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a couple of articles on this subject by Nicola Malizia published on Storia Milit

are (http://www.storiamilitare-aes.com/)
L'armamento dei velivoli della Regia Aeronautica (bombe ordinarie), issue 42 Mar
ch 1997
Le bombe speciali della Regia Aeronautica, issue 44 May 1997
He explains also that existed two versions of the 100kg and 500kg class bombs, m
ina (designation letter M) and torpedine (designation letter T), hence the 100-M a
nd 100-T labels. The torpedine contained about as twice as explosive in weight tha
n the mina. Both versions had light grey body, with the M having a red tip and t
he T a light blue one.
It looks like that only the T version existed for 50kg, 250kg and 800kg weapons.
As far as idroplanes are concerned, Malizia explains how they could carry normal
ordnance but often used the 160CS bombs for antisom activity and 160T for attac
king harbour infrastructures and facilities.
100kg GP explosivo 50kg
spoletta coda
- tnt colore di fondo grigio ogiva rosso
- amatol colore di fondo blu scuro ogiva rosso
SAP 100Kg explosivo 27kg
spoletta coda
colore di fundo grigio oppuro blu scuro ogivo rosso
250kg spoletta coda i naso
500kg spletta coda i naso
800 kg spoletta coda i naso
500kg a tempo
4 spolette di naos tio J i una di naso ad orologeria i una di coda ad orologeria
Dull blue with a 2in red band at nose vs grigio ogiva rosso

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