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[b]Full Name:[/b] Numi

[b]Nickname(s):[/b] Mimi (called this by her older brother).
[b]Level:[/b] 18
[b]Class:[/b] Cleric
[b]Race:[/b] Firran
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Age:[/b] 25
[b]Hair:[/b] Red
[b]Place of Residence:[/b] None at the moment.
[b]Place of Birth:[/b]
[b]Relatives:[/b] She has an older brother, but hasn't seen him for a while.
[b]Enemies:[/b] None at this moment (WIP).
[b]Allies:[/b] Khanuin, (WIP).
[b]Occupation:[/b] Numi would say she's a travelling healer, but she'll do anyth
ing if it's needed enough.
[b]Tradeskills:[/b] Would like to go into composition and fishing.
[b]Fashion of Choice:[/b] Anything tight-fitting or protective. She doesn't like
loose clothing because it can get caught on things.
[b]Armor of Choice:[/b]
[b]Weapons of Choice:[/b]
[b]Special Talents:[/b]
[b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral.
[b]Motivations:[/b] Her motivations never quite clear, Numi can come across some
what selfish.
[b]Disposition:[/b] Skeptical.
[b]Outlook:[/b] Numi tends to have a realistic outlook on most things, although
she sometimes tends to go slightly pessimistic on occasion.
[b]Religion/Philosophy:[/b] Although Numi doesn't really worship anything, she b
elieves in the preservation and protection of nature.
[b]Sexuality:[/b] Open-minded, but not really looking.
[b]Positive Personality Traits:[/b] Thoughtful, modest, hard-working.
[b]Negative Personality Traits:[/b] Withdrawn, cynical.
[b]Misc. Quirks:[/b]

[b]Guild:[/b] None yet.
[b]Guild Rank:[/b] N/A.
[b]Likes:[/b] Nature, being alone (although she likes the companionship of certa
in people), music.
[b]Dislikes:[/b] Getting wet, people, being stared at.
[b]Favorite Food(s):[/b] Most any kind of soup.
[b]Favorite Drink(s):[/b]
[b]Favorite Color(s):[/b]
[b]Hobbies:[/b] Playing music, and on occasion, writing some.

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