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3x3 Sample Reading

How would you interpret this 3x3 for a female querent with the following
question? "What will my life be like if I quit my current job and move to
another area to find other work?"
From the Alone's Vision Lenormand deck.
Top row- Bear, Fish, Key
Middle - Whip, Clouds, Dog

Bottom - Stork, Ring, Tower

As interpreted by Sharon Brown

The central theme is Clouds/Confusion. So this may very well feel like the
million dollar question for you. This can also suggest some discontent in
your current job and/or location. Seems like there is confusion and a lot of
what-ifs that surround you with regard to this job concern.

With Bear as the first card, or the trigger, the desire to be more in charge of
your life and work may be triggering this need for a change. The outer cards
as influencing factors (Bear + Tower and Key + Storks) may indicate your
desire to have a bigger/better position with a good company (Bear + Tower),
along with the desire to successfully migrate (Key + Stork). So this seems to
be a very big concern for you and not just a random idea.

In fact, Bear + Whip + Stork (as the past) suggest that you've probably been
considering this change for a while now, as your sense of control (Bear) has
felt somewhat conflicted (Whip) in your current job situation, and you have
wanted to change and migrate or find an improved situation (Storks).

Currently, salary or money may be questionable in this present job (Fish +

Clouds), despite your level of commitment or dedication (Ring). And thus, you
question or find it to be uncertain as to whether youll maintain this current
commitment or not (Clouds + Ring).

The future with Key + Dog + Tower indicates this change can be successful
(Key) and supportive (Dog) with a new company (Tower). You may very well
find the support you need to create a successful situation if you do this.

Bear + Fish + Key (whats on your mind/the concern): The successful

management of money and resources seems to be a concern for you. Thus,
you may be questioning whether you can afford to initiate this kind of

Whip + Clouds + Dog (what youre presently handling or dealing with): This
current job seems to hold a lot of conflict and confusion and perhaps not a
lot in the way of support. You dont necessarily seem loyal to this particular
job right now. So there doesn't seem to be a lot that makes you want to stay

Stork + Ring + Tower (the undercurrent what is known, accept, recognized,

or under control): Here we see a change in work commitments. You know this
is a change that you seriously want. And its certainly within your control to
make this change if you decide to do this.

Overall, to directly answer this question, I see that quitting your job and
moving to find another job may be the key to finding a better sense of
support and perhaps a better/bigger job for you. With the Dog in the final
column, I think you will feel supported in this endeavor and/or you have the
means to do this. From the first column with the Bear, it seems you have a
desire to be more in charge of your life and direction, and this may afford you
the opportunity to be successful (Key) through this change (Storks). You want
something better, and it looks like youll be able to find and create that.

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