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John Boarman

Math 129
Lesson Plan

Title of Lesson: Origami (Paper Folding)

Topic or Main Idea: Introduction to shapes and similarities.
1. The student will be able to construct a project out of paper given instructions.
2. The student will be able to identify shapes and similarities between them.
Paper pre-cut into desired size for project.
Instructions for creating desired project. We will be creating a dog.
1. Start by folding the paper in half diagonally.
2. Fold the newly formed triangle together so that its corners touch.
3. Unfold this newly formed triangle leaving a crease. Place the paper so that the crease
folds upwards.
4. Line the paper triangle up so that one point faces you.
5. Fold this point up halfway to create the mouth. Fold the other two points down to create
6. Decorate as desired.
While working though the steps take a moment to identify shapers and any similarities.
Steps 1 and 2 each create similar triangles while Step 4 could create similar triangles for the ears
if they are folded the same way. Further the triangle for the mouth is similar to the initial triangle
created in Step 1.
If the ears were folded in the same way, then two similar pentagons form the left and right side
of the face.

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