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More Solo and Studies continued from page 26

Tuba Solos and Studies

R. Winston Morris

The tuba music published this past year is of

much higher quality than last year's disappointing
collection. The majority of the better publications
for tuba are linked to a fine performer or teacher,
and if publishers continue to consult such experts,
the quality of their publications will continue to
improve. The following publications are some of
the year's best.
Donald C. Little and George R. Belden have written a number of excellent transcriptions, arrangements, and compositions for tuba,
euphonium, and small ensembles in Belwin-Mills'
Contemporary Band Course. This material is
primarily intended for the high school performer
and it is certainly usable by college students, too.
Three of these tuba solos with piano accompaniment are Handel's Larghetto and Allegro,
Marcello's Largo and Presto, and Neutron Stars, by
George Belden.
Barton Cummings has been one of the more active tubists generating new music over the past
several years, and some of these works are now
appearing in print. Kjos has recently released four
works composed for Cummings. The twomovement Suite for Tuba and Piano by Carrol M.
Butts is very usable for either college or advanced
high school level work, and Elegy for Tuba and
Piano by Frederick Zinos is definitely a collegelevel piece. Dance Suite for Tuba and Triangle by
Bennie Beach is also a college-level piece that
works well in performance and is great fun to
play. Three Abstracts for Solo Tuba by Jae Eun Ha
is played best by advanced college and professional tubists. All of these pieces are inexpensive.
The Ha and Zinos works have been recently
recorded by Cummings on Crystal Records.
Anyone interested in new ensemble literature
should contact Whaling Music Publishers, 57 Fare
Harbour Place, No. 17, New London, Connecticut,
They publish materials generated by the Atlantic
Tuba Quartet. Their catalog includes school
through college-level material transcribed and arranged by tuba artists such as Garry Buttery,
Denis Winter, David Werden, and Bill Carmody.
Many of their quartet publications are featured on
the ATQ recording for Golden Crest, which is also
available through Whaling Music.

R. Winston Morris is associate professor of tuba/euphonium at Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville,



Shawnee Press has released two new ex

pieces for tuba and piano. Concertpia
Lawrence I. Rappoldt is advanced high-scho
college-level music and the four-movement J
by Frank Lynn Payne is a solid, college-level n
Gordon Jacob has composed a delightful j
set, Six Little Tuba Pieces for tuba and
Published by Emerson, the piece is mo
difficult and could be performed easily
average high-school player seeking i
materials. The range is comfortable thro
except for the final high Eb above middle C.I
faithfully executed or attempted, the
rendered unusable by many young tubists]
could otherwise play it.
Fantasia A Due for tuba and piano by,
Reed is a very usable work recently releaa
Marks Music Corporation. It was commissi|
by T.U.B.A. for performance at the 3rd In
tional Tuba/Euphonium Symposium-Work!
held in June, 1978 in Los Angeles. The worl
college-level piece. The tuba part is designate
tuba" but is playable on a tuba in any key.
Edition Musicus has released a very tech
three-movement Sonata for Bass Tuba andl
by David Uber. It is advanced high school j
college-level material.
Major Works

Sonata for Tuba and Piano by Donald H. 1

commissioned for T.U.B.A. by Custom MusicC
pany, is a three-movement work of major pn
tions published by Ludwig. The piece is adva
college or professional material. It involves a|
ly high tessitura and would be ideal for F tutj
Another significant composition is Tuba Coi
to by Edward Gregson, published by Novello,^
work was composed for the great English 1
tist John Fletcher. Its three movements
minutes long, reminiscent of Vaughan Willid
Concerto. Originally composed for tuba andl
band, this arrangement with piano was pr
by the composer,
Another work, Sonata for Tuba and Piano, i
composed for Tommy Johnson by Bn
Broughton. Tommy Johnson is quite well-1
as one of the leading studio tuba artists inj
world, and Broughton is active in the Los <
area composing for films and television. ThepiJ
is available from European American Music]
rental as a tuba solo with wind ensemble
paniment or for purchase with piano accon

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