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Resume Checklist Self Assessment:

Directions: Place a checkmark in the boxes where you DO NOT meet the criteria listed below.
1. Is your name, address, phone number and email on the resume?
(If you are an international student, you need to write a U.S. home address and phone number.)
2. Did you use consistent formatting (bolds, italics, font sizes, dates ect.) throughout
your resume?
3. Is your graduation date written as Expected: Month Year?
For example (Expected: August 2014)
4. There should be no commas after the months of each date.
For Example: January 2012 August 2013
5. Do you have 3-5 accomplishment statements per job?
6. Did you try to quantify and qualify your bullet points, when possible?
7. For each job, you started with your most impactful bullet point at the top of the list and
then put the remaining bullet points in order of importance underneath.
8. Do all of your bullet points begin with an action verb?
9. Did you vary your action verbs throughout your resume?
(See page 28 in the Career Development Guide for a full list of action verbs)
10. Your bullet points do not end in periods, since bullet points are sentence fragments.
11. Uncommon acronyms/abbreviations are explained on the resume.
12. a. If I have less than 5 years experience, my resume is no longer than 1 page.
b. If you do not have a lot of work experience and need to make your resume 1 page long,
you included additional information on your resume such as Relevant Coursework and
Academic Projects.
13. Is your resume concise and well organized, so it is easy to read?

14. Did you tailor your resume based on the job requirements and responsibilities?
15. Did you proof read your resume? Is it free of grammar and spelling errors?

Make sure that you save your resume by titling it in this format, Last Name.First Name.Resume

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