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Pierre Moglen: James OBrien, Alphonso

Ellie Williams: Adrianna Costelleno

Honor Kalala: Camilla Costelleno
Curie Lu: Alcee Costelleno, Mr Benito

Adrianna- I need to return to Italy with Alcee, but you can still make a life here. This
is the address of the apartment. Mr. Benito can find you a job.
Camilla- I wont let you down Mami.
Adrianna- Stay safe, I love you.
Camilla- I love you too mami! *hugs Adrianna*
Alcee- *hugs Camilla* *whimpers*
Officer- Hurry up! (leaves with Adrianna and Alcee back to the boats.)
Camilla walks out of the office alone and confused.

Scene 2
Camilla walks around, looking for the apartment.
Camilla- Where am I? Where is this apartment?, She mutters to herself.
Mr.Benito- Hello Senorina, are you Camilla Costelleno?
Camilla- Yes?
Mr.Benito- Follow me. I was expecting you.
Camilla- You know my mother?
Mr.Benito- I meant to ask, where is she? And your sister?
Camilla- They were sent back to Italy; Alcee has Trachoma.

Mr.Benito- Ah! I am so sorry! Here is where you will be staying, #333. Alfonso also
has a room here, he can find you a job.
Camilla- What will I do?
Mr.Benito- He makes clothes.

Scene 3
Camilla is still settling in when an unknown man comes in.
Alphonso- (knocks and opens door) Camilla? Camilla Costelleno?
Camilla- Yes thats me.
Alphonso- I am Alphonso, Mr.Benito told me you would need work, you can work in
my shop. I oversee button sewing in apartment #252, it pays 5 cents an hour.
*Camilla nods as he speaks*
Camilla- Thank you so much!
Alphonso- You start tomorrow at five a.m. sharp.
Alphonso leaves the room and Camilla is left to her thoughts and excitement of what
is to come.
Scene 4
The next morning, Camilla makes her way to room 252.
Alphonso- Camilla come come, hurry, get to work! Youre two minutes late!
Camilla- I apologize Mr. Alphonso.
She rushes off to the spot Alphonso was pointing to and then waited, for following

Alphonso- Now, you are going to sew three buttons onto each shirt. Exactly 5 inches
apart each.
Camilla- Yes Mr.Alphonso, but how do we do it exactly?
Alphonso- Yes, Carlotta here will show you how it works. I hope you'll do a good job
despite your inexperience.
Carlotta- I understand your pain, I left Italy alone as well. You need to work hard for
your family, despite the hardships you are going to face, and America will be good to

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