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Writing a Bash script to run and end at specic ...


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Writing a Bash script to run and end at specific times

I'd like to create a script that will do the following. Start at a given time during the day and end at another given time.
So for example, I have a program I'd like to test, so my script would be set to start at say 10:00pm and continue to run
until 9:00am.
This follows on from my other question about running programs again and again.
I have the following:
trap "echo manual abort; exit 1"

1 2 3 15;

while open

-W /Path/to/Program.app

echo $RUNS > /temp/autotest_run_count.txt;
exit 0

This script essentially runs my program (in Mac OSX) and catches any failures, otherwise it will re-run the program
when it closes.
I'd like to be able to run this like I mentioned above. Start at 10:00pm. Finish at 9:00am.
Your advice is always useful.
/ bash

/ shell-script

/ osx

/ time

asked Jul 29 at 8:25

Ben Crazed Up Euden

If your OS has something like a cron daemon. Have cron start your script at what ever interval you please and also
have cron kill all running instances of your program at a slighly shifted interval. Bananguin Jul 29 at 9:47

1 Answer
I have extended your script, so that you can run it once on startup and it will do it's job between
9PM and 9AM.
#!/bin/bash -
trap "echo manual abort; exit 1"

1 2 3 15

while [ 1 ] ; do
HOUR="$(date +'%H')"
if [ $HOUR -ge 21 -a $HOUR -lt 9 ] ; then
# run program
libreoffice || exit 1
echo $RUNS, waiting H=$HOUR > $LOGFILE
# note: calculating the time till next wakeup would be more
# efficient, but would not work when the time changes abruptly
# e.g. a laptop is suspended and resumed
# so, waiting a minute is reasonably efficient and robust

1 din 2

13.12.2014 18:50

Writing a Bash script to run and end at specic ...


Unix & Linux Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled

edited Jul 29 at 13:11

answered Jul 29 at 12:30


2 din 2

13.12.2014 18:50

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