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Alexis Alder

F111-Fall 2014
The Most Typical French Stereotype: Rudeness
The most common stereotype that Americans have of the French is that they are
brazenly rude. While it seems to many Americans that French people can come off as
rude, the fact remains that this is a largely untrue stereotype. Americans generally tend to
harbor this stereotype because they do not understand the cultural differences of the
French from that of their own. Therefore, when they encounter someone from France,
they take their cultural customs as overt rudeness because their actions and personalities
tend to divert from that of the Americans. For example, the French tend to stand very
close when they are talking to other people. To Americans, this may come off as rude
because they are not used to people standing so close to them when they talk. Similarly,
while Americans naturally smile and make polite conversation wherever they go, the
French are not accustomed to this social convention. Therefore, when a person from
France does not appear to value this social custom, Americans tend to write them off as
rude. Another example would be that when Americans travel to France, or when the
French travel to America, the language barrier can cause the French to come as rude
because they do not value an American who does not at least try to learn their language.
Similarly, Americans tend to feel the same way when the French do not speak and
understand English. This lack of communication between these two cultures can cause
Americans to think that all French are rude because they do not have the decency to
learn English and vice versa. Similarly, the French are known for their snobby, or better

than everyone else attitudes. While this may be true of some French people, this is not
true of all French people, just as one specific trait does not categorize all Americans.
More than likely, these vast generalizations are where this stereotype originated. From
these examples, one can easily understand why Americans so quickly jump to
conclusions about the French population. Politeness is a very important concept to the
American culture and when people do not respond to their politeness in a socially
acceptable way, they immediately take this as something that is discernibly rude.
Similarly, when other people do not pattern their morals and values after Americans
morals and values, Americans tend to be offended by their actions. It is obvious that
Americans wholeheartedly value politeness and courteousness. Similarly, they also
value the importance of the English language and the significance that it merits in the
world. Therefore, when people do not utilize the English language, or refuse to speak to
them in it, they get take this as rude. French also share this belief when it comes to the
French language. Despite the many misconceptions between the French and Americans,
it is clear that both of these countries are unique in their own ways and share separate but
equal values. It is increasingly important to identify these stereotypes, so that Americans
can come to terms with the fact that cultures are simply different and learn to rid these
stereotypes from their lives.

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