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Professional Investigation

Juan Pedro Faraudo

Civil engineering has been one of the most used and oldest types of engineering in the
world, it can be dated back to the first time someone putted a wooden plank to make
it easier to cross a river or the first time someone did a roof to live under. This gives
engineers lots of job opportunities in our current world because of the high rate of
development in infrastructure around the city. For me I would like to work in the
construction of buildings and infrastructure around the city through my own company
if possible, if not I would like to work in a company dedicated to the building of
infrastructure around urban places.
Civil engineering has existed since humans existed, civil engineering is the
oldest engineering discipline in the world(Civil engineers careers), because any structure
built by any one would be considered part of this engineering, it has evolved as time
passes, creating bigger and better buildings, roads, damps, subway stations, etc. These
different types of buildings are essential for humans in the day-to-day basis, which
makes civil engineering essential for human life. As a civil engineer you would plan,
design and manage a variety of construction projects. You could work on everything
from bridges and tall buildings to transport links and sports stadia.(Job profiles, Civil
Engineer) Construction works have been on the rise since the 2008 financial crisis,
which saw a drastic decline on the people hired for this type of job.
Currently the career has been on the up rise when it come to income and job
opportunities, but some things that are troubling, for example the ambition to build
taller or bigger buildings, which create dangerous working spaces for the laborers.
Other problems include the hard work needed to predict the forces that nature forces
on this massive buildings, a minor mistake could cost in hundreds of human lives. This
problems add up to the after the building is completed challenge of keeping it stable
with good maintenance, which if done wrong could leave a structure useless, for
example the Chambon Concrete Dam in France that is useless after a chemical
reaction took place in the steel used for its construction.
My personal interests for what I want to work as are to build in a urban aspect
inside big cities, including tall sky scrappers, stores, roads, tunnels and bridges
between many others. So I personally would like to work in the construction aspect of
this career because I really enjoy this part of the work, I find it exciting and
entertaining. My duties in this work I would like to be overlooking the construction of
stuff as well as making the plan for the construction of this builds. I would love to have
my own company, but if this isnt possible I would like to work in a big company
where my work involves going to construction sites and not just only stay in an office
all day.
During the interview I did to Jaime Martinez Heredia, a civil engineer who
studied in ITESO and is the owner of Grupo Orca, a company depicted to building
different types of buildings, from the structure to the designs inside them. The most

challenging part of my job is making sure that all the workers and people passing by
are safe from any kind of accident, for example we are currently building the H&M
store in Andares, where we work more than 10 meters over the street, where there is
people passing by and we are installing heavy equipment and decorations in the store,
so we have to be very careful. He also mentioned that the hardest part of this career
is the maths, due to the high level needed to understand this problems.
I really love this career because of the big amount of fieldwork you can get at
the same time as you can work in the office doing calculations and maybe
administrating a company from its highest level. I would love to study this specific
area because of the great things you can create with your bare hands and how your
imagination could be the limit to what you do. I do love this working space where you
can go outside and make great things that can change humanity in its whole.

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