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Fig. 1A. High frequency heirpin coilinductivaly Fig. IC. Link eouplingfor concecled orabstructed coil, pled at side or cotls in shielded con Fig. ID. Inductive coupling to straight ungrounded wive or entenna oe =e— i | : Fig. IF. High frequency hoi pled to ceil Fig. 1G. Inductive coupling te end of shortadporallel feeder line Fig, IE. Copecitive couplingto ungrounded straight wire or ontenne Fig. 1H, Inductive coupling to wndof shortadco-cniel Fig. 2. Pin sockot & clip ottechments affixed to F ei MEASURING INDUCTANCE To measurethe inductance ofe coll, connect alow teler— ‘once copacitor (silver mica) across It of about 100 uf. Using the 7105 0 g.d.o., couple the prota coil to the unknown cail ond determine the resonant frequency. The voknewn ceil inductance Leen be found fromthe relat ship given below. Inthisormula, the resonant frequency 18 capectty be inhenries. "C" (in forads). CHECKING QUART? CRYSTALS Use the Instrumentes « 5.d.a. Connecta short lead enelligator clip el eachand aeros the crystol holder pins Insert the irstrument “probe” coll into the loop mad by the lvadend tune fer the grid-clp indication. The erystel frequency ezn thenberecd fom the instrument's Frequency secles. This cheekalso Indicates the activity of the erys~ Nell since: on incetive crystal will not produce the grid~ tp indleetion RECEIVER TUNED CIRCUTTS Use instrument os g-d.o. Withrecelver power offadjust each tuned circuit to the desiced frequency. Gong-tured circuits should be checked at both ends of the range end afew points Inbetween, After completingthere adjurt= men's, apply power to the reeetyer and use the 710 es signal gencreto: 10 check the Finel ellgrmant. This Is dene by cttaching @ very short antenna to the recelver Input terminols and locating the 710 0 few feet oway from the racaiver otsome point where its removed from neciby conducton, ondwhere body mavements con net affect the rf signal fromthe instrument. Alternatively, the 710con be located c few frat from the receiver ot « convenient point clorg the racalvar trenamistion line. Ture the 1e~ ceiver, with AYE on, to « frequency at which ro signals fre prosert. An “S" meter, © viv oF xome sor! of cotor mat be connected tothe receiverdetector. If the racalver it & apetheterodyne end it is not functioning itmaybe weful te check the operation of the loeel oscil Tater. Using the 710cs a tsrsF. diode, couple the probe coil totke receiver escillator coil. Araximum up-scale reading should be obtcined at the resorent Frequency of ‘xcillator tenk circuit if i is functioning. 1 Fig. 2. Pin socket & ol MEASURING CIRCUIT Q To meosure the Q ef « retonont clrcult, use the 710 as a tignel generator. Connect a VIVM with an RF probe ccross the circuit in question. Couple the probe cat! to the coll inthe resonant ctreuit end Find the resonant Fre— quency, which should correspond to © meximum or pack voltage reoding on the VIVM. Note the resonant Fre- quency, Then shift the 710 frequercy on both sides of reronance to points where the VIVM voltage reading is tout 70.7% (J db down) of the meximum voltage reed ing roted et resonance. Note the frequencies at which these voltage reedings occur, and thensubtiact the lower Frequency voluefrom he higher frequency volue todeter~ rine the difference frequency. The value of Qean le found from tha fellowing celaticaahip, where fr isthe re sonent frequency ond FI-F2 the difference between the Frequencies where the response is 3 db cown. fe ne @- PRE-SETTING TRANSMITTER TUNED CIRCUITS Use instrument ex g.d.0. Remove plale power from tans itter but leave all tube in the sockets end all cfrcuits completed. Proceed to odjust tank cirevits to desired Frequency, after which plate power moy be opplied ond Final ed|ustments of oligrmont mede with grid end plete meter indications, Using tha 710 6 t-r.F. diode, wach torkmay-be checked for cormct Frequency. The 710may clto ba used os en exeilleting detector for this work, but the ineroesed sensitivity makes it necessary re evotd mistok~ the desived ten probe cot] neorer fo i beat indicates that the desired circuit is being checked. Also, beoting against harmenics may occur. The lowest Frequency Loot heard is the fundenantel. NEUTRALIZATION Use instrument os tere. diode. Remove plete powerfron the stoge to be nevirolized (Filament power shouldremcin epplied) endopply power tothe driving stoge. Couple the TiO “prote" coil to the cuiput tonk of the stape being revirallzed. Set the insirunen! to the driving Frequency ‘end cheek for the pretence of r.f. inthe ouipul torkcir- cuit os avidenced by tome meter reading othorthan 200. ¥ rf. is present, odlust the neutralizing copocitor v the meter receding goes to zero. © Another method, which can be used to chack neutreli ton, requlres operation of the 710 exc g.d.o. Again, ploie power Is removed from the transmitter but filemert power rermcins spplied. The 710 fs then coupled te the grid tonk of the stege take ewutrolized with the moter set 40 tha botion of the dip. The instrument metor reeding should remain unoffacted as the plate tonk copectiors veried If neutralization has been achieved. ANTENNA ADJUSTMENTS. The 710usedas 0 G-d.0. aids inthe adjuntmentofontenres thout causing interference. However, there ore many Eifferent types of antennas, Feeders, ond couplings thet con ke used end wach sitvotion has its specific cdjust= ment requirements. When 2 particuler ontenne set-up te chore fe meet tho nceds ofe given situation, an under- Handing of how the enterne cparater will permit intelli= unt use of the 710to cidin makingedjustmerts properly. The antuino should alwoys be necr its Finel height ond patitlon if the resonence readings are to have real valve. In.any cose, the proper typo of eeupling should be used (inductive at evrcent mesimumt, eepacitive ot voltoge meximurs) ond thie coupling should uvelly be leose. Coupling clorg the line or at the ends is posible with peralie! Feed lines, bute comaxiol Line can only cou- pled ta ct the ends, Checking ot the end of « Tine is wally done by inductive coupling to ¢ shorting loop ‘across the inner endouter conductors of the com coble or ecreas the ends of the parallel Feeders. Correct matching ofopen wire lines to en antenna canbe checked by using tha 710 a @t-r.F. diode to indicate the presence ofstonding waves. The instrument "probe" ail must be moved along the line with constant coupling maintained, All of the "probe" coils, except the hair pin high-frequency coil, hove insulating cept which per mit this to be done without holding ¢ piace of insulating rmotericl betweenthe "probe" coil ané the line. Contldare ble verietion in readings indicetes the presence ofstand— ingwoves. Whencorreet notchingoF the line isobiained, standing waver will disoppecr, Fer the latter operation, power must ke Fed into the Feed lines ky tha trenamttter. Todetermine correct metching of co-anlel ne, use the Inatrumant of a tert, diode. Only inthis casey place ear the antenna where it will serve ax a Field-strength nneter. Correct motching it indicated by meximum mater indication, corresponding to maximum output from the PARASITIC OSCILLATIONS. Use instrument es oscilloting detector. With powor op= plied tothe trerumitter, listen on beodphane while vory= ing the operating Frequency of the 710 for ebeat indico~ tingthe presmevofe parasitic oscillation. Ifa porcitite 1a found, reol its Fiequenecy fromthe 710scale. Renova power from thy trensmitter and use the instrument as 0 f-d.0. to find the circuit or component resonant ot the poresltie Frequency. (0 Gm © Ss“ eAPACI TANCE m PRED enn OPEN LINE OTE PROPER METHODS OF COUPLING THE GRID - DIPPER TO CIRCUITS UNDER TEST, N MFG. Cl MALDEN, MASS, USA. Parasitic oscillations. | Apply power, to R.F. chokes. To determine self resonance fransmiiter and use mottument ag choice of rf. chokes, use “Grid Dipper” as a grid dip buat ‘of perasitie owilation, Aw an alterna i five, the parang Frequency tay be deer: oscillator. Hitt Sy Mtag the eeratent haa Une Ef. dodo er absorption topo frequency meter. Relative circuit Q at a given frequency. Wher parasite equeney has thus ben ets elative circuit Q quency. as read trom the “Grid Dippee” scala, Use as a grid-dip oscillator and observe char- acter of the dip whether broad or sharp. The sharper the dip, the higher the Q. wiring, etc, resonant at parasitic freqzency. _ Relative @ of capacitors or inductances at 1 given frequency may be nctod by observing the character of the dip, as previously des- eribet.

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