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Week 8 Overview

Teacher: Chris Ngo

Evaluator: Richard Bergstrom
Date of Lesson: 11/17/2014
Grade: 4th
Number of students: 22
Unit: 8 (throwing and catching)
Previously learnt skills: overhand throw, underhand throw, catching techniques
Facilities: Blacktop/grass
Equipment: football for each pair of students, polyspots
1. Systematic Observation 1
b) The first 10 min. of the SOFIT, I observed Lorenzo (300 seconds of MVPA), Leonardo
(430 seconds of MVPA), and Jenika (460 seconds of MVPA). The total MVPA was 1190
seconds (19 min. and 50 sec.). This is the longest MVPA time so far this semester.
c) Chris does a good job keeping the students engaged in activity but keeping them
challenged while having fun should be a priority. He didnt give any extensions so the
students were just throwing a football at the respective distance they were assigned to,
representing a not so high quality lesson. Even though Chris had 19 min. and 50 sec. of
activity, theres always room for improvement. He could have better transitions between
breaks, activity, and instruction by gathering the kids together closely so they dont go
running off.
2. Systematic Observation 2
a) Demonstrations
b) Chris started the lesson with hot potato where the students cant hold the football for
more than 3 seconds. They all pass to one another as soon as the music stops and when the
music stops, the last one to touch the ball is considered out. Before the activity, Chris
demonstrated the activity correctly and briefly. The next activity was throwing a football.
He used a student to demonstrate and recited the cues for catching: diamond hands, absorb
ball, catch ball. Cues for throwing are the following: hands at laces, point with shoulder,
muscles, step forward, follow through.
c) One thing Chris could do is have 2 students demonstrate the football throw to each other
after he demonstrates it so one student is throwing and another one is catching. Also, he
could demonstrate the whole-part-whole method since not all the students are highly
2. Systematic Observation 3
a) Idiosyncrasies
b) Chris didn't say any idiosyncrasies during this lesson. He doesn't have any tendencies to
say any words or phrases either.
c) Chris could use "Tiger Pride", "class", "everyone", etc. to address all the students. "Boys"
or "guys" for the males and "ladies" or "girls" for the females.

Week 8 Overview
Teacher: Chris Ngo
Evaluator: Richard Bergstrom
Date of Lesson: 11/19/2014
Grade: 4th
Number of students: 22
Unit: 8 Basketball (dribbling), underhand throw/catch, soccer (dribbling)
Previously learnt skills: basketball dribbling, soccer dribbling, passing & trapping,
underhand throwing and catching,
Facilities: Blacktop/grass
Equipment: Soccer balls, basketballs, yarn balls, bean bags, hula hoops, cones
1. Systematic Observation 1
b) The first 10 min. of the SOFIT, I observed Lorenzo (230 seconds of MVPA), Leonardo
(420 seconds of MVPA), and Sarai (450 seconds of MVPA). The total MVPA was 1100
seconds (18 min. 20 sec.).
c) Management was an issue in the beginning because the 3rd and 4th graders were mixed up
and getting an even amount of kids to all 4 stations took longer than it should have.
Transitions should be more smooth. Some kids were still at a station while other kids were
moving to that same station, slowing down the fluidity.
2. Systematic Observation 2
a) Demonstrations
b) The 3rd and 4th graders collaborated into one lesson. The first activity was Simon Says.
Visual demo wasnt necessary. After, the teachers split the students up into 4 stations: Beanbag/hula-hoop, soccer passing/dribbling, basketball passing/dribbling, and sharks and
minnows. Chris explained the instructions for the former 2 activities. Because time was
short, he didnt use a student to demonstrate for either activity but he did demonstrate and
provide clear directions and cues for the activities.
c) Management was an issue in the beginning. Without management problems, Chris and
Tyler wouldve spent more time explaining the activities at each station. Motor skill stations
like the soccer and basketball control require more effort so Chris and Tyler couldve spent
more time at those stations demonstrating the whole-part-whole of the skills.

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