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Lesson Plan Template


Altnay zen
Ceren Kara
Merve Kseler
Nazlnur Kemalolu

English Language
Unit Title
Weather Conditions
Grade Level
6th Grade
2 lesson hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
Students should be able to describe the weather after given some visuals without error.
Given the temperature of a place, they can deduce whether the weather is cold, hot, warm, etc.
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Prezi presentation, students book, workbook, Goanimate video, worksheets, flashcards
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Presentation, Tutorial, Cooperative Learning, Games, Communicative Language Teaching
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
In the beginning of the lesson, students will control the answers of the homework given previous week
together. After that, the second part of the Prezi presentation will be shown to the students. Afterwards
students will watch the video (goanimate). Then they will complete worksheets related to weather conditions
and temperature. They will be asked to work in groups and match the definitions of the words related to the
topic with flashcards.
Individual Learning Activities


Group Learning Activities

Matching activity

While the previous week's homework is checked the students will have the chance to remember what they
learnt last week. Also with the concept map of the previous week on the wall, they can keep their knowledge of
seasons and months fresh. The topic "meteorology" will be introduced with the second part of the Prezi
presentation. The terms such as "rainy, snowy, etc." are taught with the visual representations of them. So
they again have the chance to relate what they see in the weather in their daily lives to the English means of
them. With the dialog in the video shown to them, they see how these terms are integrated into social life.
With the worksheets they revise the topic and afterwards when asked to work in groups for the matching
activity, they have the chance to learn how to work in groups. In this activity, the visuals and the definitions in
the flashcards are given separately and students are asked to match them.
Measurement & Evaluation
Online Survey (consisting of 11 questions along with seasons and clothes)
Matching flashcards (studyblue) with definitions in groups
Measurement & Assessment Activities for
Individual Performance
Measurement & Assessment Activities for
Matching activity
Group Performance
Homework (optional)
Worksheets similar to the ones they did in the class
Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
If anything goes wrong, instead of Prezi presentation the lesson will start with student's book readings. If we
cannot display the video (goanimate), we will make a role play activity including the dialogues of the video.

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