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1, 2014
Re: I-PRO-29.05.07 [complaint]

Dear Dr. Httemann,

The procedure for the treatment of scientific misconduct by DFG appears
completely subjective, without any relation to the highest standards of
integrity, accuracy and fairness.
First of all, the said "publicly presented concepts" were known to the DFG auditorium
only, which is confirmed by absence of any citation in further publications. That is why I
can not be sure in the degree of similarity between the mentioned old presentation and
the plagiarized paper. Moreover, if even this is true, my method was presented in Sept.
1999, as a submission titled 'A n SFET Based Transducer of Nerve Impulses (The Living
Being-Machine Interface Scheme as an Intelligent System's Term)' to Shaping the
Future project of EXPO 2000 HANNOVER (enclosed please find an evident PDF).
Secondly, it does not clear, how my arguments could "haven't been specific enough" if I
have answered your question completely and any your further enquiries were not
submitted during more than a year? Nevertheless, I am still agree to satisfy your
requirements in the necessary details.

A key transducing element which was defined in the poster as "SFET" had
been presented in XIII IMEKO World Congress and described in the


'A cryogenic induction magnetometer', Proceedings of XIII IMEKO World Congress

(International Measurement Confederation), September 5-9, 1994, Torino, Italy, pp.

Yours sincerely,

Rostyslav SKLYAR, Dr. (Eng)

Mr. Rostyslav SKLYAR, Verchratskogo st. 15-1, Lviv 79010 Ukraine
T +38 032 2762432 E sklyar@tsp.lviv.ua www.tsp.lviv.ua/~sklyar/sklyar

Prof. em. Dr. Hanns-Georg Kilian

Abteilung Experimentelle Physik

D-89069 Ulm, 12. Jul. 201 3

Albert-Einstein Allee II
Tel. 0731 502 6072
Fax. 0731 502 3036
mail : hanns-georg.kilain@physik.uni-ulm.de

An Professor Dr. Karl Joachim Ebeling

(Prsident der Universitt Ulm)

Betreff: Von R. Sklyar eine ungerechtfertigt scharf formulierte Beschuldigung einer

Urheber-Verletzung.von Herrn Jun. Prof. Dr. Steffen Strehle.
Sehr geehrter Prsident,
lieber Herr Ebeling,
Da Herr R. Sklyar unstatthaft "universitts-ffentlich" Herrn Jun. Prof. Dr.-lng. Steffen
Strehle (Institut fr Elektronische Bauelemente und Schaltungen) schriftlich schwerwiegendes
wissenschaftliches Fehlverhalten vorwirft, finden wir es am besten, jeden der Empfnger ber
das Ergebnis unserer grndlichen Untersuchung zu unterrichten.

Die pflichtgeme berprfung durch mich als Ombudsmann in Absprache mit Herrn Strehle
liefert den sicheren Nachweis, dass die Anschuldigung von Herrn R. Sklyar nicht haltbar ist
(siehe Einzelheiten im Anhang). Herrn Jun. Prof. Dr.-lng. Steffen Strehle wird daher von mir
als Ombudsmann der Universitt Ulm unwiderruflich bescheinigt, dass der Vorwurf des
schwerwiegenden wissenschaftlichen Fehlverhaltens nicht zutrifft.

Mit besten Gren.


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