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Students will identify and apply the properties of operations using the promethean board and
other visuals such as videos and a Voki.

Common Core State Standard

CCSS.3.OA.B.5 Apply properties of operations (commutative property of multiplication,
associative property of multiplication, distributive property) as strategies to multiply and divide.

Students will identify and define the properties of operations using various technology like
Promethean Board and containers
Students will apply the properties of operations to equations.


Use containers in promethean board.

Students will be interacting with the program Voki.

Introduction: Math Language (5 minutes)

Have the words Factor, Product, Sum, Order, and Difference written in WordArt on the board.
Tell students to write their own definitions for each of the terms and create a picture that shows
what each word means in math. If students are struggling to identify these terms or, if this is
new learning for them, provide the definitions, and have students create the visual after youve
defined each word. Bring up this chart on the screen to make sure that the children have the
correct definitions for the vocabulary.

Math definition


A number that you use to multiply


The answer of a multiplication problem (2

factors multiplied together)


The answer to an addition problem


Put in sequence (i. e. 1, 2, 3)


The answer to a subtraction problem

Math Rules Mini-Lesson (10 minutes)

Explain to students that mathematicians have rules for how numbers work. Math rules are
things that are always true in math. Ask students to think about some rules that we already have
for how numbers work. Record these rules on an anchor chart for students to refer to throughout
the year. Some number rule examples: numbers always show amounts, addition increases the
amount, subtraction decreases the amount, and fractions are equal parts of a whole.
Now, explain to students that they are going to learn three new rules. Hand out a blank grid to
each student and have them fill in each column with the rules as you go, students will have this
for a study tool.

What it means



Commutative Property
of Multiplication

The order of the

numbers doesnt
change the product



Associative Property of

How factors
(numbers) are
grouped doesnt
matter in

(A x B) x C= A x (C
x B)

(2 x 7) x 3 = 2 x (3 x

Distributive Property

Multiplying the sum or

difference of a
number is the same
as multiplying the
sum or difference by
the number and
adding (or
subtracting) the

A(B+C) = (A x B) +
(A x C)

3(5 + 2) = (35) +

A(B-C) = (A x B) (A x C)

3(5-2) = (35) (32)

Prove the Rule (15 minutes)

Set each student up (possibly in pairs) so they are able to access Promethean Board, this is
when they can use containers in order to practice with some problems and immediately see if
their answer is correct.

Reverse It (15 minutes)

Tell students to create their own problem, have them swap with a partner and then check each
others work when finished.

Math Talk (5 minutes)

As you conclude, ask students to reflect and share:
What did you learn about numbers during this lesson?
How will you use these properties during the year?
How can you help yourself remember these rules for numbers?
Have the students do a group assessment to see if they understand the materials or if they are
confused about anything.

Extension Activity
Short Homework Activity.
*Review Game for the next class to make sure the students recall the information*

Found on Lessonplanspage.com

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