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1: What roles do the various levels of government play in dealing with

both domestic and foreign policy?

AG 21: A variety of entities within the three branches of government, at all levels, address public
policy issues which arise in domestic and international (foreign) affairs.
- AG 21.01 How are the responsibilities of each level of government divided when addressing policy
issues? The Legislative branch often there are elaborate mechanisms to involve
citizens and interest groups in the policy-making process. However, in the final
analysis, legislative bodies make the decisions. The executive branch has the councilmanager from of government, the mayor-council form of government, and the
commission form of government. The judicial branch they dont really care about the
policy or political parts.
- AG 21.02 How do different levels of government work together to address policy issues?

All levels of government work together and make the public policy or any other
policies which are made.
- AG 21.03 Compare and contrast the resources available to each level of government when
addressing public issues.
The parts of government, the people who control that part of government and the way
the policies are used.
AG 22: Individuals and organizations play a role within federal, state and local governments in
helping to determine public (domestic and foreign) policy.
- AG 22.01 How do individuals and non-governmental organizations influence public policy?
They influence public policy by the way they protest, have other followers and the way
they believe or think of an idea.
- AG 22.02 What responsibility does the government have to listen to non-governmental
organizations when determining public policy?
They have to take in what the people want and believe in public policy and their ideas. Because this
country is for the people by the people.

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