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NAME: ___________________________________________

DIRECTIONS: Answer the writing prompt here in the 3.8 Paragraph Form
outlined below:
3.8 Paragraph - Discuss 3 points (or reasons, examples, etc.) in 1 paragraph of 8 sentences, as
explained here:
Sentence #1) Intro sentence, indented; hook (Introduce the overall topic. Dont list all 3 points
Sentence #2) Tell your 1st point/reason.
Sentence #3) Expand 1st point with a detail/example.
Sentence #4) Tell your 2nd point/reason.
Sentence #5) Expand your 2nd point with a detail/example.
Sentence #6) Tell your 3rd point/reason.
Sentence #7) Expand your 3rd point with a detail/example.
Sentence #8) Concluding sentence (Wrap up, but dont repeat.)
Whether you liked reading it or not, the fact is that To Kill a Mockingbird was named the best novel of
the 20th century by American librarians the best of the best, out of 100 years of books! Using the 3.8
Paragraph form outlined above, discuss the 3 best reasons why you think it received this high
honor among books.
STEP 1 Prewriting/Brainstorming:
List keywords for as many reasons you can think of why To Kill a Mockingbird would be named the best
novel of the entire 20th century. Then put a star beside your best 3 reasons.

STEP 2 Write your First (Rough) Draft. For this first draft, its acceptable even a good idea to
number your 8 sentences so you can more easily see if youre properly following the 3.8 Paragraph Form
explained above.

STEP 3 PROOFREAD, REVISE & EDIT your first/rough draft for grammar and spelling mistakes,
awkward sentences, details, and the correct numbers and order of sentences for the 3.8

Paragraph form. IF necessary, rewrite your final, corrected draft on the back. IF NOT, then
make a note that your draft above IS your final revised draft.

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