Вы находитесь на странице: 1из 28



select on sys.dba_source to developr;

create procedure to developer;

grant create session to developer;

grant execute on LOPS.LOPS5_AUDIT_TRAIL_OBJ to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.FNARRAYVARCHAR to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.FN_CHECK_TOTAL_POOL_PCN to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.FN_SURVEYDATE to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.FN_SURVEYID to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.F_GET_NOOFENT to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.LOPS5_AUDIT_TRAIL_OBJ to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PICTURE_OBJ to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.TVARCHARROW to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PICT_TABLE to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.TARRVARCHAR to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.LOPS5_UTIL_PKG to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_PKG to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.LOPS5_EXTERNAL_INTERFACE_PKG to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.LOPS5_INTERFACE_MAP to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.LOPS5_MAINT_MAS_PKG to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.LOPS5_REPORT_PKG to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.LOPS5_TRAN_PROC_PKG to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.LOPS5_AUTOINCREASE_PKG to developer;
============PACKAGE BODY===================



LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_PKG to developer;
LOPS.LOPS5_MAINT_MAS_PKG to developer;
LOPS.LOPS5_REPORT_PKG to developer;
LOPS.LOPS5_TRAN_PROC_PKG to developer;
LOPS.LOPS5_UTIL_PKG to developer;




LOPS.LOPS5_UTIL_PKG to developer;
LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_PKG to developer;
LOPS.LOPS5_MAINT_MAS_PKG to developer;
LOPS.LOPS5_REPORT_PKG to developer;
LOPS.LOPS5_TRAN_PROC_PKG to developer;








LOPS.E10ROLLBACK to developer;
LOPS.E10SPREAD2011023 to developer;
LOPS.E10SPREAD2011025 to developer;
LOPS.E10SPREAD20110420N to developer;
LOPS.E10SPREAD20110420S to developer;
LOPS.E10SPREADCHANGE to developer;
LOPS.E10SPREADNORTH20110531 to developer;

grant execute on LOPS.E10SPREADNORTH20110601 to developer;

grant execute on LOPS.E10SPREADSOUTH20110531 to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.SP_DATA_ARCHIVE to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.SP_FLUSH_TABLE to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.SP_GET_DUPLICATE_COMPSTREET to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.SP_JOB_CONTROLLER_DAILY to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.SP_JOB_CONTROLLER_MNTHLY to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.SP_LASTDATA_ARCHIVE_BYPROD to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.SP_RPT002 to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.SP_RPT006 to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.SP_RPT012 to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.SP_RPT014 to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.SP_R_PRIC_UPDATE to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.SP_TEMPCREATETESTUSER to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.SP_TMPMIGRATEUSER to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.SWAPPRODGRD to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.TEMP_LOAD_MRGN to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.TEMP_LOAD_MRGN_FEB_TO_SEP to developer;
grant execute on LOPS.SKE10PRODUCTSPREAD to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_LPC_BOUNDLIMIT_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_ANALYST_COMMENT_ARCH to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_ARCH_CONTROL_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_ARCH_INPUT_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_COMP_PRICE_ARCH to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_COMP_PRICE_CURR to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_COMP_PRICE_TRN to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_DATE_LOG to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_PRICE_ARCH to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_PRICE_CURR to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_PRICE_TRN to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_SITE_LOG to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_SITE_LOG_CURR to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_BRAND_REACTION_ARCH to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_BRAND_REACTION_RPT_TMP1 to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_BRAND_REACTION_TRN to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_PRICE_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_THDPAR_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_THDPAR_LNK_BCK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_COMP_PRICE to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_COMP_PRICE_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_PRICE to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_PRICE_TMP to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_ERROR_LOG to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_ERR_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_EXCEL_VOL_LOG to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_EXCEL_VOL_LOG_DTL to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_EXCEL_VOL_LOG_HDR to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_FILE_GENR_INFO to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_FUNCTION_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_FUTURE_LPC_BOUNDLIMIT to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_FUTURE_LPC_GRIDDATA to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_INPUT_PROCESS_LOG to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_LOMA_MAX_EFFCDATE_TMP to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_LPC_GRIDDATA_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_LPC_REV_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_MAX_EFFCDATE_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_MONTHLY_SITE_VOL_TRN to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_MONTHLY_VOLUME_META_XLS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_OUTPUT_PROCESS_LOG to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PDR_GRIDDATA_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PDR_LIMIT_TMP to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRICING_PROCESS_LOG to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PROCESS_LOG_MAS to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_REPORT_UTIL_DTL to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_REPORT_UTIL_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_REPROC_SURVEY_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITEASSOCIATIONSRPT_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PICTURE_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPACTVOLUMECOMP_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPARCHIVEDPCP_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPAVGDISCOUNT_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPBLACKLIST_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPBRANDANALYSIS_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPBRNDNAMES_TMP to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPBRNDREACTION_TMP to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPCOMPPRICE_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPDELTAPRICECOUNT_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPELASTICITY_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPLOMA_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPMRGNBKDWN_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPMRGRPT_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPLANVOLUMECOMP_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICECHANGE_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICECHNGANLY_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICECONTROL_TMP to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICELIST_TMP to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPSITEPOOLDOC_TMP to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPSURVEYENTRY_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPVOLUMECOMP_CNTY_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPVOLUMECOMP_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMP_REPORTPARAMS_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMP_RPT_SITELIST_TMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TMP_BRAND_NAMES_DUMMY to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.PLAN_TABLE to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.TOAD_PLAN_TABLE to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_QL2_SURVEY_COMP_LIST to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PROMO_PRIC_ARCH to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_REJECT_MSG_ARCH to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_NOTE_CANC_ARCH to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_MNTHLY_MRGN_ARCH to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_STATUS_QUERY_ARCH to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_WKLY_MRGN_ARCH to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_SITE_VOL_ARCH to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_MRGN_VALUE_ARCH to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_PROP_ARCH to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_NOTE_ARCH to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_AI_FLTR_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_AI_SPRD_DET to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_AI_STRAT_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_AI_TIME_TABLE_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_ARCH to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_FLTR_STATUS_ARCH to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_PRIC_ARCH to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.MV_RPT003 to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.MV_RPT004_NONREJECT to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.MV_RPT004_REJECT to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.MV_RPT004_RPTGRP_NONREJECT to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.MV_RPT004_RPTGRP_REJECT to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.MV_RPT005 to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.MV_RPT005_2 to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.MV_RPT006_1 to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.MV_RPT006_2 to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.MV_RPT008 to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.MV_RPT02 to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.MV_RPT012 to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.MV_RPT012A to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_ALT_FAX_NUMB_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_ANALYST_COMMENT to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_BRAND_DEFAULT_MAS to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_BRAND_DEFAULT_SPRD_MAS to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_CURR_CONV_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_CURR_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_HNDL_TYPE_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_PGRD_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_PRIM_PROD_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_PROD_UOM_CONV_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_PROD_UOM_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_UOM_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_COMM_MAS to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_PRIC_TRN to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_PRIC_TRN_CLEANUP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_COST_CMPT_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_COST_CMPT_VALUE_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_COST_GROUP_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_COST_GRP_COST_CMPT_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_COST_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_CURR_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_SITE_VOL_TRN to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_DAYW_FLTR_STRAT_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_EXT_INT_DATA_TMP to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_FIELD_REPN_MAS to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_FLTR_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_FLTR_STATUS_TRN to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_FLTR_STRAT_MRGN_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_FUNCTION_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_GROUP_PRICING_INFO_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_GROUP_SCREEN_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_HNDL_TYPE_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_INTERFACE_CNTY_DTL to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_INTERFACE_DTL to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_INTERFACE_MAS to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_LOMA_COMP_MAS to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_LOMA_FIELD_CNTY_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_LOMA_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_LOMA_MAS_ORDER to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_LPC_BOUND_MAS to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_MAST_SLAV_PGRD_SPRD_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_MAST_SLAV_POOL_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_MAST_SLAV_SITE_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_MNTHLY_MRGN_TRN to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_MRGN_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_MRGN_VALUE_TRN to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_ORGN_HIER_INTER to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_ORGN_HIER_INTERFACE to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_ORGN_HIER_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PARM_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PCN_SMS_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PGRD_HNDL_TYPE_SPRD_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_POOL_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_POOL_SPRD_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_NOTE_CANC_TRN to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_NOTE_TRN to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_PROP_TRN to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_PROP_TRN_CLEAN to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_REJECT_MSG_TRN to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_STATUS_QUERY_TRN to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_TRN to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_TRN_CLEANUP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIM_PROD_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PROD_COMM_MSG to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PROD_GRADE_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PROMO_PRIC_TRN to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_REASON_MAS to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_RPTGRP_CNTY_LNK to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_RPTGRP_CURR_CONV_MAS to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_RPTGRP_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_RPTGRP_UOM_CONV_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SCREEN_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SCREEN_MAS_MAP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SECN_PROD_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_COMP_PGRD_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_COMP_SPRD_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_CONFIG_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_CURR_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_FIELD_REPN_LNK to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_HIER_INTER to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_HIER_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_IP_ADDRESS_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PGRD_SPRD_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_POOL_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PROD_GRADE_INTE_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PROD_GRADE_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PROD_HNDL_TYPE_SPRD to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PROD_UOM_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_UOM_LNK to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SPCL_DAY_FLTR_STRAT_LNK to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_STRAT_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TAX_CMPT_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TAX_CMPT_VALUE_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TAX_GROUP_CMPT_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TAX_GROUP_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TAX_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TIME_TABLE_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_UOM_CONV_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_UOM_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_CNTY_LNK to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_CNTY_LNK_D to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_CNTY_SCREEN_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_CNTY_SCREEN_LNK_D to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_GROUP_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_GROUP_LNK_D to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_GROUP_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_MAS to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_MAS_D to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_PRIM_PROD_LNK to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_PRIM_PROD_LNK_D to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_WKLY_MRGN_TRN to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.TEMP_MAIL_DATA to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_QL2_SURVEY_DET to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_QL2_SURVEY_TEMP to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_COMP_PRICE_DUMMY to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_PRICE_DUMMY to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_DATE_DUMMY to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_MRGN_DUMMY to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_PRICE_DUMMY to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SUM_COMP_PRICE_DUMMY to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_SUM_PRICE_DUMMY to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPMRGNBKDWN_DUMMY to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICECONTROL_DUMMY to developer;

grant delete on LOPS.QUEST_SL_TEMP_EXPLAIN1 to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.QUEST_SL_TEMP_EXPLAIN2 to developer;
grant delete on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICEHISTORY_TMP to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_LPC_BOUNDLIMIT_TMP to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_ANALYST_COMMENT_ARCH to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_ARCH_CONTROL_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_ARCH_INPUT_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_COMP_PRICE_ARCH to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_COMP_PRICE_CURR to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_COMP_PRICE_TRN to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_DATE_LOG to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_PRICE_ARCH to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_PRICE_CURR to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_PRICE_TRN to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_SITE_LOG to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_SITE_LOG_CURR to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_BRAND_REACTION_ARCH to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_BRAND_REACTION_RPT_TMP1 to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_BRAND_REACTION_TRN to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_PRICE_TMP to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_THDPAR_LNK to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_THDPAR_LNK_BCK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_COMP_PRICE to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_COMP_PRICE_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_PRICE to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_PRICE_TMP to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_ERROR_LOG to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_ERR_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_EXCEL_VOL_LOG to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_EXCEL_VOL_LOG_DTL to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_EXCEL_VOL_LOG_HDR to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_FILE_GENR_INFO to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_FUNCTION_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_FUTURE_LPC_BOUNDLIMIT to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_FUTURE_LPC_GRIDDATA to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_INPUT_PROCESS_LOG to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_LOMA_MAX_EFFCDATE_TMP to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_LPC_GRIDDATA_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_LPC_REV_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_MAX_EFFCDATE_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_MONTHLY_SITE_VOL_TRN to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_MONTHLY_VOLUME_META_XLS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_OUTPUT_PROCESS_LOG to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PDR_GRIDDATA_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PDR_LIMIT_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRICING_PROCESS_LOG to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PROCESS_LOG_MAS to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_REPORT_UTIL_DTL to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_REPORT_UTIL_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_REPROC_SURVEY_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITEASSOCIATIONSRPT_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PICTURE_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPACTVOLUMECOMP_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPARCHIVEDPCP_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPAVGDISCOUNT_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPBLACKLIST_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPBRANDANALYSIS_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPBRNDNAMES_TMP to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPBRNDREACTION_TMP to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPCOMPPRICE_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPDELTAPRICECOUNT_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPELASTICITY_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPLOMA_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPMRGNBKDWN_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPMRGRPT_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPLANVOLUMECOMP_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICECHANGE_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICECHNGANLY_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICECONTROL_TMP to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICELIST_TMP to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPSITEPOOLDOC_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPSURVEYENTRY_TMP to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPVOLUMECOMP_CNTY_TMP to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPVOLUMECOMP_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMP_REPORTPARAMS_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMP_RPT_SITELIST_TMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TMP_BRAND_NAMES_DUMMY to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.PLAN_TABLE to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.TOAD_PLAN_TABLE to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_QL2_SURVEY_COMP_LIST to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PROMO_PRIC_ARCH to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_REJECT_MSG_ARCH to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_NOTE_CANC_ARCH to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_MNTHLY_MRGN_ARCH to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_STATUS_QUERY_ARCH to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_WKLY_MRGN_ARCH to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_SITE_VOL_ARCH to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_MRGN_VALUE_ARCH to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_PROP_ARCH to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_NOTE_ARCH to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_AI_FLTR_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_AI_SPRD_DET to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_AI_STRAT_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_AI_TIME_TABLE_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_ARCH to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_FLTR_STATUS_ARCH to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_PRIC_ARCH to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.MV_RPT003 to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.MV_RPT004_NONREJECT to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.MV_RPT004_REJECT to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.MV_RPT004_RPTGRP_NONREJECT to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.MV_RPT004_RPTGRP_REJECT to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.MV_RPT005 to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.MV_RPT005_2 to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.MV_RPT006_1 to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.MV_RPT006_2 to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.MV_RPT008 to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.MV_RPT02 to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.MV_RPT012 to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.MV_RPT012A to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_ALT_FAX_NUMB_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_ANALYST_COMMENT to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_BRAND_DEFAULT_MAS to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_BRAND_DEFAULT_SPRD_MAS to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_CURR_CONV_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_CURR_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_HNDL_TYPE_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_PGRD_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_PRIM_PROD_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_PROD_UOM_CONV_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_PROD_UOM_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_UOM_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_COMM_MAS to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_PRIC_TRN to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_PRIC_TRN_CLEANUP to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_COST_CMPT_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_COST_CMPT_VALUE_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_COST_GROUP_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_COST_GRP_COST_CMPT_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_COST_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_CURR_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_SITE_VOL_TRN to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_DAYW_FLTR_STRAT_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_EXT_INT_DATA_TMP to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_FIELD_REPN_MAS to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_FLTR_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_FLTR_STATUS_TRN to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_FLTR_STRAT_MRGN_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_FUNCTION_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_GROUP_PRICING_INFO_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_GROUP_SCREEN_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_HNDL_TYPE_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_INTERFACE_CNTY_DTL to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_INTERFACE_DTL to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_INTERFACE_MAS to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_LOMA_COMP_MAS to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_LOMA_FIELD_CNTY_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_LOMA_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_LOMA_MAS_ORDER to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_LPC_BOUND_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_MAST_SLAV_PGRD_SPRD_LNK to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_MAST_SLAV_POOL_MAS to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_MAST_SLAV_SITE_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_MNTHLY_MRGN_TRN to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_MRGN_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_MRGN_VALUE_TRN to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_ORGN_HIER_INTER to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_ORGN_HIER_INTERFACE to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_ORGN_HIER_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PARM_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PCN_SMS_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PGRD_HNDL_TYPE_SPRD_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_POOL_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_POOL_SPRD_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_NOTE_CANC_TRN to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_NOTE_TRN to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_PROP_TRN to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_PROP_TRN_CLEAN to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_REJECT_MSG_TRN to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_STATUS_QUERY_TRN to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_TRN to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_TRN_CLEANUP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIM_PROD_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PROD_COMM_MSG to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PROD_GRADE_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PROMO_PRIC_TRN to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_REASON_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_RPTGRP_CNTY_LNK to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_RPTGRP_CURR_CONV_MAS to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_RPTGRP_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_RPTGRP_UOM_CONV_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SCREEN_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SCREEN_MAS_MAP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SECN_PROD_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_COMP_PGRD_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_COMP_SPRD_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_CONFIG_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_CURR_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_FIELD_REPN_LNK to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_HIER_INTER to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_HIER_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_IP_ADDRESS_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PGRD_SPRD_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_POOL_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PROD_GRADE_INTE_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PROD_GRADE_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PROD_HNDL_TYPE_SPRD to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PROD_UOM_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_UOM_LNK to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SPCL_DAY_FLTR_STRAT_LNK to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_STRAT_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TAX_CMPT_MAS to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TAX_CMPT_VALUE_MAS to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TAX_GROUP_CMPT_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TAX_GROUP_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TAX_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TIME_TABLE_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_UOM_CONV_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_UOM_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_CNTY_LNK to developer;

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_CNTY_LNK_D to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_CNTY_SCREEN_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_CNTY_SCREEN_LNK_D to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_GROUP_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_GROUP_LNK_D to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_GROUP_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_MAS to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_MAS_D to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_PRIM_PROD_LNK to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_PRIM_PROD_LNK_D to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_WKLY_MRGN_TRN to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.TEMP_MAIL_DATA to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_QL2_SURVEY_DET to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_QL2_SURVEY_TEMP to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_COMP_PRICE_DUMMY to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_PRICE_DUMMY to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_DATE_DUMMY to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_MRGN_DUMMY to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_PRICE_DUMMY to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SUM_COMP_PRICE_DUMMY to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_SUM_PRICE_DUMMY to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPMRGNBKDWN_DUMMY to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICECONTROL_DUMMY to developer;

grant insert on LOPS.QUEST_SL_TEMP_EXPLAIN1 to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.QUEST_SL_TEMP_EXPLAIN2 to developer;
grant insert on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICEHISTORY_TMP to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_LPC_BOUNDLIMIT_TMP to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_ANALYST_COMMENT_ARCH to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_ARCH_CONTROL_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_ARCH_INPUT_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_COMP_PRICE_ARCH to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_COMP_PRICE_CURR to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_COMP_PRICE_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_DATE_LOG to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_PRICE_ARCH to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_PRICE_CURR to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_PRICE_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_SITE_LOG to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_AVG_SITE_LOG_CURR to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_BRAND_REACTION_ARCH to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_BRAND_REACTION_RPT_TMP1 to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_BRAND_REACTION_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_PRICE_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_THDPAR_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_THDPAR_LNK_BCK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_COMP_PRICE to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_COMP_PRICE_TMP to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_PRICE to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_PRICE_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_ERROR_LOG to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_ERR_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_EXCEL_VOL_LOG to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_EXCEL_VOL_LOG_DTL to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_EXCEL_VOL_LOG_HDR to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_FILE_GENR_INFO to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_FUNCTION_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_FUTURE_LPC_BOUNDLIMIT to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_FUTURE_LPC_GRIDDATA to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_INPUT_PROCESS_LOG to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_LOMA_MAX_EFFCDATE_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_LPC_GRIDDATA_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_LPC_REV_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_MAX_EFFCDATE_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_MONTHLY_SITE_VOL_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_MONTHLY_VOLUME_META_XLS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_OUTPUT_PROCESS_LOG to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PDR_GRIDDATA_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PDR_LIMIT_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRICING_PROCESS_LOG to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PROCESS_LOG_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_REPORT_UTIL_DTL to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_REPORT_UTIL_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_REPROC_SURVEY_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITEASSOCIATIONSRPT_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PICTURE_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPACTVOLUMECOMP_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPARCHIVEDPCP_TMP to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPAVGDISCOUNT_TMP to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPBLACKLIST_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPBRANDANALYSIS_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPBRNDNAMES_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPBRNDREACTION_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPCOMPPRICE_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPDELTAPRICECOUNT_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPELASTICITY_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPLOMA_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPMRGNBKDWN_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPMRGRPT_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPLANVOLUMECOMP_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICECHANGE_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICECHNGANLY_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICECONTROL_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICELIST_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPSITEPOOLDOC_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPSURVEYENTRY_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPVOLUMECOMP_CNTY_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPVOLUMECOMP_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMP_REPORTPARAMS_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMP_RPT_SITELIST_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TMP_BRAND_NAMES_DUMMY to developer;
grant select on LOPS.PLAN_TABLE to developer;
grant select on LOPS.TOAD_PLAN_TABLE to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_QL2_SURVEY_COMP_LIST to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PROMO_PRIC_ARCH to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_REJECT_MSG_ARCH to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_NOTE_CANC_ARCH to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_MNTHLY_MRGN_ARCH to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_STATUS_QUERY_ARCH to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_WKLY_MRGN_ARCH to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_SITE_VOL_ARCH to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_MRGN_VALUE_ARCH to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_PROP_ARCH to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_NOTE_ARCH to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_AI_FLTR_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_AI_SPRD_DET to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_AI_STRAT_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_AI_TIME_TABLE_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_ARCH to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_FLTR_STATUS_ARCH to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_PRIC_ARCH to developer;
grant select on LOPS.MV_RPT003 to developer;
grant select on LOPS.MV_RPT004_NONREJECT to developer;
grant select on LOPS.MV_RPT004_REJECT to developer;
grant select on LOPS.MV_RPT004_RPTGRP_NONREJECT to developer;
grant select on LOPS.MV_RPT004_RPTGRP_REJECT to developer;
grant select on LOPS.MV_RPT005 to developer;
grant select on LOPS.MV_RPT005_2 to developer;
grant select on LOPS.MV_RPT006_1 to developer;
grant select on LOPS.MV_RPT006_2 to developer;
grant select on LOPS.MV_RPT008 to developer;
grant select on LOPS.MV_RPT02 to developer;
grant select on LOPS.MV_RPT012 to developer;
grant select on LOPS.MV_RPT012A to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_ALT_FAX_NUMB_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_ANALYST_COMMENT to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_BRAND_DEFAULT_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_BRAND_DEFAULT_SPRD_MAS to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_CURR_CONV_MAS to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_CURR_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_HNDL_TYPE_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_PGRD_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_PRIM_PROD_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_PROD_UOM_CONV_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_PROD_UOM_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_CNTY_UOM_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_COMM_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_PRIC_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_COMP_PRIC_TRN_CLEANUP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_COST_CMPT_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_COST_CMPT_VALUE_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_COST_GROUP_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_COST_GRP_COST_CMPT_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_COST_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_CURR_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_SITE_VOL_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_DAYW_FLTR_STRAT_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_EXT_INT_DATA_TMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_FIELD_REPN_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_FLTR_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_FLTR_STATUS_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_FLTR_STRAT_MRGN_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_FUNCTION_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_GROUP_PRICING_INFO_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_GROUP_SCREEN_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_HNDL_TYPE_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_INTERFACE_CNTY_DTL to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_INTERFACE_DTL to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_INTERFACE_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_LOMA_COMP_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_LOMA_FIELD_CNTY_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_LOMA_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_LOMA_MAS_ORDER to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_LPC_BOUND_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_MAST_SLAV_PGRD_SPRD_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_MAST_SLAV_POOL_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_MAST_SLAV_SITE_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_MNTHLY_MRGN_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_MRGN_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_MRGN_VALUE_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_ORGN_HIER_INTER to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_ORGN_HIER_INTERFACE to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_ORGN_HIER_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PARM_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PCN_SMS_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PGRD_HNDL_TYPE_SPRD_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_POOL_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_POOL_SPRD_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_NOTE_CANC_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_NOTE_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_PROP_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_CHNG_PROP_TRN_CLEAN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_REJECT_MSG_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_STATUS_QUERY_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIC_TRN_CLEANUP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRIM_PROD_MAS to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PROD_COMM_MSG to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PROD_GRADE_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PROMO_PRIC_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_REASON_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_RPTGRP_CNTY_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_RPTGRP_CURR_CONV_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_RPTGRP_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_RPTGRP_UOM_CONV_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SCREEN_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SCREEN_MAS_MAP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SECN_PROD_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_COMP_PGRD_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_COMP_SPRD_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_CONFIG_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_CURR_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_FIELD_REPN_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_HIER_INTER to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_HIER_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_IP_ADDRESS_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PGRD_SPRD_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_POOL_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PROD_GRADE_INTE_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PROD_GRADE_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PROD_HNDL_TYPE_SPRD to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_PROD_UOM_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SITE_UOM_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SPCL_DAY_FLTR_STRAT_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_STRAT_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TAX_CMPT_MAS to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TAX_CMPT_VALUE_MAS to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TAX_GROUP_CMPT_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TAX_GROUP_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TAX_ORGN_HIER_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TIME_TABLE_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_UOM_CONV_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_UOM_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_CNTY_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_CNTY_LNK_D to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_CNTY_SCREEN_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_CNTY_SCREEN_LNK_D to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_GROUP_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_GROUP_LNK_D to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_GROUP_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_MAS to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_MAS_D to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_PRIM_PROD_LNK to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_USER_PRIM_PROD_LNK_D to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_WKLY_MRGN_TRN to developer;
grant select on LOPS.TEMP_MAIL_DATA to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_QL2_SURVEY_DET to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_QL2_SURVEY_TEMP to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_COMP_PRICE_DUMMY to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_DAILY_PRICE_DUMMY to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_DATE_DUMMY to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_MRGN_DUMMY to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_PRICE_DUMMY to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SUM_COMP_PRICE_DUMMY to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_SUM_PRICE_DUMMY to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPMRGNBKDWN_DUMMY to developer;

grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICECONTROL_DUMMY to developer;
grant select on LOPS.QUEST_SL_TEMP_EXPLAIN1 to developer;
grant select on LOPS.QUEST_SL_TEMP_EXPLAIN2 to developer;
grant select on LOPS.LOPS5_TEMPPRICEHISTORY_TMP to developer;

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