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Joseph Starner

Professor Colombo
Annotated Bibliography
11 November 2014
Annotated Bibliography
Banyai, Maria. "Travel Blogs: A Reflection Of Positioning Strategies?." Journal Of Hospitality
Marketing & Management 21.4 (2012): 421-439. Hospitality & Tourism Complete. Web.
3 Nov. 2014.
This research article was preform on many different Chinese travel blogs. It researches the
positives and negative of the trip and how it affects the consumers. It also examines the business
communities created by these blogs, and how they are used. This source can be used for market
research and because it examines the blogs as individuals instead of a whole provide a different
back ground to the question at hand.
Banyai, Maria, and Troy D. Glover. "Evaluating Research Methods on Travel Blogs." Journal of
Travel Research 51.3 (2012): 267-77. ProQuest. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
This article talks about content and narrative analysis. They perform these analyses on different
types of travel blogs to see if they really do effect the market. Banyia and Glover also talk about
how the travel industry is using blogs to market their locations. This article explains many of the
questions related to my main question and will be a great source to collect research from.
Banyai, Maria, and Mark E. Havitz. "Analyzing Travel Blogs Using A Realist Evaluation
Approach." Journal Of Hospitality Marketing & Management 22.2 (2013): 229241. Hospitality & Tourism Complete. Web. 3 Nov. 2014.

This article uses a different approach when it comes to evaluating all the different types of travel
blogs. Banyai and Havitz use a realistic approach to examine them compare to the other articles
that compare a group of travel blogs to tourism trends. They use the travel blogs to look at
marketing and research trends. This article is relevant to my research because it shows how
travel blogs can be used to market different places.
Peters, Liz. Personal Interview. 9 November 2014.
I conducted a personal interview with my friend back home who maintain a blog of her own.
This interview helps me get an insight to the bloggers perspective and not just that of a
researcher. By looking at what bloggers include on their blogs, I can understand better from the
consumers stand point if it actually does make an influence when choosing a place to travel.
Wang, Hsiu-Yuan. "Investigating The Determinants Of Travel Blogs Influencing Readers'
Intention To Travel." Service Industries Journal 32.2 (2012): 231-255. Business Source
Complete. Web. 3 Nov. 2014.
The article above was a research study preform on travel blogs. The authors purpose was to
discover whether or not these blogs actually had an influence on the readers. Due to tourism
being such a large industry, one cannot prefer the study on a topic so broad. By the use of travel
blogs, one can get direct feedback from trips taken and most of the time real time data. This
article fits in perfectly with my research because I am researching whether or not they affect
peoples decisions.

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