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Northern Health listw/) and Social Care Trust STANDING ORDERS AND TRUST BOARD PROCEDURES REVISED OCTOBER 2014 NORTHERN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE TRUST STANDING ORDERS CONTENT Page 4. ITRoDUCTION 12 a a 14 BENSESESS at a3 ae 35 a6 a8 a a a3 a6 8 318 ar 318 0 320 a 4% 43 Stator Framework HPSS Framework Delegation of Powers Inigrted Governance ‘THE TRUST BOARD: COMPOSITION OF MEMBERSHIP, TENURE AND 35 ROLE OF MEMBERS: ‘Compostion of the Trust Board ‘Appartment of he Charman and Members ‘Tema of Offs ofthe Chatman and Members -Apponimentang Powers of Vee-Chaiman ‘oie enbere Role of embers Gaperate Rl ofthe Boars ‘Schedule of Matters Reserved tothe Bosrd and Scheme of Delegation Used Roles of Bord members MEETINGS OF THE TRUST ou ating Neatings Note of Mestngs andthe business to be vaneactes Speaking Preble Gueslons ‘Agenda and Supporting Papers Patios Notice of Mton Emergency Motions Notions: Procedure at and dxng a meeting Chozmon of meang Chatmars rung Suerum Voting ‘Suspension of Staning Ode Varaton and arienoment of Standing Orders Record of tendanee Nts ‘Admission of public ae he pre Cbserers st Fost meetings [APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES and SUBCOMMITTEES. 1817 Appeiciment of Comitoes ‘ont Conmitees ‘Aoplcabity of Standing oor and Stancng Finacial instruction lo Commitees ‘Terms of Reference Delegation of Powers

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