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Date: December 3, 2014

To: English 1101 students

From: Gonzalo Seisdedos
RE: Earth Organization
The increase in contamination and Earth destruction is alarming. The carbon dioxide production
and forest destruction has highly increased since the last three decades. In fact, the Worlds
carbon dioxides emission has been doubled since 1980, and this is not a positive statistic for the
humanity and other living things like animals or plants. Sadly, the world's prognosis
is ghastly yet not enough people are helping to solve this problem.
Aware of this issue, several organizations are developing to help with many activities and new
ideas to protect the environment. Earth organization is a non-profit, non-partisan organization
that is focused on preventing the Earths destroy. For instance, last year, 25 billion tons of carbon
dioxide were pumped into the air and the whole atmosphere via vehicles and industry; thus, this
organization strives to prevent further contamination, or at least make the carbon dioxide levels
decrease, with protecting trees and forest, for example, since trees and plants absorb the carbon
dioxide and release oxygen, essential for life. Also, a very big problem produced by this sudden
increase in carbon dioxide is global warming.
This organization knows that all the issues need to be solved immediately. Its members and
volunteers have come up with new ideas and projects to begin protecting the Earth. They use
several techniques to communicate and convey people to start doing effort, which is essential,
because any little help of each person is very important. Little by little, person by person, the
help becomes noticeable and all the issues will be solved faster and better.
Besides using their website to communicate with the community, a very important method they
use is education, and people need to be educated since they are young. For this reason, a group of
members go every day to schools to teach the kids how important pollution or recycling is. They
mainly explain them that with the recycling process, millions of trees are saved because there is
less need in producing paper, for example. As a result, all these saved trees help in the carbon
dioxides absorption, and as a result of this absorption, there is less risk in increasing the global
warming, which produces the thawing of icebergs, killing many animals in danger and increasing
the sea level. This organization transmits that if every family tries to recycle at their home, they
are helping to solve these many issues that are produced. If recycling and other protective
activities are not done, all type of issues will continue growing, as the global warming or the
iceberg thawing. All are connected to one another.
A lot of people may think that this organization only helps the Earths environment, without any
benefits for humans, but there is nothing of true in this sentence. As this organization explains,
all the issues produced by the increase of carbon dioxide would finally affect all humans because
the human race can not live without nature, without plants, and without a clean air to breath.
These are the reasons the volunteers and members try to convey the community to take it

seriously. If none of these precautions are taken, they will bring very bad consequences to

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