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Conner Lang

ENGL 1010-19
17 November 2014
Monomodal Text- Letter Genre
I am writing this letter to address the pressing issue that our population has been
struggling to realize over these past decades. Most of the public does not understand the
problem that we are facing on a day to day basis and they must be enlightened before it is too
Ladies and Gentlemen, the way that we have been treating our planet has become embarrassing
from the poor amount of respect it has received over several years from taking large amounts of
pollution and destruction that we have inflicted onto the very soil that keeps us alive. The time
where we reach the Earths tipping point is approaching, unless we take action and decide to
contribute to a solution that will benefit in the long-run.
Recycling is not a big enough part in the daily lives of the average American citizen, and it needs
to change. There are several opportunities to help with creating a more sustainable lifestyle, but
the majority does not take advantage of the resources that are out there. There are many curbside
programs that can help local communities get involved with becoming green. It would cut down
on the amount of waste that is sent to the local landfills, instead of waste sitting and
decomposing for centuries.

Recycling can be incorporated in ways more than one. Materials such as plastics, metals, and
paper, can go a long way when reused and gathered to create large amounts of energy that can
save time and money. Going by the Three Rs can help cut down on waste loads that
accumulate in the typical household.
A program ran by Penn Waste collected some data that showed recycling led to significant
amounts of energy produced from recycling a ton of plastic, equivalent to the amount of energy
used by two people in one year, the usage of water by one person in one month, and twothousand pounds of oil.
Along with the idea of recycling, other green actions would involve using recycled materials;
cloth bags for groceries; energy-efficient light bulbs; reusing bags, bottles, and cups; and
composing food in the garden.
There are so many ways that we can do to convert the typical American lifestyle that can help the
declining health of the environment, and nothing will happen unless there are some authority
figures that decide to prioritize the issue with the lack of recycling because most of the
population will not be motivated to make a difference. The word needs to be spread; people need
to be educated because if not, then we will be stuck in wasteland that surrounds us with mounds
of garbage that could have been avoided.
Acting now needs to be the main focus. There are other issues that need to be dealt with, but
taking care of our planet must occur sooner than later. Everything that we have been able to
create has come from the ground below us.
There is only one Earth, so please make an effort to protect it.

Respectfully yours,

Conner Lang

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