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Week One
Although I have interest in working with adults and had taken some courses on adult
programs, I had not had the real feel of it to work with adults of all ages and with all disabilities.
With my internship I decided to go an extra mile to explore possibilities.
My strengths are to see these unique and valuable people and their families get the special
attention and needs they deserve to help them in their development, and the satisfaction I feel
seeing their progress. Since these individuals have special needs, services and resources should
be available to them in their communities so that they can have normal lives and live as
independent as possible. To improve on this I would like to research and get more information to
serve as a voice to these individuals.
During my first week of my internship, I submitted some forms that were given to me after
an interview with my supervisor. These forms contained the organizations policies and
procedures and some of it were to testify that you have been approved to be an intern there. The
first week was like an orientation. I was introduced to the staff members and the participants of
the program (Adults Day Health Service). That week I tried to be with each of the staff members
to know what their field was about. I learned that there were various kind of activities that were
performed to the best interest of the people. Their morning routine is breakfast in the caf, that is
where announcements are made and activities of the day are read out. After breakfast we help the
participants to move to their various activity rooms. I help with the exercise, art and craft
lessons, gardening and other activities.


Week 2
On this week I had the opportunity to meet some department heads to talk about the
organization as a whole.
I was given the brief history, mission, vision and achievement of the organization. How
they have been supported by the state in running some programs. Their affiliation to certain
countries that they have exchange programs with and other branches that they have here in the
Eastern shore. There they touch on the various programs that have helped and its still in
existence in supporting the community. They also talk about networking with people and other
organizations having similar programs. This non- profit finds a way of making money to the
extent of making profit which are used to developing programs and buying machineries. Also
they have some special events that are performed to raise awareness and bring families together.
Even though each department has different duties to perform, they worked as a team all geared
towards the development of the organization. This they said has helped in their existence. I was
encouraged on hearing how they have moved on and hope to contribute effectively as part of my
As in Managing the challenges in Human Service Organizations, A final lens through
which to view organizational processes and managerial work related to a set of management
function needed for an organization to grow and survive a casebook J. Austin, R. Brody, T.
Packard copyright 2009. The improvement and survival of an organization to me mostly
depended on how the leaders are able to use their administrative skills and techniques


There was also a trip into the community Dollar Deals store with some participants. On
our arrival there were groups of volunteers already there to help guide them in their shopping this
was how the director of volunteer plans to get interested people to help the participants when
they go into the community. It was an exciting week.


Week 3
This was another week full of activities. All the regular individual groups activities like
the craft work, news room, exercise, gardening and the recreational group were performed.
There was also a visit to the communities bowling center.
There was a staff meeting in which I took part. The meeting started on scheduled time.
The agenda and topics to be covered were printed and handed out to each member by the
Assistant program coordinator .The supervisor presented each topic one after the other and
allowed the staff members to express their views and contributions before they came together
with a final solution. From my observation I noticed that the head of the department who was
my supervisor had the democratic leadership style. She opens up to all opinions

Each staff member also worked with a group of participants so that they could report any
developments or changes to the supervisor and also be responsible to share information to their
participants caregivers or family members. Although I have not yet had the opportunity to
observe a report to a family or a caregiver, I have seen a report to the supervisor.
I took part in the writing and computer class. In this class there are some participants who
never had the opportunity to have instruction, so they are given the basis of education. Some like
to be independent by searching for information from the computer and sharing it with the class
while others listen to selected the poem and relate it to life situations.
My week was ended up with karaoke. Where the participant sing and dance to their favorite


Week 4

Trying to get more information, I decided to meet the head of department of early
intervention Outpatient Rehabilitation Therapy Service in order to learn what their contributions
are in the development of the organization. This department offers four kinds of therapy sections,
the physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy both for the children and adult
daycare and is open to all interested persons. The fourth is the early childhood development for
children between ages one and three which the children are taught to learn through play.
According to her most of the cost is paid by Medicaid, Medicare or their primary health care.
I also talked to another member of the finance department and she explained how some
companies and banks help in linking the participants to get paid jobs and some housing supports.
She said they also get in-kind gift in a form of gift cards, airtime and others. For some banks, its
part of their requirement to volunteer at Easter Seals and these hours are being paid for.
In this week there was a contract representative that came for a tour to observe the activities
that are being offered and how they can contribute to it. I also read from the News Journal an
article by Beth Miller September 10, 2014 raising the concern of how disability services, of
which Easter seals is a part, are poorly funded and how the state has decided to chip in to
support and make sure it benefit the individuals and their families.
The flu clinic was there to give flu shots to the participants and there was also a walk as part
of their exercise. I was in charge of the writing and computer class which is part of the weekly


Week 5
I started my internship without knowing how the supervisory relationship with my supervisor
was going to be like but so far I have had some good experience with her. My first week was an
orientation to the program. I was introduced to the staff but not officially. With my supervisor
things looked ok but with the staff they didnt know my position and what my duties were, that
was a challenge because I was cut off in most of the activities. Until in a couple of weeks when I
was formally introduced during their staff meeting and assigned to some duties in the various
activity groups. My site supervisor has an open door policy that makes me comfortable to get to
her anytime I have a concern about the organization.
My understanding to a good supervision is to implement, serve, provide feedback, monitor
and measure the performance. The way by which a supervisor relates to the people they work
with should influence the organization in its productivity level. I have also got to know that it
helps establish order and increase the professional growth in the delivery of services in the
Human Resources. To be able to improve in my supervision, I will setup systems that will help
me to carry out my activities in the way that create a direct contact with those that I work with in
a secure and non-threatening environment.
Every second Tuesday of the month is set aside to asses and plan activities for the month.
The various group leaders of which Im a member came together to talk about the previous
months activities and it successes and the ones that needs to be improved. Those we find that
have not attracted the participants are taken off. Most of the activities are picked to match with
the month. Participants are allowed to bring out ideas on programs that they would like to be
added to the activities. The activities that we planned for this month includes a Halloween party,
awareness of breast cancer and mental health issues. The charge nurse discussed with us some


symptoms of common mental diseases and how people with such challenges can be protected by
our help.


Week 6
The work that impressed me at my site was to be in-charge of the learning, writing and
computer class. Helping in teaching the class. I achieved a goal by helping a struggling woman
for the first time arranging her name to be correct. I had observed this woman several weeks
trying to get her name in order so I decided to help her by introducing her into new steps
different from what was already used in their instruction. I got her a new format with only her
first name on the front and the last name at the back, well-spaced and boldly printed. I tried this
because from what I have learned through my education that when tasks are broken down into
steps it makes it easier to be performed and avoids overwhelming the individual.
Also knowing the determination and interest helps in building upon the strength, acceptance,
coping and understanding of the individual. Encouragement in the form of feedbacks and giving
correct response in the process will help the individual. Another aspect is that people with
disabilities should be treated like any other person and the best we can do is to give them the
opportunity to keep on doing what they can.
There was also a review of plan of care for some participants whose evaluations were due
and needed updates. This plan is a review for new participants at their thirty days probation with
the organization. During this procedure the participants are given a one on one meeting with the
various group leaders to go over their plan of care. Contents of the care plan are being evaluated
and if any changes are to be made they will be implemented at home and the center. This review
is done twice every year when participants are taken through their care plan to evaluate how far
they have done in it. They are given the opportunity to express their concern and their ideas. In
the course of the week I interviewed some of the participants who expressed how they have


benefited from the programs and their interest in them. They shared what it means to belong to
an organization that tries to put them first in decision making.


Week 7
In my place of internship we work with the individual, families, group and the community. It
is sometimes a problem for individuals with disabilities to do simple tasks. But with this
organization we try the best we can to guide these individuals through using different learning
techniques and procedures to expand on their abilities to help them live independent lives. Some
of these individuals have been trained and coached in a way that they have the ability to work
and earn wages equal to any other person. Families of the individual are included because they
are most needed to be part in the treatment of the individual and are the individuals greatest
support. Even though they are sometimes under stress and are challenged by the daily duties of
their loved ones with disabilities, the organization has set up counselling sections, meetings and
interventions that are to assist in learning how to take care of the person with disability. The
families are encouraged to be the advocate. This gives opportunity to individuals with disabilities
and their family to be heard so that their needs and assistance will be met.
Putting people in a group makes the individual feel a sense of belonging. It gives them the
opportunity to interact and learn from other different cultural background, ethnic groups and
promotes cooperation of ideas. Some are very comfortable and less stressful when in a group
rather than being alone. The group has major influence on the participants, some of them are
motivated to work or be productive and has been an effective way for them to learn. Everyones
opinion is respected but for it to be effective the positive one is put into action.
The community provides the participants and families with skills, social networking, support
and access to resources. The supports and coverage in the communities provides a sense of
purpose for the individuals to live in the community. Another is that greater contributions are
made from individuals and private organizations in developing programs. Community based


services are to help the individuals with disabilities easy access without challenges. Examples are
stores with ramp and hand rails, assessable transportation and other things to make the
environment friendly. In addition there are other state programs like the America with
Disabilities Act that supports the individuals by enabling them to live and work in their
communities. The Ombudsman program that negotiates and facilitates on behalf of people with
disabilities and health sources like the Medicaid and Medicare supporting health issues. The
organization makes sure its participants and their families are connected to the right resources to
enable them to remain in their communities.
My strength is to help increase the advocacy and promote the right of people with
disabilities. Although my efforts are to see my participants improve but some seem to be the
same and that makes me feel there is more to be done. If I become an employee in this
organization, I will promote programs involving people with and without disabilities and help
increase fundraising to be able to fund more programs and support more people.


Week 8
From the time I started my internship up to date there has been a lot of changes in my
professional relationship with my supervisor. I approached her with questions I dont understand
and she was ready to help. When I got to know how the various activities are run, there are more
things I do on my own with a little support and directions from her. I feel motivated in the way
things are working between us. My involvement in staff and participants programs and activities
has made me learn and try new skill. I meet with my supervisor occasionally to discuss what Im
doing well and where in the field I need to improve. My recent meeting with the CEO was about
a discussion on a meeting in Dover for the Maryland and Delaware Eastern shore which I
expressed interest in attending to get an idea of how the different branches work.
There has been a good relationship with the staff for the past weeks that I have been with
them, observed and learned how to relate, tolerate, and respect their decisions and ideas to
improve healthy relationship in the working environments. Teamwork and flexibility makes the
working environment less threatening and accommodative for both the workers and the
participants. Participating in the activities I have learned to communicate well with them. Some
of them express their feelings through the works they do than in language. We get to
communicate and listen attentive to them through our interruption that gives me the opportunity
to give back the appropriate feedback.
Mass counseling for participants was conducted to remind them of the organizations policies
and procedures, how to handle their personal belongings and to update certain special programs
for the upcoming months. This counseling meeting gives participants the chance to share their
general concern about services offered and the impact it has had on them.


Week 9
Culture Differences

At my place of internship there are lots of different groups of people from different racial,
ethical, religious and socio-economic background. These differences do not prevent any of them
from being a member of the Organization. In-spite of the cultural differences, each ones rights
are valued and upheld to build a good and respectable relationship. There are lots of activities
which involve discussion. Some of these discussions are based on the differences in culture, this
gives all the opportunity to share stories about their culture and learn from each other. They do
this by trying not to offend any culture. Through questions and answers, lots of hidden secrets in
the cultures unfold. Even though most of these members of these groups were born here in the
United States they have an idea of their culture which they learned from their parents and they
will also pass it on to their children. I always try to put myself in place of each cultural group as
to associate and allow myself to be educated by their information. Cultural diversity has had
great impact on the individual and the best one can do is to allow themselves to get to know each
culture by themselves but not what they have heard or what people talk about.
Some misconception I have about certain groups of cultures is very difficult to overcome,
because I use to compare these cultural practices with my culture and not accepting that each
culture is different and unique. The relationship of sharing between the participant and me has
taught me not to use my feelings in judging other cultures but rather express the interest to know
more about it.


Week 10
This encounter happened at my work place. I was written up by my boss because of a report
made by one of the workers. It all happened when one worker who came to take over my shift
reported me as leaving one of my resident socked and wet, suggesting that resident was not
changed before my end of shift. In our agency policies it is neglect and abandonment if such
things happened and is subjected to warning or dismissal. Fortunately for me I had witnesses to
support what that lady reported about was a lie because there was a fall during that shift and
when there is a fall all Nurses are to be present in that room and because it was about 12minutes
for the shift to be over I was doing my changes and was in the middle of changing that particular
resident she reported about so I couldnt make it to the other room of the fall but made the other
nurses aware of what I was doing. After the shift I wrote my report of the day down for the next
I understood the rights, responsibilities and values of my agency and have learned how
complex it can get when it comes to issues of neglect and abandonment. I try to prevent things
like that from happening. Also I decided to have a polite approach to my boss for a successful


Week 11
End of internship
The whole internship was a great experience for me. To me I felt safe and comfortable
because it was the right population I have loved to work with. There was a good relationship
between the staff members and me. I had the opportunity to learn lots of things I believe will
help me in my career field. The experiences gained are the real life issue in the day to day
situations of the working world.
The regret at the internship was their inability to make my expectations be met. I did have
the idea that the agency was to provide a furnished setting with resource to help me on my site
work but unfortunately for me there wasnt any. No supplies or resources to help me work my
way out and it was a challenge. Even though I was doing some work, it was less of an
administration task.
As I journey into the career world and as a professional, I will help promote the quality of
services to improve on human needs. For personal growth I will use the good experience
developed on it for the accountability towards my career.
I had the opportunity to witness the budget hearing from the office of management and
budget for the fiscal year 2016 at the legislative hall in Dover.


Week 12

Both long and short goals should be a contribution to building a strong future. Short term goals at
my internship site were to at least learn something new each day I visit the place, understand the
mission and objectives of the agency and I was able to do that by reading about them online,
from their newsletters and their employees handbook. Another was to acquire skills and
knowledge based on how activities and programs are managed and to have a good working
relationship with both the staff members and the participants. It was my goal to complete my
learning plan by discussing with my supervisor to support me with necessary help for a
successful completion before I complete the internship. The long term goals were my ability to
apply what I learn into my future career and to achieve a professional level of skills.
There is no limit for growth and the constant upgrading in knowledge in setting goals is to
enable us to become experienced in the career by spending more time around it. The goals I set
contributed to the positive attitude I had towards my productivity and they motivated me because
I tried to use them as a guide.

Week 13
Comparing the knowledge I started with and the pieces that I have been able to add to what I
already had, it convinces me that I have developed in experience within the three months spent
with this organization. Being in the field has given me the first-hand experience in the working
environment. Even though not all that you wanted to know will be practiced but you get to see


how it would be like if you were to be in-charge. Its given me the chance to know if what I have
studied is what I actually wanted. The experience that I have gotten makes me prepared a little
more as a professional in the Administration in Human Services. I have had the opportunity to
practice and apply the theories learned in the class in the field. The social and cultural aspect of
my life has also developed. I got the opportunity to meet and learn from various individuals that
through their professional performance has made a significant impact on the organization and the
lives of others.

Week 14
Writing down my goals and following them helped me keep on track of what I had done
and what needs to be done. Goals setting throughout my course work has contributed a lot in my
decision making towards my career. Following my learning plans gave a sense of purpose of the
works I did at the agency. I didnt focus only on what I was doing but instead rather thought of
how it would help me in the future. It has been very important setting short and long term goals
before the start of my internship. The learning plans for my internship contained both the short
and the long term goals. Setting short term goals like choosing an internship site, the working
community, the skills and knowledge gained gave me the idea for the selected field. The short
term goals helped me to advance into the long term goals. This served as a guide to determine if I
would like to continue or change careers or occupations as I moved on. Upgrading my
knowledge is an important career goal to help me to be an expert in the profession.


My long term goals are to use my professional skills and knowledge gained to be productive
and also be able to get to the highest position that my profession will take me.

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