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Arshiya Dhiman
Zachary Daley
Sabrina Carlos
Period 4, AP Physics 1A
November 26 2014
Unit 4 Concept Summary
Statement of key concept:
The main concept learned in this unit is Newtons Three Laws of Motion and the
implication of friction. It takes nothing for an object to move NOTHING!
Also we learn about the forces such as tension, weight, normal force, and friction.
Newtons 3 Laws of Motion

Total Force=0N then a=0m/s^2

Total Force =0N then a=0m/s^2

The velocity of an object in equilibrium

does not change. Velocity changes if a
net force act on it.
(1 object)



Greater net force, greater acceleration.

Larger masses require a greater net
force to accelerate. (1 object)


F on F = F on F

Forces that are equal in magnitude but

opposite in direction.

We also learned that the force of friction is equal to the normal force multiplied to the
coefficient of friction or Ff = N . We learned how to solve situations where the total
force is not zero, so the object is now accelerating. We broke up the force diagrams into
components and tilted their axis if on an inclined plane. We also used geometry by force
vectoring the diagrams into shapes.
Newtons First Law states that when there is no net force acting on the object the object
remains in equilibrium. This means that the object's acceleration is 0m/s^2. The object
is in the state of equilibrium. If a net force is applied then you must take the sum of
forces and calculate the acceleration of the object which leads into Newtons Second
Law of Motion. This is a equation which allows you to get the acceleration of an object
by dividing the total force by mass. Newtons last law shows that the force of an object
on another object has the same equal but opposite force applied on the other object.
You must take the sum of forces. In cases there is the force of friction. We developed a
model to describe the force of friction which is the force of friction = the coefficient of

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friction multiplied by the objects normal force. We learn that the weight is proportional to

the mass times acceleration.









Field Interaction

Fn (or n)

Normal Force

Perpendicular to surface

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Kinetic Friction

Parallel to surface, opposite sliding(moving)


Static Friction

Parallel to surface, opposite sliding (stationary)

other important symbols: - means roughness

Some examples of when you could apply the friction model are:
A person attempting to push his car that ran out of gas to the side of the road.
A car breaking
A car accelerating
A ball rolling across the ground
A person dragging an object across the floor
A person sweeping
A mouse being dragged across a mouse pad
Domain of Friction and Force Models:
Forces must be constant
Objects must have mass
Ropes and chains have to be massless
The models relate to others previously developed because they are used to help
find acceleration, which is used in our constant acceleration model. Also, it uses our
model of gravity to find weight.
One common misconception is when there is a mass on a horizontal surface
connected via a rope to a hanging mass, the tension is both masses times the
gravitational force. This is wrong because when drawing a force diagram for this
scenario, the weight of the mass on the horizontal surface cancels itself out with its
normal force. Another misconception is when the surface of the problem is ice, there is
no friction due to having a coefficient of friction that equals 0. This is incorrect because
ice simply has a very little friction due to having a small coefficient of friction. Proof of
this is objects dont glide across ice forever without stopping. In addition, when box A is
on top of box B and they are being lifted at a constant velocity, a common
misconception is that the normal force from box A on box B will be greater than the
weight of box A because of the lifting force from the hand. However, since the hand is
lifting at a constant velocity, acceleration would be zero and the objects would be in
equilibrium, meaning the forces would have to be equal. Another misconception is that
when two objects collide with different masses, the forces applied on each other are not
the same, but they are due to Newtons 3rd Law. Tension is massless and is the same
throughout the same cord. Weight will always remain mg. Normal force is proportional

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to the friction force . Also when on a tilted axis, the normal force is not equal to the
weight. It is usually mgcos.
The models allow us to calculate the acceleration, mass, coefficient of friction, or
any constant force. This aids us in using the constant acceleration model by being able
to solve for acceleration in a completely different way using different variables. Its also
more accurate because we can now incorporate friction when objects arent in
equilibrium. In real life, moving objects typically arent moving at constant velocities and
when in contact with a surface friction is usually acting on them so this is very useful.
This model has many possible specific applications, because most things that
are moving on a surface have friction. For example, it can aid you with your love life.
Say one day you find out that your perceived significant other is seen with another suitor
in their car on Lovers Cliff. When needing to find out how much mass hanging by a
rope attached to their car is needed to pull them off a cliff, this model is very useful.
Another way this model could be found useful is when moving furniture up a slope. It
can be used when pushing a shopping cart, dragging a dog by the leash, or even sliding
down a pole, whatever youre into.
Sample Problem:
Zach pushes a 20kg box of cooking gear across the floor of a trailer with a force
of 50N. The coefficient of kinetic friction is .25. How fast does the box accelerate?
Force Diagram:

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To expand or alter the domain of the model, we would need to create an

investigation to solve for drag.

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