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Nombre: ____________________________________________ Clase: _________


El Idioma

Due date #1: ______________________________

Espaol 3AC: Etapa Preliminar

Este es un cuento real sobre
estudiantes que viven en Ann
Arbor. Explorars 3 actividades y
las compartirs con tu clase. Esta
hoja sera sellada y entregada por
puntos al final de la unidad.
Puedes hacer una cuarta actividad
por crdito extra!

Due date #2: ______________________________

Due date #3: ______________________________

Find out what happens when language STOPS being a class and starts being REAL!

Research the Lollapalooza

music festival in Santiago,
Chile and Chicago, IL. Write 8
sentences about the Chilean
music festival from the previous
year (what it was like, who
played, etc.) Compare it to the
one in Chicago.

Create and send a postcard

using Bill Atkinson Postcard to
Profa. Ball about somewhere
you went this summer. Write a
mnimum of 6 sentences in the
past tense saying: where you
went, with whom, what you did,
etc. Be sure to include a

Research a famous U.S.

American of latino origin.
Create a Fotobabble in which
you describe him/her with at
least 8 sentences: where
he/she lives, what he/she
likes/dislikes, his/her age, what
he/she does, etc. Share it with
Profa. Ball.

Find a song in Spanish that is

of 3AC level. Listen to it, print
the lyrics and circle all the
present tense verbs that you
can find (you need at least 6)
Translate the verb
conjugations in the margins
on the side.

Make a verb story book.

Choose 10 verbs from the list
of 101 Common Verbs. On
each page conjugate the verb
in all six forms of presente
and pretrito tenses, use the
verb in a sentence and draw
a picture (with color) to
describe your sentence.

Create a Pinterest board

for a Spanish-speaking
country. Include photos
as well as other
interesting cultural
information on your
board. You need at least
10 pins. Show your board
to Profa. Ball.

Pretend that you and a friend are doing to study abroad

in a Spanish-speaking country. Create a Sock Puppet
conversation in which you talk about what the two of
you do in that country using a variety of verbs from our
list of 101 Common Verbs. Your conversation needs to
be at least 8 sentences.

Find a news article of an event

that occurred in a Spanishspeaking country recently
(elections, earthquakes, strikes,
etc.) Print out the article and
write a short summary (at least
8 sentences) in the past tense
of the event in Spanish. NO

Using Google Earth go to at

least six tourist attractions
in the countries that we
learned about in the Etapa
Preliminar. Take
screenshots of the places
and share in a Google
Presentation with Profa. Ball.

Listen to Alexandras audio

description of soccer in
Make 2 columns. In the
left column, write 15
words that you
understand from the
dictation in Spanish.
Then in the right column
translate those words to

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