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English II GT Leadership Syllabus 2014-2015

Mrs. Lacey Lee

Clear Lake High School NGC
2903 Falcon Pass
Houston, TX 77062
Contact Information: (281) 284-2400 (NGC) or via email at llee2@ccisd.net
Course Title: English II GT Leadership
Teacher Conference Time: 6th period and by appointment after school
Approximate Timelines and Due Dates of Long Term Projects: Assessments may include
objective quizzes and exams, timed writings, essays, and group and individual projects.
Projects and papers will be given adequate time for completion.
General Methods of Assessment and Grade Calculation:
Daily grades (class work and homework)/Quizzes (count twice)= 45%
Major grades (tests, formal papers, projects, timed writings)= 50%
Reading assessment= 5%
Average Amount of Homework: Students will be expected to complete extensive reading
selections and group or individual projects outside of class.
Tutorials: Tutorials are held each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 2:30-3:15 and on other
afternoons by appointment. All students are encouraged to attend tutorials.
Course Description: The English II GT Leadership class is designed to prepare students for
success in the AP English classes, on the AP exams, and in college level coursework. This class
builds on the skills and materials presented in the Pre-AP English I and English I GT Leadership
Possible major works for the year:
The Aeneid by Virgil, The Inferno by Dante Alighieri, Richard III by William Shakespeare, Les
Miserables by Victor Hugo, Oedipus Rex and Antigone by Sophocles, Things Fall Apart by Chinua
Classroom Expectations:
Be prompt
Be prepared
Be involved
Be courteous

When the tardy bell rings, you should be

seated and ready to begin class.
I expect you to have the necessary books and
supplies in class everyday.
I expect everyone to be active participants
during class.
Be courteous to your classmates and to me.

Behavioral and tardy policies will be implemented as set forth by campus administration.
Please review the districts Honor Code.

Clear Lake High Schools late work policy:

1 day late= 75%
2 days late = 75%
3 days late= you will receive a zero for the assignment
Work (class work and homework) that is not turned in when called for is late unless otherwise
specified. Students who are absent will receive one day per each day missed to complete their
assignments. It is the students responsibility to obtain the appropriate assignment(s).
Students are expected to make-up tests and quizzes upon return. If absent the day before a
quiz or test, the student is expected to take the quiz or exam if the quiz or exam was
announced prior to the absence. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
Required Supplies:
composition notebook
notebook paper
Venue or Latitude
Requested Supplies: Students are encouraged to donate the following to
our classroom supplies.
1st Period: pens
7th Period: box of tissue
Remind 101
Please sign up for Remind 101 if you would like to receive text message reminders
about class activities. A sheet with further instructions will be provided.
Class Website- http://leeteach.weebly.com
Visit the class website regularly for reminders, class activities, and helpful links.

Student: ______________________________ Class period: _________

I have read and understand the guidelines and procedures.
Student signature: ________________________________________ Date: ______________
Parent/Guardian signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________

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