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Councilwoman Dorothy Goosby TOWN OF HEMPSTEAD ‘ONE WASHINGTON STREET, HEMPSTEAD, NY, 115504828 (sie ore December 1, 2014 Dear Neighbor: (One of the hallmarks of democracy isthe inclusion of people lke you and me in the governmental decision-making process. Congress, state captals and many local governments Fave thrown open their dears inthe sincere pursuit of transparency and public participation. At the same time, the Vilage of Hempstead has placed a cloak of secrecy over a $2.5 illon major real estate development proposal that promises to dramatically change the character of the largest vilage in New York Stata. In fac, on Monday, November 17", the Hempstead Village Panning Board approved Renaissance Downtown's proposed 336-unit aperiment housing project while refusing to hear any public comment on the mater. Hempstead Village residents have a right to be heard, and should not be silenced by village goverment official when t comes to such a major cammunty redevelanment project, Gentine concerns and valid questions exist regarting the developments density, ‘environmental impact, traffic mitigation measures, abilty ofthe scioolcstict to absorb the influx of new students, and the adequacy ofthe current infrastructure (Le. water supply and sewage capacity), among a host of other pragmatic issues. What's more, neighbors deserve to have their opinions voiced on fundamental concems such as the impact of this development project on community character, “The right of residents to be heard is something | feel strongly about. In 1988, fled a class action lawsuit against the Town of Hempstead, because minoily voters did not have 8 ‘voice in town government. The courts agreed, estabishing council districts in America’s largest township, ensuring everyone in our town would be heard. 1 was proud to be elected to the Hempstead Town Board in 2000. More important, however, was a promise | made to myself ‘uring that battle for voting rights. | vowed that | would never tolerate any effort to sence residents in the quest to have their voices heard in the halls of government, | am outraged that the Planning Board in the Village | call home is trying to turn back the clock to atime where governmental decision making was done behind closed doors and ‘community neighbors were excluded from the governmental dec'sion-making process. Shame on the Hempstead Vilage Planning Board. Please cal the Hempstesd Village Mayor's Office at (516) 478-6200, and let him know that we deserve to have our voices heard. Sincerely, DOROTHY L. GOOSBY Counciiwoman

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