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Criterion D: Evaluating

Self-evaluation of my logo design:

Discuss your performance at each stage (A-D) of the process:
A. INVESTIGATE: Please rate your performance

I completed extensive research and investigation into logos and my chosen cause
I completed moderate research and investigation into logos and my chosen cause
I completed limited research and investigation into logos and my chosen cause

B. DESIGN: How successful would you describe your design in regards to the elements and
principles of design and the values of your chosen cause?
I believe that my design followed the elements and principles of designing a logo, as it clearly showed the
cause and had a strong and eye catching slogan
C. PLAN: How well did you show the development of your design, including clear
annotations, in the initial drawing stages of your design and in your use of ICT?

Very good



No evidence

D. CREATE: How successful is your final logo for your T-shirt?

Talk about what you did well, whether you followed your plan, and what you could have done
During the creation of my logo I had various ideas floating around my head but decided on two ideas to
attempted to make, after my first idea did not work as I thought, I began to work on the one that I am
presenting. I decided to use this one because I believe it gave of a better message, overall I think that my
logo itself was a success but I would of liked to have pit in more research to make it go to the next level.
Which other students work do you most admire and why?
I most admire Sonny Moshinskys work as it shows his high level of skill in both researching and
Photoshop design, I thought his piece contained the highest level of difficulty and he backed it up with a
good slogan.

Peer Evaluation of your logo design:

Peer Evaluators Name: Chris Rigopoulos
The following is a list of statements to respond to. Think carefully before assigning rating values for
each of the statements.
1-Strongly Agree




5-Strongly Disagree

Elements & Principles:
The logo design is successful
in applying the elements and
principles of design and the
values of the chosen cause.

The Cause:
The logo design clearly
identifies the organisation to
which the cause belongs.

Communication of Values:
The values or aims of the
cause are clearly

Peer Feedback

Your Response
I believe that this feedback
for this category is correct as
it shows that I have
completed some of the
elements of design but have
also missed out on others too.

I think that I clearly showed

the organisation to which the
cause belonged to racism, it
stops with me.

My logo shows the values and

aim of design, therefor I agree
with the grade, but wonder
what more would of needed
to be done to get a 1.

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