLCODE -2033 SQLERRMC 406
A: see 3) above -- all these tricks with db2 should fix it
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q: ANR0227S: Incorrect database opened. Server cannot start.
A: tivoli management console -> tsm server1 -> wizards -> service configuration
-> advanced -> redirect server output to c:\tsm\server1\console.log.
wrong dsmserv.dbid in tsm server instance directory - delete it and start server
manually (not as a service):
server/dsmserv.exe -S (-S to skip DB ID check and create a new one)
the process will run in foreground (service not started). after killing the proc
ess it is possible to start tsm server service since correct dbid file has alrea
dy been created.

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