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Comprhension de loral :

Test Book 2 Situation 2

- ce quelle visitera : Empire State building New York/ studios

- ce quelle naura pas le temps de faire : visiter les parcs
- ce quelle espre : revenir aux USA
- ce quelle fera : prendre des photos / crire sur son blog
- ce quelle promet de faire : prendre une photo delle et de son
chien sur le Golden Gate Bridge
- ce quelle espre quil narrivera pas : son chien soit malade dans

got to gotta kind of kinda going to gonna

Comptence linguistique :
III I gotta go: Je te laisse.
Youre hopeless: Tu es sans espoir!
End of story: Point final!
Are you in? Tu viens?

Hang on! Attends!

I guess so! Je pense / je suppose.
I owe you one.: Je te revaudrai .
a date: un rendez-vous
See you around! A bientt!
You kinda like her! Tu laimes?
IV a- Florida is the sunniest state in the USA.
b- The Mississippi River is the longest river in the USA.
c- Alaska is the coldest and the biggest state.
d- Tony Parker is the best French basketball player in the US.
e- The White House is the most famous monument in the world.
f- Disneyland is the most popular theme park in the world.
g- Atlanta airport is the busiest airport in the USA.
h-Washington DC is the most visited city in the US.
i- Terrorists are the worst people in the world.
V a- When I go to Los Angeles, I will visit Disney World.
b- I will buy a new car if my father gives me a lot of money!
c- Sue will drive a nice black Porsche when she is rich!
d- Mark will call you when he gets back.
VI a- People wont be involved in wars.
b- Terrorists will become nice people.
c- People will recycle.
d- Going to the USA will take only two hours.
VII This weekend I will do my homework. I will play videogames.
I will rest. I wont help my parents !
Comprhension crite :
a- Im really proud of you !
b- Bob a eu son permis de conduire.

c- Ils ne resteront pas la maison. Ils ne regarderont pas la

tlvision. Ils prendront la voiture de la mre de Sandra. Ils
iront en ville.
d- Elle lui promet quils niront pas pcher / quils samuseront.
e- A-t-elle envie quil vienne ? oui, trs envie.
So ? When do you come and see me ? / I really hope youll
come. / So please come!

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