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Mariana Tellez

To: Mariana Tellez
From: Jayred Loyda
Plans for Revision Project Plan
The person who revised my secondary questions was Jayred
Loyda. He gave a lot of good feed back and showed me where
exactly I should fix when it came to my questions. The revisions I
plan to make for the research questions is to first make sure that for
my object of study question to make it less vague. I should add
more about my dissonance I plan to research. Another thing I can
fix is to add another category about my dissonance chemistry and
how I can improve in that subject. An example question would be
What can I do to improve on the subject chemistry? I can also
say Who can help me succeed in my chemistry class? These can
be some questions I can use for my category Dissonance
(chemistry). I might also add more details and explain more about
my discipline pharmacy and more about why Im majoring in it.

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