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William Cannon

In regards to this assignment, I learned about the role corporate wealth plays in
political influence. This point is exemplified by Sterns example of the Oshkosh Truck
Company and its maximum honorarium donations to the members of The House of
Armed Services Committee. The same day of those very donations, The House of Armed
Services Committee met a voted to have the U.S. military purchase five hundred extra
trucks from Oshkosh. This powerfully illustrated the influence corporations and their
wealth can have on political representatives. Popular democrats propose that one of the
possible solutions to this would be to put better restrictions on gifts, donations, and
campaign contributions. Elites believe that this kind of corporate influence is simply an
example of politicians representing their constituencies.
Through this critique I learned how to apply vocabulary I had learned from this
course. My understanding of the vocabulary and importance of word choice was
solidified through the process of revising my first draft. Through the feedback given on
my rough draft by Professor Gold I was able to discern the difference between companies
and corporations as well as money and wealth. I also became more mindful of my use
pronouns in my defining of them as well as their implications.
This assignment led to an increase in my critical thinking skills especially in
regards to mass media and political representatives. When I watch the news I am far more
aware of the absence of investigative journalism or even variety than I was before this
course. I think critically of the source of the information in the news as well as the
undertones of bias presented by the networks and individual newscasters. I am also more

William Cannon
aware of the likelihood of politicians from either party to promote the interests of their
wealthy constituents over that of the working class majority.
As far as my interest in civil service, this class has peaked my interest. The
passion with which Professor Gold approached his lectures captivated my interest and
made me angry with the issues facing not only the entire country but my local community
as well. The information provided to me throughout this course was a call to action.
Especially concerning the decline in civil service that led to a more informed political
discourse as well as a stronger community. I have volunteered at a local non-profit bike
shop and have participated in local protests against nation wide police brutality. This
course has inspired me to continue to actively participate in civil discourse locally. It has
given me a better sense of community and responsibility to that community to counteract
the seemingly overwhelming political and economic forces against us.

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