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Interview on Spankings

How does punishment affect identity?
-Depending on the punishment, I think it can affect the self-esteem of the individual and how
they, overall, identify themselves.
Does corporal punishment at home affect a child in the classroom? Or as an adult?
-I think it does affect a child in the classroom and as an adult. How they are affected range and
differ with each person though. On extremes, it can break them down or it can build them up.
Does it affect the punisher as much as it does the one getting punished?
-I don't think that the punisher is affected as much as the one getting punished. I could be wrong.
How does a spanking effect one socially, emotionally, and physically?
-Socially, the individual could be more of an introvert and not as outgoing in meeting and
socializing with others. Emotionally, I think their self-esteem and grit could be broken down or
built up. Physically, if the 'spanking' is more brutal, it can harm them physically, whether it's
short-term or long-term.
Does punishment affect you differently if you are a public figure?
-It may because you may feel like you have to be 'perfect' or up to the standards that other
people set for you.
Society now looks down at corporal punishment, what made them change their mind?
-I think as a society, we may be becoming more sensitive and we may 'baby' our next upcoming
Is positive and negative reinforcement more effective than a spanking?
-I think that positive and negative reinforcement is more effective than spanking in some
situations and with different people. I think it really just depends.

How does punishment affect identity? Punishment impacts a person's self-esteem and
breaks them down.
Does corporal punishment at home affect a child in the classroom? Or as an adult? Yes to

Does it affect the punisher as much as it does the one getting punished? I imagine it
depends...But, I suspect it impacts the one being punished more because it puts them in a
powerless situation.
How does a spanking effect one socially, emotionally, and physically? Often a child who is
physically or emotionally punished will withdraw and become less social. They may be afraid,
anxious, depressed, etc...and physically, they may suffer physically...they will suffer
physically....that can also result in time lost in school.
Does punishment affect you differently if you are a public figure? Not sure what you mean
by that...
Society now looks down at corporal punishment, what made them change their mind? A
shift in understanding what works and how to intervene and modify behavior... This is a very
simple answer to a complex question.
Is positive and negative reinforcement more effective than a spanking? Yes. Positive
reinforcement is definitely more effective... Negative reinforcement involves removing an
aversive stimulus...
1. I think punishment either strengthens or discourages kids. It depends on the disposition of the
2. I think that it does effect the child and it definitely effects them as an adult because then they
base the way they raise their child according to their thoughts/memories and views of how they
were raised.
3. I believe it effects the punished a whole lot more than the punish-er.
4. I grew up with spankings and the notion that if you didn't do what you were supposed to be
doing then you would get in trouble and maybe a spanking. I think that there is nothing wrong
with giving your child a spanking, I believe it makes them stronger and makes them realize they
are accountable for their actions.
5. Punishment should not affect you differently if you are a public figure.
6. Like I said before I grew up in the environment that spankings were enforced so I've only ever
known that way but i think a healthy balance of both is best.
How does punishment affect identity?
- It can have an affect on how the child perceives what is right or wrong based on the
consequences to their actions.
Does corporal punishment at home affect a child in the classroom? Or as an adult?
- it could affect a child's perception of who is in charge, because the person in charge of them

punishes them at home. As an adult, they can relate people in charge to their experience as a
child in both the classroom and at home.
Does it affect the punisher as much as it does the one getting punished?
- I don't think parents who decide to punish their children like that necessarily want to do it and
seeing their child sad/ in pain isn't something they want to see. They could feel remorse or
sadness for their child even though they may believe its for the betterment of their child.
How does a spanking effect one socially, emotionally, and physically?
- it could make them uncomfortable with close human contact like hugging, and could make them
withdrawn in themselves to decrease the odds of getting spanked again. Or it could also make
the child lash out in anger and have the opposite affect.
Does punishment affect you differently if you are a public figure?
- yes because people are always watching your decisions and how you treat your own family.
Society now looks down at corporal punishment, what made them change their mind?
- the amount of violence that has always been there but now shown in the light of media may be a
reason why corporal punishment is looked down on.
Is positive and negative reinforcement more effective than a spanking?
- yes, because it shows the child they have more power in their emotions and shows that they can
internally deal with their problems rather than lash out externally by hitting something/

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