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Jaime Dietz

Melissa Teller
Angela Spinazzola
EED 410
Lesson Plan: Integrating Movement
Lesson Outline
Lesson Name: Math Dance (Obtuse, Acute, Straight and Right)
Grade(s) Level: 4th or 5th
Standard (GLCS):
1. M.TE.04.10 Identify right angles and compare angles to right angles.
2. G.TR.05.01 Associate an angle with a certain amount of turning; know that
angles are measured in degrees; understand that 90, 180, 270, and
360 are associated, respectively, with 1/4, 1/2, 43 and full turns.
Objective (for Assessment): To strengthen students understanding of previous
math vocabulary: obtuse, acute, straight and right angles, through the use of use
of rhythm, rhyme, and movement.
Equipment / Space Needed: Posters will be set up around the room as visuals
to ensure that the students know how to demonstrate the vocabulary words
through their dances. Another or 2 will be displayed with the songs of the lyrics
so the students can sing along.
Students background knowledge needed: Students need to know the math
vocabulary words (obtuse, acute, straight, and right angles). They also need to
have basic loco motor skills and be spatially aware of one another.
Introduction (set induction): Begin by discussing the pictures on each poster
and the characteristics of each picture (a right angle is 90 ect.). Ask students to
demonstrate. Review the song that was learned in the math class about the
different angles. Introduce the song that is sung to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle
Little Star."
Acute, obtuse, straight and right
I measure your opening, not your height.
Obtuse, you are a gigantic thing.
More than 90 degrees you swing.
Acute, you are really small.
Less than 90 degrees you fall.
Acute, obtuse, straight and right
I measure your opening, not your height.
Straight, you are open all the way.
180 degrees you stay.
Right, you are like the t in test,
90 degrees, no more, no less.
Acute, obtuse, straight and right
I measure your opening, not your height.
Practice Activity (if necessary): Description: Review the song. Review the

Jaime Dietz
Melissa Teller
Angela Spinazzola
EED 410
Lesson Plan: Integrating Movement
Activity or Game Description: Divide the class into small groups of 3-4
students by numbering off. Each group will create a dance to go along with the
song. The dance moves should look like lines, rays and angles while fluently
moving with the lyrics. Students should be given five minutes to create the dance
and five minutes to practice the dance. Everyone will perform the dance at the
same time while the class sings the song together.
Debrief Description: Bring students back to the middle to reflect on what they
learned. Ask if anyone tried a dance move that they didnt think they could do and
how they overcame that obstacle. Ask the students to show us, one more time,
their demonstration of the vocabulary words with their bodies. Ask students if
they have a better memory of the song now and if they believe it will help them
remember their angles for their math quiz.
Assessment: Observe the students dance moves to see if they understand the
math vocabulary thats incorporated. Make sure that everyone is participating
and contributing to the production of their math dance.
Adaptations for Students with Needs: The dance moves can be done sitting
down, standing up, on their backs, it is very open for interpretation. As long as
the students are working together, doing their best to represent the words, and
singing along to the song they are fulfilling the lesson plans requirements.
Notes (what worked, what didn't, what to change):

Lesson plan received from:

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