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Pre Nursing

Pre-Nursing Progress report

Cristian Torres
Rhetoric & Composition I
Joanna R. Hinojosa

My discipline is Pre nursing and this project will help me go deeper into finding information that
will give me a greater understanding on what is is to be successful in this discipline. For me to
get the information I need to have a greater understanding and a(n) advantage I will interview a
professor or someone with great knowledge in the filed, give a survey to a nursing class, and
observe a class. This procedure will help me build a greater understanding about the discipline
itself but also things I will need to be successful in the discipline.
What have I done?
My current progress on the project is only half ways fulfilled. I have not yet been able to
contact a professor that I will be able to interview but I have been able to make a meeting with
a recently graduated nursing student that I believe will also help me develop great feedback
from my interview questions. Everything else that comes after the interview is prepared to
finish this project and gather all the information I planned to receive since I first started the
project. Even tho I have not yet gotten much information on the discipline itself this project has
taught me to be better organized and stay on top of my tasks.
I have not yet been able to conduct an interview with a professor so far but I was able to
contact a recently graduated student in the discipline of nursing. Even though I will be
interviewing a student I still feel very confident that I will get very valuable information from
her. She been through it all, not only been through the program and experienced the classes
and work but she was able to finish. I believe that will be my greatest advantage that I will
interview someone that has tools on what it takes to finish nursing program. I also believe she

will have many tips for me. After this interview I plan to stay in touch with this student to have
a person I can go back to for support and any questions that may come up later in my studies.
What am I missing?
At this point I still need to conduct an interview that will now be from a pre nursing grad
student, no longer a professor. Even tho I have not yet conducted an interview I am trying to
get a date from a professor to survey and observe his class. I have already done my document
analysis , it didnt give me much information like I was hoping for but I was still able to get
something out of it.
I feel very confident in completing this project as it will not only help me pass a class but help
me will my knowledge for my discipline. This Project helped me learn that not all things fall in
the place they are supposed to but with effort things are still able to come together. Im excited
for the final result of this project. I know for a fact that once all the information has been gather
I will be ahead of most people that will want to study that same thing as me because I will have
tools, knowledge and contact for help and other things.


My name is Cristian and this survey will be used to gather information oh what students in the
nursing program have experienced.

1) What is current classification? ____________________________

2) How would you rate your first nursing class experience ?
o Easy
o Hard
o Extremely hard
3) What are the main technique professors use for teaching?

Collaborative work
Hands on projects

4) Does the program get more demanding as you advance in it?

o Not really
o Somewhat
o Very demanding
5) How well are you able to manage time for classes and out of school activities?
o Not good
o fair
o Well
o Very well
6) Do you expect to continue in your studies once you graduate in nursing?
7) Was this major what you were expecting to be before you started taking classes for it?
8) Are there any programs you joined to help you excel in your program? If so specify.

Site observations
Though I have not yet done a site observation i plan to observe how student in the discipline
interact with each other and what other things they do. How much do they need to
communicate with each other during class, will I need to make any friends to be groups. Is
there a lot of people asking questions, what kind of notes to they take and how to they take
Document analysis
Although I have already done a document analysis I only analyzed one document. Now I see I
should have done at least one or two more to get more information for my discipline. Even
though I did not get much of the document as I planned to it still gave me some insight that I
will have to continue to progress in the field of nursing after I graduate. I will have to go for a
greater education as a master as more job are becoming more demanding.

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