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Robert Green

Grade Level:
Title of
Amount of

Fall 2014 Internship

6th Grade
Food & Culture
45-Minute Period
By the end of the course, students will be able to recall and explain
mathematics concepts using academic language.
By the end of the unit, the students will learn how about food culture,
key materials needed to cook, doubling a recipe, halving a recipe,
increasing a recipe, decreasing a recipe, and applying recipes to the realworld.
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to define culture, relate
different ethnical ingredients to ingredients they use at home, and create
a bar graph on class data related to the students' favorite ethnic food.


Display numerical data in plots on a number line, including dot plots,
histograms, and box plots.
Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a
text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a
flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table).
Differentiate between continents, regions, countries, and cities in order to
understand the complexities of regions created by civilizations.


After direct instruction on how cultures have influenced the food

American eat, student will define culture in their own words using proper
English and spelling with 100% accuracy.
Given the class data collected on the students' favorite ethnic food,
students will create a line graph including the title of the graph, a label of
the horizontal axis, a label of the vertical axis, and identify the data on
the horizontal axis and the vertical axis with 80% accuracy.
After direct instruction on how cultures have influenced the food
Americans eat and completing the favorite ethnic food line graph, the
students will describe what they learn about how other cultures have
influence the way Americans eat using proper English and spelling with
80% accuracy.

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship


Promethean Board, Promethean Slate, Food and Culture flipchart,

ActivInspire, Entry 1: Food and Culture worksheet, pencil, color pencils,
microphone and classroom sound system.


What is culture?
What are the parts of a line graph?
What did you learn from this lesson?
What would you like to learn more about food from other cultures?


Creating bar graphs

Identifying parts of bar graphs

Culture - The beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group,
place, or time.
Title - Name of recipe.
Ingredients - Food items required to make the recipe.
Directions - Step-by-step instructions on how to make the recipe.

1. Ask the students: What is culture?

2. Write the students ideas down on the flipchart.
3. Have the students watch Pass the Plate: Rice.
4. Ask the students how has rice influence how people cook it around the
5. Have the student write their own definition of culture on the

practice, and

1. After discussing culture, tell the students they will look at five
different ethnic cuisines and discuss common ingredients that belong to
each ethnic group.
2. Display the Hispanic slide. Discuss what countries make up the
Hispanic culture. List the common ingredients found in Hispanic food.

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

activity) :

3. Have the students write down three ingredients they are familiar with
at home.
4. Have a student read the Corn and Black Bean Salsa recipe. Ask the
students if they recognize any of the ingredients in this recipe.
5. Display the Asian slide. Discuss what countries make up the Asian
culture. List the common ingredients found in Asian food.

6. Have the students write down three ingredients they are familiar with
at home.

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

7. Have a student read the Golden Baked Curry Beef Triangles recipe.
Ask the students if they recognize any of the ingredients in this recipe.
8. Display the African slide. Discuss what countries make up the African
culture. List the common ingredients found in African food.

9. Have the students write down three ingredients they are familiar with
at home.
10. Have a student read the Chicken and Okra Stew recipe. Ask the
students if they recognize any of the ingredients in this recipe.
11. Display the European/Mediterranean slide. Discuss what countries
make up the European/Mediterranean culture. List the common
ingredients found in European/Mediterranean food.

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

12. Have the students write down three ingredients they are familiar with
at home.
13. Have a student read the BBQ Chicken Pizza recipe. Ask the students
if they recognize any of the ingredients in this recipe.
14. Now have the student turn the worksheet over. Explain to the
students that they will be passing the microphone around the room so
each student can tell the class what is his/her favorite ethnic food. The
choices are Italian, Chinese, Mexican, and Other. Explain to the students
if they choose other they will have to tell the class what is their favorite
ethnic food. Tell the students that they will be responsible for keeping
tally for each student's favorite food. To make sure all the students has
the same data, take a quick poll for each category.
15. Explain to the students that they will be making a line graph for the
data. Tell the students that they will need to include the data on the
vertical axis and the horizontal axis, label each axis, create a scale
(quickly review what is a scale), and give the graph a title.
16. Explain to the students that they will start this in class and will
complete it for homework.
17. If there is time, quickly ask the students the following questions and
record their answers:
What did you learn from this lesson?
What would you like to learn more about food from other cultures?

Robert Green

for ELL

Fall 2014 Internship

18. Have the students pack up their stuff and get ready to move onto the
next period.
Level 3
During Lesson (Instruction):
- Allow student more time to respond to questions during direct
instruction and guided practice.
- Adjust rate of speech during instruction to enhance the students
comprehension of the lesson.
During Homework and/or Class work:
- Provide students with clear directions during the lesson. Simplify and
chunk the directions as needed.
- Model an example of the line graph for the student.
During Assessment:
- Require the students to show the labeled parts of the line graph
before they can plot the points.
- Allow the student to work with a friend in the class.

for ESE

During Lesson (Instruction):

- Orally check for understanding.
- Write key points on the board.
- Provide student with extra wait time.
During Homework and/or Class work:
- Model an example of the line graph for the student.
- Have the student use the think aloud strategy when answering a
- Allow the student extra time to complete the worksheet
During Assessment:
- Ensure oral directions are understood.
- Provide student with an example of the final product.
- Allow students to work with a friend or a positive role model.


Formative Assessment
The teacher will circulate around the room during the lesson to monitor if
the students are on task and behaving. The teacher will provide
immediate feedback after each question. While students work
individually to complete Entry 1 Food and Culture, the teacher will
circulate the room to see if the students are working together and if they
are all on task.
Summative Assessment:

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

This entry is the first entry of a recipe book (portfolio) on the recipe unit.
The students will complete 8 entries and put together a recipe book with
a title page, table of contents, and the entry pages. This project will be
worth 140 points.

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

Entry #1: Food and Culture

What is Culture?

What three Hispanic ingredients sound familiar to you?

1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________

What three Asian ingredients sound familiar to you?

1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________

What three African ingredients sound familiar to you?

1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________

What three European/Mediterranean ingredients sound familiar to you?

1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________

Robert Green


Fall 2014 Internship




What did you learn from this lesson? _____________________________


What would you like to learn more about food from other cultures? ______

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