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Case Report
dr. Wieko Prayudi 1, dr. M. Jailani, Sp. BP RE (K)2.

Resident of General Surgery, Surgery Departement, Faculty of Medicine, Syiah

Kuala University, RSUD Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh

Subdivision Staff of Plastic Surgery, Surgery Departement, Faculty if Medicine,

Syiah Kuala University, RSUD Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh

Basalioma is a malignant skin tumors (cancers) are derived from the basal
epidermal growth neoplastiksel and skin appendix (Graham, R 2005).
Basalioma is a skin cancer that arises from the basal cell layer of the epidermis
or hair foliker; The most common and rarely metastasize; (ans Sudarth
Brunner, 2000). More than 90% of the causes basalioma is exposed to sunlight
or ultraviolet radiation. Often appear aged> 40 years. Other risk factors:
genetic factors, exposure to x-rays, kimi arsenic compounds, trauma, and
chronic ulcers. Signs and symptoms menyertaimya is predileksinya especially
on the face, neck.. Basalioma varied clinical picture is divided into 5 forms;
nodulo type ulcerative, pigmented type, morphoea type, superficial type, type
fibroepitelioma. According to Baughman, CD and JC Hackley, 2000.
Treatment of primary basal cell usually gives a cure rate of about 95%,
whereas the recurrent basal cell carcinoma around 92%..

Female 54 years old, came to plasctic surgery polyclinic with the complaine of a
lump and ulcer on the upper lips since 1.5 years ago. Lumps scars moles, easy
bleeding, and destructed lips, the lump did not purulent, general condition is
Intraoperative: performed wide excision with general anesthesia + VC. The
defect is half area of the upper lip, performed with local flap formation
(Nasolabial) rotation advancement.
Lip reconstruction aims to provide an adequate substitute to the external skin and
keep the balance vermiliocutaneous and aesthetic units lips.
KEYWORD : Basalioma, lips defect, flap local

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