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Scarlet letter Essay: Good V.

The struggle between good and evil is the basis for
any good work of literature. The scarlet letter is a unique
story when it comes to the battle of light over darkness. Each
character has his own sins, whether hidden or exposed, that
blights his nature.
While their act of adultery is certainly presented as
sinful in the eyes of God and Puritan society, Hester and
Dimmesdale themselves are unquestionably good, upstanding
people who benefit others in their community. Although they
suffer as a result of their sin (Hester publicly and Dimmesdale
privately), they continue to use their positions in society in a
positive way. On the one hand, Hester fell from good and delve
into sin and the book greatly focuses on her quest for
redemption. Her impurity, represented by her daughter, Pearl,
shows how she has fallen from grace and into the town's
disgrace. On the other hand, even though Hester was viewed as
a shameful person in the society, author describes her as having
good morality and an astonishingly beautiful soul.
In contrast, Roger Chillingworth embodies evil. In this
battle of good v. evil, light v. Darkness, Hester is trying to get
Chillingworth to give up his fixation with revealing
Dimmesdale as the adulterer he really is, meanwhile Cs only
joy comes from watching this ailing man squirm. C is persistent
in his attempts to provoke a confession out of D. Hester plays
the good person in the situation by being there for D and telling
him to relinquish his self-torture because of his sin and guilt.
This battle goes on throughout the entire book, one example is
that when D is glancing out of his window, C knows that the
cause of his illness is not only physical but also rooted under his
mental unease that is hidden in his soul, so that he goes over and
tries to suck out information. They end up discussing the nature
of forgiveness and confession, but Dimmesdale gets aware when
C urges him to confess and runs out of the room to avoid being
trapped into an unwanted confession.

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