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Parenting Classes for a better future

Vanneza Aguirre
Rowan Cabarrus Community College
Writing and Inquiry


Parenting Classes for a better future

To become a Lawyer classes have to be taken, to become a teacher classes have to be

taken, for any career chosen, classes have to be taken. Even for minimum wage jobs classes
might not have to be taken but some form of training is always required. Brentwood Principal
Dianna Chadd said "Parenting is your most important job, ever," (Janssen, 2011) so why is it that
classes arent mandatory when becoming a parent? As a 21 year old soon to be 22 on the 14th of
November, parenting classes seem like a must. The younger a person is, the less likely there is
any experience. One can be convinced they would be a pretty great mom or dad but still consider
taking a couple of parenting classes before having children. Not because one is a horrible person
or the fear of getting so stressed to the point of hurting ones own children and following
everything learned there is not necessary, but taking parenting classes would give an insight into
parenting and at least teach the basics. A lot of times parents make simple mistakes that could
have been avoided if only they knew how to handle the situation. There are different types of
parenting classes, some for parents to be, dealing with toddlers and even teenagers. Whether its
parents to be, parents of three or parents dealing with teens, all should take parenting classes
because it will help reduce stress, help raise better behaved children, and could save childrens
Mandatory parenting classes would help reduce stress on parents because they can find
support amongst other parents. "With the economy as it is, parents are going through different
stresses and changes," said Monchelle Davis. (Janssen, 2011) Imagine adding a newborn into the
mixture, not having a clue where to even begin. Director of Educational Ministries Sarah Deans
Adams said, "There is a place they can find some help with what is a struggle for many,"
(Janssen, 2011) All parents can seek help, they are not the only ones who struggle with


parenting. Many parents are too proud to ask for help and would rather suffocate themselves with
stress and risk getting depressed. There is no reason why parents should have to go through this.
It is very common to ask other parents about their ways to go about parenting and methods of
keeping calm. Armour-Thomas said she enjoyed the class as much for the new parenting
methods she learned as the support she gained in talking with other parents. (Janssen, 2011)
Having that comradery with other parents would provide a support system to rely on and allow
parents to give as well as receive ideas from other parents experiencing the same problems or
that may have experienced them before.
Childrens actions and behavior patterns start at home and parenting classes would help
parents teach them better. Armout-Thomas said she's learned to focus on and reinforce her 6year-old daughter Safiya's positive behavior instead of her negative behavior. (Janssen, 2011)
Sometimes focusing on the negative is not the best way to go and the more parents reinforce
positive behavior, children will stop trying to act out in a negative way. Families participating
in peer-led parenting classes experience improvements in children's disruptive behavior
problems and parenting practices, according to a study published online March 13 in BMJ.
(Peer-Led Parenting Classes Benefit Parents and Children, 2012) A lot of parents think the child
is acting out just because and tend to ignore it. Children get worse and shut parents out at times
and parents no longer have the control. Often times parents forget to make time for their
children and start losing that connection they once had. This can then result to stressed and
sometimes violent parents when punishing children. What parents really need to realize is that
without a relationship with your children, you have little influence over their behavior." (Umble,


Most importantly parenting classes could go as far as saving childrens lives. Emily
Harvey, has two boys with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and she said she's learned
different methods to use with her sons instead of spanking and yelling. (Janssen, 2011) Different
children require different types of discipline and without parenting classes parents tend to do the
same as their parents did. Youth Services Bureau facilitators Courtney and Monchelle Davis for
Brentwood's parenting class encouraged parents to leave their values and the parenting methods
of their parents behind, although it may be difficult at first. (Janssen, 2011) Often times parents
hear that their own parents know best but sometimes have to admit that they dont always know
best. After all they are human. So many sad stories of children getting beaten to death by their
own parents are heard about all the time. The child had done something wrong and the parents
discipline methods got out of control. Often times they too were beaten severely by their parents
when they were young and admit that was the only form of discipline they knew. Minn Myint
Nan Tin, director of the Burmese Advocacy Center, said it was an adjustment for her to
discipline her son in the United States after moving from Burma, where corporal punishment is
encouraged in both the home and in school. (Janssen, 2011) Parenting classes can help open up
minds and help determine the right form of discipline to correct behavior without death being
Some people might say mandatory parenting classes would be a waste of tax money but a
lot more money is already being spent on adoption agencies, correctional facilities and
emergency responders. When parents get stressed out knowing they dont have any support,
sometimes leads them to putting their babies up for adoption. Parenting classes allow parents to
form a support group amongst themselves and could potentially prevent parents giving up their
babies. Parents building relationships and reinforcing their childrens positive behavior can lead


to less crime which would lead to less money being spent on correctional facilities. Learning
how to correctly punish children could help reduce accidents and less emergency responders
being used. There are many churches and schools willing to donate money to form parenting
classes as well as their own time, so there would still be some tax money being put in, but it
would be for a great cause.
"In this country, we tend to see parent education as a punishment, and we really, really
have to get away from that," (Umble, 2012) There are many benefits to taking parenting classes
and although not everyone agrees mandatory parenting classes would be a benefit for society.
There wouldnt be as many stressed out parents, not knowing what theyre doing wrong or who
to turn to, children acting out in volatile ways, or unnecessary deaths. Even when someone thinks
they will be the best parent possible, it is still better to be safe than sorry. All parents should want
the best for their children and taking parenting classes is a great place to start.



Janssen, S. (2011, October 27). Classes provide learning opportunity, support for parents. The
Peer-Led Parenting Classes Benefit Parents and Children. (2012, March 14). HealthDay
Consumer News Service.
Umble, A. (2012, April 8). City offering free parenting classes. The Free Lance-Star.

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