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Erica Boakye
RWS 1301/English 1311
Prof. Riley Welcker
Assign. 6 -- Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography based on the struggles in life Life Ups and Downs
Harris, H. A. (1951). My Academic Life. British Medical Journal, 2, 429-431.
The author of this article is a professor that has travelled to many places since childhood. Life
was hard for him at first in his school days due to the movement to different places. Despite the
entire struggle he was going through, he managed to take an entrance exam to college where he
earned a scholarship, read science at Cardiff and took the course for training teachers. He failed
but ended up succeeding in life later on. This is a good example of why we should never give up
on our lives. Our struggles in life lead us to success.
Luper, S. (2013). Exhausting Life. Special Issue: The Benefits and Harms of Existence and
Non-Existence. Journal of Ethics, 17, 99-119.
This article talks about perfecting our lives in our early ages. The author argues that
Dying earlier rather than later would shorten life, but a longer perfect life is no better than a
shorter perfect life. We are scared to die in our early ages but that should never stop us from
living a good life. We should be good to ourselves and others and take risks in life to do better

things. We should take chances and live life right although problems will arrive, there will
always be a way of coming out of those problem.
Demartini, J. (n.d.). Loving Your Life Through The Ups Downs. Retrieved from
On this website, the author points out how people used to look at their lives and felt like giving
up on everything because they werent even worth anything after all. However, he reminds us
that not everything comes easy some must be worked very hard for. It is easy to be grateful
when life is giving you roses. The task becomes more complicated when youre feeling the sting
of the thorns, he said. Although life is not always as sweet us we desire, we must still be
grateful for everything in our lives in order to deal with everyday challenges.
Duttmann, G. A. (2014). The Feeling of Life. Oxford Literary Review, 36, 49-61. doi:
Is there a feeling of life, and if so, can deconstruction contribute to its elucidation? There is a
feeling of life precisely because life is traversed, and sustained, by a tension: everything happens
only once and yet, precisely because it happens once, everything also happens more than once,
asked and answered by the author. Here, the author is saying that deconstruction contributes to
lifes illustration because life travels around and so everyone knows how life treats them in
different ways. This shows that even though something happens only once in a place, it goes
around and happens in another place.
How to Enjoy the Ups and Downs in Life. (n.d.). Retrieved from

The author of this online article gives some steps that explain how to enjoy life through the ups
and downs. The steps include: Thinking positive about the situation that youre in, Showing
appreciation to everything that you have, Smiling all the time, Knowing that life is a journey, not
a destination, and Remembering all the good things and the good times that youve done and
been through. This means that when you think doubtlessly, you are grateful for everything you
have and you are always happy which makes you realize that life is a trip not a goal.
Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre International. (n.d.). Overcoming Ups & Downs in Life.
Retrieved from www.scientology.cc/en_US/into/courses/ups_downs.html
This website argues that the saying that ups and downs are just part of life is never true. There
are times where you feel very good and then a short time later, you feel bad. Life is like a roller
coaster where you are not in control. The setbacks that we experience in life are the main
reasons life has so many challenges. When we keep looking back at the things that happened to
us in the past, we cannot move on because we remind ourselves of the pain that we have been
through which is unhealthy for us.
Cleland C. E. (2012). Philosophical Problems About Life. Life without definitions, 185, 125-144.
Retrieved from 0-www.jstor.org.lib.utep.edu/stable
The author of this article talks about life in science terms. He explores a variety of different
definitional approaches, both traditional and non-traditional, that have been used to define life.
He argues that scientifically compelling understanding of nature of life presumes a temporarily
enough scientific theory of life. He also argues that scientific theories are not the type of thing
that can be encased in definitions. He explicitly states that life represents a single example that

may not be representative so, life on Earth today provides an analytically defective foundation or
for theorizing about life considered generally.
Scollon C. N., & King L. A. (2004). Is the Good Life the Easy Life?68, 127-162. Social
Indicators Research: Springer.
When a concept of a good life was conducted, participants rated the desirability and moral
goodness of life as a function of the happiness, meaning, and effort experience. Basically, this
journal was estimating the number of people, particularly adults and students, who are looking
for meaningful lives of ease, and meaningful lives that are involved in effort. Study found the
meaningful, effortful life rated as most morally good, and the happy effortful life was rated as
most desirable, happy and meaningful. Above all, the authors discuss the character of hard work
in childlike belief or idea of The Good Life.
kahunka M. (n.d.). Understanding the Ups and Downs in Life. Retrieved from
In this article, the author discusses his personal life times where he was jamming through life
feeling good, having a great time and times where he was having a bad day. However, he
considered what powerful forces may be playing a part in it and takes comfort in knowing that
things really were going to get better. So, he advices his readers that to experience more good
days than bad days, they should laugh at their problems by disregarding the negative things that
happen to them and focus on the best things that will happen sooner than later and smile.
Coping with Lifes Ups and Downs. (n.d.). Retrieved from

This website discusses how meeting the needs of a parents child and the other demands of the
parents live can sometimes take its toll. It gives tips for resolving conflicts and calming things
down in ones family relationships. The website lets us know that looking after everyone else in
the family but oneself can lead one to feeling miserable and resentful, and therefore, one cannot
give ones children what they need. According to the website, it is not selfish to treat oneself
once in a while. We can have time for everyone one but we should never forget about ourselves.

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