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x . phate _ Pe @ occasion e -. Anited states Bepartment at Iustice 1300 Biscayne Building _ Mami, Florida 2 : a 7 co. April 8, 1912. Director, Federal Burem of Investigation, Washington, D.C. Thefe is forwarded herewith the pamphlet entitled "The}fiidden Hand" which was forwarded to this office by the Regional Office of the Anti-Defamation League, Iiami, Florida. Aecording to thefatiDefanation League, this pamphlet is being circulated by Celonel &. N. Sanctuary, 511 West 113th Street, New York City. Very tmily yours, BBR Re Ge Speokal Ager Agent in m harge, ‘RGD:CSH “ ee de ALL INFORMATION CONT re wie te 8 ca RIM, DATE s Sf ir4e Alans Ary ‘COPIES DESTROVED 29 WN 8 PT le var Y IN PILE ae 6 APR 34 1942 | nT AE vee | The’ Hidden Hand "a AMERICANS! READ THIS BRITISH DOCUMENT WRITTEN BY THE; LATE COLONEL A.H,LANE of the BRITISH ARMY. ATI Should neal u America Want To Die § Become as ‘ Bankrapt For This? » i: nx inrorwanon comune 2° Perpetuate bie Tala a _] This? an Now BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! ° Ap ‘8 2 ay, 530-5 | ipl INTRODUCTION Colonel A.H. Lane served in the British Army during the Boer War. Having become aware of the world-wide plot and its effect on the British Government he resigned from the Army and later wrote a book, “The Alien Menace” which has run through several editions, ‘The late Lord Sydenham, a former Governor of Victoria and of Bombay, ‘a member of the Comittee which re-constructed the British War Office, and the first Secretary of the Comittee of Imperial Defence, 1903-8 — a man who has studied life in many phases and places — wrote an interesting foreword to this book. Colonel Lane's lectures and writings are well known to many patriote iu efforts continued down to 1938 when he died shortly after Publishing the pamphlet entitled “The Hidden Hand,” which follows this Preface. ‘Two chapters of “The Alien Menace” were read into the "Congressional Record” in the early part of September, 1940. THE HIDDEN HAND A PLAIN STATEMENT FOR THE MAN IN THE STREET A.H. Lane ‘Author of "The Allen Menace,” ete, Price 6d. FORE-WARNED is FORE-ARMED. M.CP, Publications, 94, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. 2, THE HIDDEN HAND A PLAIN STATEMEST FOR THE MAN IN THE STREET by A. H.LANE ‘Author of “The Alien Menace," etc, PREFACE The supreme conflict in the world today, including wars, is, fundamen- tally, a struggle between Bolshevism and Anti-Bolshevism. Our own un- fortunate country under the powerful control of the Kahal (the Cahilla*)— ‘The Jewish Hidden Hand, whose tool and agent is Bolshevism — has allied itself and us to Bolshevik Russia and semi-Bolshevik France: hence the policy of our Government against Germany and Italy and the attitude of our Jew-controlled Press against Hitler and Mussolini: also our policy re- garding Abyssinia and sanctions which has brought us so much ridicule in the eyes of the world; and, further, the attitude of our Government with re- ference to Spain and non-Intervention. Ina desire to place some of the facts of the case before my fellow country- men, I feel that perhaps the best way to approach the subject is to insert first a challenging article which I contributed to. “The National Citizen” of February, 1997, after the publication of the Sth edition of my book “The Alien Menace” where I had put numerous facts and figures as a warning to the Government and the nation. ‘Regarding Kabal, seo page 8 ALIEN PENETRATION CONTRIBUTORY CAUSE OF UNEMPLOYMENT. ANTI-ENGLISH ACTIVITIES “Our Civil Lord of the Admiralty is Mr. Kenneth Lindsay, for several years a protégé of Israel Moses Sieff, who placed Lindsay in charge of the office which started P.ELP., a dangerous scheme designed to betray small traders into the hands of large alien controlled combines. All papers con- nected with PEP. were secret and the plans kept underground for the first two or three years, “Sicff is in touch with the same racket in U.S.A. with Felix Frankfurter, one of the men who control that country. More recently Sieff has got co Siderable hold of our (so-called) Conservative Press — vide his article “The Morning Post” last year (1936.) tis rumored that the Secretary of State for War, Duff-Cooper, has gained greatly by his friendship with Otto Kahn and his gang. It would be interesting to know if this is true. Otto Kahn started a German, became an Englishman and finished as a citizen of US.A. LITTLE PROGRESS “Under-Secretary for Air is Sassoon, a Parsee Jew. “For several years the Chairman of the Air League was Dr. Gerald Merton, whose name originally was Erie Siegfried Schmiechen, During this time little progress was made in this most important arm, “That our armaments have been largely in the hands of aliens has been shown in published statements regarding Sir Basil Zaharoff, to. whom crowned heads and leading statesmen were merely puppets. “During the War Lloyd George swept away the Master-General of the Ordnance and formed the Ministry of Munitions. This was handed to Ed- win Montague, who, without loss of time, gave a big share of the business to Bernard Baruch, probably the most powerful man in the United States then and now. After this we had enormous quantities of defective muni« tions which often killed our men and were unreliable for attack or defence, thereby prolonging the War. “Anthony Eden, Secretary for Foreign Affairs, seems to be in the grip of Litvinov, who, through the League of Nations —where he is all powerful— carries out the aims of the Moscow Soviet, causing unrest and revolution throughout the world, In his speeches Eden sympathises with the Reds in Spain, and throws blame for ghastly massacres on to loyalists fighting for country and religion against Bolsheviks strongly supported by Moscow. CAUSE OF DISTRESS ‘A. deal is written about ‘Distressed Areas,’ especially South Wales which contains the best coal in the world. But nothing is said about the chief cause of distress; the penetration by Bolshevik agents for the past ‘twenty years. Several are of foreign birth and all are provided with ample funds, ‘This is the cause of much unemployment in South Wales, and other mining districts. “Communist trouble is organised by foreign agents, hence the riots in the East End. One has only to see these Communists, especially of the East End; most of them show dark, foreign blood. “Only the unemployment returns from the Ministry of Labour are pub- lished. The returns of the Ministry of Health, showing about 1% million drawing public assistance (not counting tens of thousands in ‘institutions’ —the workhouses and asylums, the latter containing a large proportion of aliens) are not included. ILLEGAL ENTRY “One cause of unemployment is the enormous number of aliens allowed to enter this country, especially since 1918. Some of these have entered on passports, but thousands are entering illegally, one of the simplest ways being through Ireland. It was stated in Parliament on November 9 that persons naturalised in the Free State do not become British subjects, Yet no passports are required between Ireland and Great Britain. “This influx of aliens has greatly increased, for thousands of revolution- ary Jews from Germany have come over, many of them obtaining work, There is scarcely an English musician employed in Great Britain today, while aliens get all sorts of jobs, although there is no job which cannot be done by a Briton, “The Ministry of Labour, like the Home Office, seems to be greatly in- fluenced by the Jewish Board of Deputies. Until 1933, Statistics showed the number of aliens allowed to enter Great Britain to take up work. Since 1933 no statisties seem to have been published. (In 1933-37, some 40,000 to 50,000 Jews were admitted from Germany. Any patriotic person who has studied the front page of “The Times” this year (1938) must be aghast at the large number of aliens who daily advertise regarding their naturalisa- tion. Many of these are probably Jews who were expelled from Germany in 1933 for the reason that they were revolutionaries or otherwise undesic~ able. “Tt was stated in Parliament in April (1998) that 12,000 Jews had been (legally) admitted into Great Britain from Austria during March. How many have sneaked in illegally by various ways known to the Jews (and often published by the Author)? “Most of these, both from Germany and from Austria, are revolutionar- ies, and all undesirables. Most of them seem to get jobs, although some three million English people are drawing doles of some kind because of unem- ployment, directly or indirectly, “Our Government has no register of aliens. It is impossible to know how many aliens live permanently in the British Isles, where they are, or what they are doing. What Judaeo-Masonic influence caused this? In other European countries everybody is registered, nationals and foreigners. The average alien in our country looks with contempt on our laws. SEATS OF “LEARNING” “At Oxford University in recent years some forty Professorships or Fel- lowships have been given to ‘German’ Jews. Rhodes Scholars from U.S.A, are chosen for their Communist ideas, hence the red anti-patriotism of under-graduates and graduates of this University. (These foreigners, ow- ing to heredity and environment, cannot be expected to possess a love of Britain and the British Empire. Students of every colour and class come from overseas.) A large number of teachers in elementary schools belong to the Educational Workers’ League, affliated to the Educational Workers’ International; founded in 1919 to bolshevise teachers. (About fifty per cent. of the undergraduates now come with scholarships from Secondary Schools or Council Schools; some of these become dons, tutors or lectur~ ers.) (The President of the Oxford Union this year (1938) is Phillip Toyn- bee, a Red.) CONSERVATIVE CENTRAL OFFICE ““In the old days one was taught that everything emanating from the Con- servative Central Office was good and patriotic, and many people hold this erroneous idea still. Few people realise that the most powerful man in the Conservative Office is Sir Albert Clavering. This son of Isaac Abraham Clozenberg, a Jew from Eastern Europe, had the effrontery to change his name in 1920 to the old English name of Clavering, “He put up for Hampstead at the Parliamentary election as a Lloyd George Liberal, and failed, but shortly afterwards appeared at the Conser- vative Central Office, where soon he took over the propaganda department. During recent years old Conservative working men speakers have been dis- charged and replaced by Jews and Socialists. (“Incidentally, it may be mentioned here that a few years ago Baldwins Ltd. was taken over by Waley Cohen & Co.) “War now is not between nations but between Bolshevism and Anti-Bol- shevism (not only in Europe but in the Far East), and our unfortunate alien-penetrated country, or at any rate our Government, in the grip of the League of Nations, seems to be against Germany and Italy, who are doing everything in their power to prevent Bolshevism spreading throughout Europe and the World, (OTS: Tho sentences in brackets were aot in tho original article in The National (This is the chief cause of so much re-armament of nations. And Bol- shevism is the agent, the instrument, of the Jews, whereby they are achiev- ing World Domination chiefly by creating chaos. “BRASS TACKS!” ‘The British people in the past have been much led away by speeches— especially by speeches of Lloyd George, Winston Churchill, ec., etc., whose political careers strongly suggest their role as associates of the Hidden Hand. It is a matter of common knowledge that Winston Churchill, like his father, has at times had the benefit of Jewish friendship. ‘The two appoint- ‘ments in the Cabinet which particularly affect the Jews are Home Secre- tary and Chancellor of the Exchequer. He held the former post when only 30 years old, and when quite young the latter. His visits to the U.S.A, to Bernard Baruch, ete, bear this out. Tt must not be forgotten that Winston Churchill was largely instrumen- tal in killing the Aliens Bills of 1905-1910 in Committees, and was appoint- ed Home Secretary in the latter year. Regarding Lloyd George, The Jewish World, 16-5-31, throws a good deal of light regarding his work for the Jews. See page 15. It was Lloyd George who ordered Trotsky to be liberated from prison in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1916. If Trotsky had been kept in prison, the his- tory of Europe —in fact, the history of the whole world— would have been very different. It is probable that Bolshevism would not have developed and spread as it has done without this very clever and unscrupulous organ- iser. If seemingly brutal at times, solid facts and truths are, however, prefer- red by most folk. Camouflage, “soft soap,” “beating about the bush,” and all such subterfuges get us nowhere, Plain words for ordinary plain-speaking people. And one pitin word is that we have permitted the reins of government either to fall into the hands of aliens or alien agents, or in our stupidity have allowed aliens to jockey themselves into key positions. And now — a plainer word still! The vast majority of those aliens are of the Hebrew race! Jews! ‘Most of our anxieties, and the troublous times through which we have gone; and the further troubles which lie only just ahead, have their begin- nings in schemes that are Judaeo-Masonic in origin! BRITAIN'G FINANCIAL EXPERTS Why do we trust our finances to the hands of Jews and men of recent a~ lien extraction such as Otto Ernst Niemeyer, Guggenheim Gregory, and Henry Strakosch (who, according to the Evening Standard, 17-9-29, was ‘born in Moravia)? ‘The first two named above were sent out a few years ago to Australia and New Zealand to give advice. And the gist of their advice was for those Dominions to borrow more money from the U.S.A.t So it would appear that British taxpayers paid the expense of these men in order to put more business into the ands of the Jew Snanciers of New ork! Another sinister sidelight on the permeation by Jewish influences is that for the past ten years these two “experts” were the only two representa- tives of Great Britain on the Financial Committee of the League of Nations! ‘THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION Much has been said and published about the documents called “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” This is @ book containing parts of the text of a lecture under 24 headings, which outlines the political, economic and financial programme to be fol- lowed for the establishment of Jewish World Domination. The text of this work, which was drawn up Between 1889-1895, appears to have formed the subject of a debate at a secret meeting of Jewish Freemasons at Basel in 1897, at the time of the First Zionist Congress at that place. According to the Russian S.A. Nilus, who first published them in the second edition ‘of a work on Anti-Christ in 1905, these notes were abstracted from the mi utes of a secret Masonic meeting of Jewish leaders, and came into his hhands in 1901, via his friend Major and Count Marshall A.N, Suchotin, ‘These Protocols are in complete and accurate accord, not only with other Jewish writings over a period of centuries, but also with the political, eco- nomic and financial occurences of to-day. ‘The numerous attempts of Jews and non-Jews alike to “prove” the Protocols to be anti-Semitic forgeries cannot stand the test of a searching enquiry. ‘The methods employed by the Jews and their defenders are strongly suggestive of a guilty fear, and 4 teiror lest the trath should come out. ‘The late Lord Sydenham, a former Governor of Victoria ahd of Bombay, a member of the Committee which re-constructed the British War Office, and the first Secretary of the Committee of Imperial Defence, 1903-8 — a ‘man who has studied life in many phases and places — wrote an interesting letter on this point to the “Spectator” of August 27, 1921. In the course of this letter, Lord Sydenham mentioned that the Protocols were alleged to “embody” a forgery perpetrated by the Tsar's police, and again that they were adapted from a French “pamphlet of 1864.” Mrs. Nesta Webster, and Mr. Lucien Wolf, Lord Sydenham said, had traced certain similarities which, he added, must be expected in a document that had, in any case, been carefully compiled, All these allegations and similarities, said Lord Sydenham, could not re- ‘move the sinister nature of the subject matter in the compiliation; neither could they “have any bearing upon the deadly accuracy of the forecasts in Protocols, most of which have since been fulfilled to the letter.” A copy was in the British Museum thirty-two years ago; that is more than twelve years before they were translated into English! The leaders of Zionism have attempted ever since to secure the suppression of the copies and have actually succeeded in some countries. They have pretended that the Protocols were forged by the Russian Secret Police for the purpose of inciting the Tsar and his government against the Jews. The whole of the Jewish case really rests on the flimsy and contradictory evidence of two persons, whose careers show them to be entirely untrustworthy as witnes- tes, The recent attempts to revive the “forgery stunt” come too late in the day, and indeed discloses the fear that has come with discovery! In his introduction to the reprint translation by the late Victor E. Mars. den (who was formerly Russian correspondent of the London “Morning Post”). Mr. A.N. Field* mentions that “the basis of the whole programme set out in the Protocols is to control nations by controlling money, and us- ing their money systems to undermine their institutions and enslave their people”: and he adds that “to prefer the claims of the money-Jender and speculator to those of industry and labour — is to destroy the State.” The Protocols are coming true! They fit in with most that has happened ‘since 1914, and that is happening now! Their authors must either have had uncanny foresight or a guilty fore-knowledge of how some kind of under~ ground conspiracy was tobe worked out! The fact ofthe world-conpiracy is sun-clear when you have read the Protocals. ‘THE WORLDPLOT Although the Protocols show clearly the Jewish intention to replace ex- isting governments and institutions by a Judaic control, that document is not needed to prove such intention! The ordinary man of this land of ours knows this! He has common-sense and can see the signs of the times, He himself knows of many instances where Jews, in all kinds of cevious and doubtful ways, have got into key and controlling positions and have proceeded to bring their tribesmen in as well. Certainly, Jewish methods of permeation, of patient plotting, of smug oily cunning, are well known! ‘What is not so well known is the true identity of the scoundrels behind the scenes who “pull the strings” attached to their duped and bemused pup- pets who are public mer ‘The reader may recall the words of Hilaire Belloc who in his book “The Jews” (1922) wrote-— “The Great War brought thousands upon thousands of educated men (who took up public duties as temporary officials) up against the stag- gering secret they had never suspected — the complete control exer ised over things absolutely necessary to the nation’s survival by half a dozen Jews who were completely indifferent as to whether we or the enemy should emerge alive from the struggle’ author of The Truth About the Slump, ote —6— ss Amrelementary safeguard is to don a new name, and this is easy even when done by legal formality. So we find that David Beidenkopf becomes David Cope; Mary Fasbender, Mary Dawson; Yukiel Lichtenstein, Jack Stone! Surnames like Bakon, Barlasoff, Dzwonkowski, Chapfleisch, Abramovitch, Brumengraber, etc., can be put aside in favour of homely English-looking. names like Bacon, Barlow, Jack Barker, Butcher, Janes, Stanley, Gordon, Curzon, ete. Verily, good British names hide many a misereant, and that clique of tiegalomancies who think they are destined to impress their will on man- kind, would not let a trife like an unfortunate name be a bar to their work, although some of them have left it too late in their careers for any change of name to be effective. By unscrupulous means, the Hidden Hand has obtained possession or con trol of the bulk of the world’s monetary wealth and thereby exerts indu- ence particularly over democratic governments. It is, in fact, a-band of super-criminals that will finance atrocities on any scale, to advance the cause of world domination. ‘Whenever a decision is arrived at in public affairs that may help this de vilish plot, and whatever the constitution of the tribunal the Jew in it or the Zionist influence within it can always be discerned ‘Whenever our own Cabinet makes an important move or plan, which might possibly affect Jewish interests, the Jewish Board of Deputies (a super-Government!) éxerts its whole influence to render its effects innoc uous from their standpoint, THE DEVIOUS WAYS: We do not need to be either “Jew-haters” or “Jew-baiters” to find war- rant to assail the Zionist permeation. It was Lazare the Jew who wrote: : “The Jew in not satisfied with de-Christianising, he Judaises; he de- stroys Catholic or Protestant faith, he provokes indifference but he im- poses his idea of the world, of morals, and life upon those whose faith he ruins.” Here is a part, at least, of the cause of the turmoil engendered in our re- ligious circles which is fostered by Jewish influence. Tt is universally recognised now that the foundation of the Russian So- viet was entirely a Jewish movement, aided by the German Staff, Nearly 300 Jews, all revolutionaries, recruited from the large cities of Europe and USA,, were sent with Jewish money into Russia together with Lenin and ‘Troteky, to organise and conduct the revolution that led to the Soviet; and in 1920 that Bolshevist Administration of 540 officials included close on 450 Jewa: a position which continued right up to 1937. It is therefore ridieu- lous to speak of the “Russian” Government as so many papera and people do. Over and over again it can be proved that Jewish “Nationalism” — camou- flaged ofter as “Internationalism” — adopts the Jew-conceived Bolshevism to create chaos and a terrorist control, side by side with Zionism which ef- fects spiritual and religious chaos, So it is aimed that these two forces, by the aid of the evil group of Jew International financiers, will make the place ready for the introduction of International Jewry. THE KAHAL CAHILLA Boy Ea] ‘The plain Man-in-the-Street asks a few questions, such as:— 1. Why were foreign revolutionaries not deported years ago, instead of being allowed to remain? Why are Jew criminals of foreign birth hardly ever deported? Why are our laws flouted, or put asidé, or watered down, for particular people? 2. Why is the receipt of money from abroad — from Moscow and New York — to these foreign agents and to British dupes and other traitors, permitted to flow in in thousands? 3, What is this influence that go often gives such an un-English twist to our national policy and procedure? ‘And the blunt answer is:— “The Kahal!” The Kahal is the ruling council of World Jewry, of which the Grand Sanhedrin at the time of Christ was the prototype, Most fanatical Jews are allied with the higher grade of the evil thing called Grand Orient Ma- sonry. English Masons claim that there is no connection between them and the Grand Orient Masonry. But there are Lodges in the British Isles com- pletely controlled by Jews. It is unbelievable that these Jewish Lodges have no connection with Jewish Lodges under Grand Orient control, in other countries. Some authorities trace the power of this ruling council called the Kahal or Cahilla, from the days of Babylon; there is litle doubt but that the Kahal was instrumental in compassing the downfall of the Ro- man Empire. In the 18th century these fanatics and their followers co-operated with “Jacobins” and “Tiluminati’ in the age-old aim of Gentile destruction. In every country there have been, and are, agents or representatives of the Kahal; Jews who influence the policy of that country. One reason of the great power of the Kahal is the extreme secrecy. Not only is the Gentile kept in ignorance of their plans and activities — of their very existence — but also the majority of their own race. How many members of the Kahal are in our Cabinet? The same people continue to remain, only a reshuffle of jobs. The only new.member recently is Hore-Belisha who, in July 1929, in the House of Commons, supported other Jews in demanding that Troteky shouldbe allowed fo live in Eagland, Jacobinism sought to achieve the world-state in accordance with the ‘Talmud whereby “when the times of the Messiah is come the Jews will hold under their keys the properties of all the peoples of the world” (from a let- ter of Baruch Levy to Karl Marx). That is the object of the Kahal — the Cahilla — today. It involves the acquisition of an Oriental Empire — Russia, China, India, etc. ~ and pre- sent day upheavals in those countries are explained by this desire! ‘The headquarters of the Kahal today is said to be in the United States of America, JUDAISM Jews’ main allegiance is to Judaism, and in carrying out its aims and in- terests of the country in which they may live are secondary; they snatch at ‘opportunities which would be detestable to the patriotic native of any land. ‘Thus it was that during the world chaos after the Great War of 1914-1918, the Jews in several countries worked themselves into key positions and se- cured a controlling influence both in Government and Commercial circles, debasing and degrading all that is noble and natural, especially in the world of Art. ‘The great Cinema, Radio and Theatrical industry, the Press, an e= normous part of financial and industrial business, came to be mostly in Jew- ish control during those years of difficulty and reconstruction. ‘Those opportunities were snatched, and indeed created by the Jews for the basic reason of the advancement, by any and every means, of Judaism. “When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordi- nate officers of a revolutionary party; when we rise, there rises also our terrible power of the purse!” ‘That is what Theodor Herzl, one of the greatest of modern Jews and in 1897 leader of the Zionists, himself wrote. And that is why you find the Jew at both ends of the social scale, cunningly, insidiously at work. ‘They are the instigators of Bolshevism as one means of causing collective chaos, In fact, the Kahal works entirely for collectivism whereby to achieve its ends more conviently. Centralization of all activities is the basic creed of the Kahal, whether in financial, revolutionary, or international matters; and, if the centre is not already in their grip, to penetrate it, ied centralisation of government in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the community.” And again:— “In order to put public opinions into our hands we must bring it into a state of bewilderment by giving expression from all sides to #0 contradictory opinions and for such length of time as will suffice to make the Goyim lose their heads in the labyrinth and come to see that the best thing is to have no opinion of any kind in matters political” -9- The greatest example of Judaic centralisation today is the League of Na~ tons, on which the Kahal have had a strong hold ever since its inception. The constitution of the League of Nations was drawn up at a Masonic con- vention held in Paris in June 1917, and this constitution was actually adop- ted with slight alteration in 1919 at Versailles. Other instances of purpose ful modern centralisation, which (while on the surface seemingly wise) can be traced to this same Zionist influence and inspiration, are the Union of South Africa, the London County Council, the British Legion, the London Passenger Transport Board, Imperial Chemical Industries, General Elec tric, ete, ete, ‘That is why, also, the German states remained united during the war, 1914-1918 — a matter of wonder to many people. Jews were getting more and more control in Germany right up to the time when Hitler brought off his coup in 1933 and upset the work of the Kahal in that country. That is why, also, the Jew controlled Press of most countries has made systematic and persistent attacks on Hitler ever since. Whatever one's views on Hitler’s methods of government may be, he did at least put the brakes on Zionist control in Germany. He also has purged Germany of most of the filth and immorality with which Jews had perme- ated that land in their design to bring down the Gentile order and to get money. Hitler, in fact, prevented Germany becoming a second Russia, and thus probably preserved the civilisation of Europe. The tentacles of this Judaic octupus reach far. Here in our own country, the Kahal has effected an unpatriotic line of conduct by our Governments over and over again for several centuries. Even a casual study of this Jew- ish conspiracy makes the brain reel by the constant discovery of new evi dence of its dastardly actions and influences. People who have knocked about the world and have studied events in other countries, and who have read histories (not paying too much attention to Carlyle), appreciate all this. But the average stay-at-home Englishman who reads only our Jew-controlled Press remains in ignorance of the work and power of the Kahal’s hidden hand. Why did Queen Victoria so long hesitate to give recognition and “hon- ours” to Jews? Here are her own words, written to Mr. W.E. Gladstone when a Knighthood was proposed for a Rothschill “It is not only the feeling, of which she cannot divest herself, against making a person of the Jewish religion a Peer; but she cannot think that one who owes his great wealth to contracts with foreign Govern- ments for Loans or to successful speculation on the Stock Exchange, an fairly claim a British Peerage .... not the less a species of gam- bling because it is on a gigantic scale and far removed from that legiti- mate trading which she delights to honour, in which men have raised themselves by patient industry and unswerving probity.’ Today, the Kahal has a stranglehold on Credit, Publicity and essential commodities and services, so that Jews are stage-managing all “Internation —10— al Situations” and “World Affairs.” Honours have become to them mere ‘commonplaces, where a hundred years ago Jews were plotting and scheming for honours to a disgraceful degree, as Queen Vietoria knew! ‘That great Queen knew also that the demeaning of Britain's aristocracy by the inclusion of the Jew meant also a poisoning of the race. -She lived in days when blood counted for much, when breed had placed England high in the world; and she knew that a Jewish intermixture would tarnish the ‘tock, and through the principles of heredity would impoverish and contam- inate future generations. Today we are witnessing the fruits of dangerous and damaging martial unions such as Queen Victoria may have foreseen, WARMONGERING AND RE-ARMAMENT. Since the time when Cromwell, in return for money and “information,” readmitted the Jews to this country, our Cabinets have slowly and steadily been passing under the influence of the Kahal. It is the power of the Kahal which has forced our Government to admit Jews by thousands into thi country, especially since the Great War. From 1933 to 1937, it is computed that between 40,000 and 50,000 Jews were brought into this country under the aegis of the Jewish Board of Deputies, aided by pro-Jewish Gentiles, and this invasion has lately greatly increased, owing to the flight of Jews from Austria. Most of these are revolutionaries. ‘There are now some two millions or more Jews in the British Isles, most of whom have jobs, which accounts in a great measure for our millions unemployed. In order to bring about Jewish World Domination, it is necessary from time to time to engender wars, so that the most virile and patriotic men are killed or crippled physically or mentally. Then again, wars greatly fill the coffers of the Kahal, and so give more power for the fell work. ‘This was particularly seen in the Great War, dur- ing which Jew financiers in the U.S.A. amassed millions, and which at the same time robbed Great Britain, Russia, Germany, France and Italy of their virile and best men Since the war of 1914-1918, revelations of an astounding nature have come to light! Matters which must have been within the knowledge of mem- bers of our Government have been exposed in their sinister nakedness. Yet today we have some of those very Government leaders daring to stay in the public eye and having the effrontery to criticise actions which are meek and mild compared with their own nefarious activities of twenty odd years ago and their then inactivity which is possibly worse! A very brief examination of world affairs will prove the Jewish control of armaments, and the names of large share-holders in munitions firms only adds to the evidence. Tt is no answer to say that armaments should be entirely in Government hands, for without tremendous expenditure of taxpayers’ money, a Govern- ‘ment could not produce sufficient munitions for a modern war of any ex- tent. Private firms must continue, Government supervision of work, capl- tal, and the powers behind those private firms certainly is necessary, and vital. ue The Jew in the world of armament manufacture is a sinister examplt of ‘this exploitation. I shall have something to say about a man known in his day as Zaharoff, although he was really Zachariah! He was the embodi ment of the Jew in armaments — selling to all and sundry; encouraging nations to embark on costly adventures, and not caring whether friend oF foe were involved so long as the particular war material in which he might be interested at the moment was selling well. ‘There you have a true Jewish method of causing the Gentile world’s downfall — the piling up of indivi- dual profits from munition making, coupled with incitement to antagonism and to anti-racial activities. Although the “Man-in-the-Street” does not need the production of such evidence, I feel it advisable to point out to him the opening words of the seventh of the Protocols, written, be it remembered, very long ago:— “The intensification of armaments, the increase of police forces — are all essential for the completion of the aforementioned plans. What we have to get at is that there should be in all the States of the world, besides ourselves, only the masses of the proletariat, a few millionaires devoted to our interests, police and soldiers.” SPAIN The international arms trafic to Spain is run by the following Jews, whose headquarters are in Barcelona: r Bischitzki, Bischitzki is the head, and has established a network of Jewish agenci all over Europe: : « In Paris, the agents are the Jews Fratkin, Rosenfield, Schapiro, In Rotterdam Cohen, Gruenfeld, Kirsch, Simon, In Denmark ‘Moses Israel Diamant. In Prague Kinler, Kahn, Abter, Hithner, 1m Austria, Bischitzki worked with the Jew Mandl, now under arrest in Austria. BOLSHEVISM ‘The chaos following the Great War of 1914-1918 gave the opportunity for the Jews to use their other great instrument, Bolshevism; and they proceed- ed inter alia to break up the British Empire which has stood in the way of world-domination for so long. Working through secret societies, chiefly Grand Orient and high Masonry and by bribing and controlling traitors and Bolshevik agents and our Press, the Kahal has made great strides during the past quarter of a century. We have, in real effect, lost Ireland mainly through Lloyd George; Egypt mainly through Ramsey MacDonald; India mainly through Edwin Monta- gue and Lord Reading ; and South Africa mainly through Lord Milner* who had Jewish blood, and certain members of whose staff (1897-1901) had Jew- ish connections. No doubt the Jews are looking forward to the time that India will be in a state of chaos. “They can then loot the gold and jewellery of the Princes, as they did in Russia twenty years ago. The loss of trade with these countries must inevitably bring us to poverty and probably starvation. ‘The Kahal is, of course, at the moment up against the two men, Hitler and Mussolini, who have checked the great plan. ‘The policy of our Cabinet regarding Abyssinia and Spain is undoubtedly governed by the Kahal who are against the two dictators, Mussolini and Hitler. In the light of what appears in previous pages it is comparatively easy to wee the hand of the Kahal behind the great world-push for re-arming — especially with the memory of the immense profits of munition-making. Parallel with that aim is the consequent and logical tendency to make ‘eal use of the great munition Colossus built up at the secret behest of the Jews. And so we come to the War! And then the other aim of Judaism is ceached — the elimination of the strong men who may be opponents to the downfall of the Gentile races. After the Great War, during which millions of the most patriotic and 1100-15232 5. L, Pearcy of thie officebut' at such tine was unable to furnish any more definite information concerning bis beliefs adattting that euch were largely his ova conclusions, He advised that during hie period of employment with the Anti-Nasi League, it has been his observation that this organisation and, also, the Anti-Defémation League are interested only im their ovn saterial benefit and their work ie directed more in the Line of persecution and of framing their enentes than the exposing of Nastem apd asciom and the protection of the Jewish race which purposes theyprofe who has upon several previous occasions furnished inforsation to thie office and who has offered hie reguler cervices as a Confidential Inforaant, advised st the tine of thie interview that he vould {n the future atteupt to secure more specific informetion concern- ing his conclusions which Re would promptly furnieh to this office and which vill, in turn, be promptly forvarded to the Bureau, Very truly yours, 3, FOXWORTH, Assictant Director, Maclosures deral Bureau of Investig United States Bepartment af Justice Washington, B.C. . IBN: NHT Hay 24, 1942 MEMORANDUM FOR MR. TOLSOW pau chnan called following Senatonffiye's renarks on the floor Wherein he referred to secret societies who have been plotting to get certain Senaters. Paul Biohnan stated he feels that Senator Wye was thinking of théAnti-Defanation League. Sometine ago, Nye told auyflern, the National Republican Conmitteenan from North Dakota, a men of the Executive Conzittee of America, and President of the First National Bank at Fargo, Worth Dakota, and best man at Mye's wedding, that the Anti-Defgnation League had a plot to get him, This the ADL denied and oharepputetads of Chicago sent word to Stern to endeavor to have Nye cone to Chicago and discuss this with him. Mye stated he would but he has not had an opportunity to do this. Richman also r. to information which he previously furnished ne wherein Jotinflenshai had furnished advice regarding the connections of Pru ackwood and Mariegtennessey, and Paul now thinks that possibly Henshail-wtghtBé in back of” that. Respectfully, Le By Nichols ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN S UNCLASSIFIED MAY 27 1942 USHiCE 9 Sederal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Iustice Washington, B. C. May 25, 1942 MEMORANDUM FOR HR, TOLSON RE: Willian ry bozerman : o Paul ¥Richnan of the Anti-Defanation League advised me that the ADL had requested Borernan's resigna- tion, ie is leaving as soon as he can find another connection. Respectfully, L, B. Nichols ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED tet (S UNCLASSIFIED RECORDED Mr, Poul Richman Executtue Seoretary Toshington, Dear urs. Richman: I have recetved your letter of July Bp: 1942, ce well os a copy of the book wéntioned. in your letter and I wanted to express my appre~ ciation for your thoughtfulness tn providing me with a copy of thie book. © OMDD pet wishes and kind regorde, Sincerely yours, “oe erat ment oF St ice Tolson_! E. 4, Tom FOUSM! 40°1490'9%R | HF Ragar Bows a . Glavia____ah8g woos anzomy Lada n nia —D HO OL UF WS 3008" oom om ‘Tracy. , BB UL 2s 192 ts a ALL FORUATON conga zat cd EE se Cy, aed Meee Sie Neate, En. ee 4 fo PES a Pe | Washington Office SANTI -DEFAMATION LEAGUE ¥ of Binai B'rith 1003 K. Street, N.W. Weshington, D.C, — Mr, J, Bdgar Hoover, Chief, Tuly 3, 1942 v Federel Bureau of Investigation, Weshington, D.C. My dear itr, Hoover: National Exact Oftert ‘SIGMUND LIVINGSTON = nics & Guistaot ‘Drelor and Secelry Meshingln Often tous OTTENsetG “\ ea comcona Under separate cover, I am sending you ® book entitled "Questions and Answers Concern ing the Jew", based oh documentary information which I trust x11, to some extent, offset the tremendous enount of Nazi propagenda which has come into this years. I send you this country during the past ten book with my compliments. ALLINFORMATION CONTAINED FERELY IS UNCLASSSAED Sincerely yours, SUITE 301 1003 K STREET, N. Ws WASHINGTON, D. c, Mr. 1, Bager Hoover, Chief, Foderel Bureau of Investigation, Weshington, D. C. te cen 5 Gerice ommbitector 8A Tans FEDERAL BUREAU OF snvESTISATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE wm, mo July 10, 1942 = ete 5 i [1 | se mat || : i QUESTIONS and ANSWERS Concerning the Jeus If Prepared & Published by Anti- Defanation League of B'nai B'rith, (The attached book was received fron B'nai B'rith, Washington, D. C.) AL Arona oy ca ty aus f HL FORTIN COANE, SPE ARE wna) 2 ie dene FED woe 4/ Latte Neeson. of women is formed to bring about 9 fuller “4 h es 1 ‘sideration of matters vitcl to the interest of the People of th, 134360 United States, and to couse to be revealed the true facts which bade relate thereto, in order that the Government end Congress may be' protect and defend the Constitution of the United Stetes, and thus { sofeguard cur established form of Government, our lews, and our~ptW sacred and inalienable rights us a free People. wa ‘The overthrow of tho Government of the United States we will oppose, whether it is under the form of Union with the Britich Empire, or the form of underwriting the British Bnpire with the wealth of our People; or the form of Bolshevik Communism as was consummeted in Russia, Hungary and Spain, and wes attempted in Poland austria ond Germany. ‘We also oppose Fascism, Nazism, or any other- autocratic system of governmont, such as have been adopted by certain European countries in order to defend those countries from the same Bolshevik Communism, The facts underlying these Europesn conflicts must be sought out by a thoroughgoing investigation by unbinsed representation of the Congress, or else by en impartial commission appointed for thnt purpose and composed of indtvidusls in no way tainted with any birs, or personal or group interest, and in no way allied or associated with any such interested groups, or with eny foreign government, or with eny orgunized groups within.any foreign countries, As o preliminary proceeding to such an investigation by Congress, this organizntion of Confeder*ted Mothers of America will make its invostigation, and report its findings to the Congress end to the People. Ne invite the People of the United States to investigate, through their representatives in the Congress, or others if Congress cunnot undertake this vork through virtue of some strange inhibition, — 8 conspiracy against the United States and = plot to overthrow its Government and to enslive its People. The foundation of this plot was nid down in past years and it is now ripening into fruition, We will herewith submit a list of items, scleotdd ct random, for the purpose of illustrating the matters which should come, within, the scope_of-this investigation, Bo qypbieloke | os 1 ginst, io ah PAGGNS appécPing inWe-aderioon mumber of the London "fines", dated July 4, 1919, making en cpped1 to bring about, by efficient propaganda on the po thare-treined in the art of swaying ‘publio opinion, té nullity @Wtagonian to. Britich-american goodwill, Quoting from this articlé,“"s...BPficiently organized propsgands should #ébilize the Press, the Church, the stage, ond. the cinema; press into active service the ‘hole education ‘systom. of both pounfrica, end root th aginst of gooduill in the hones, the univer sities, public and high dthbbls, and primary schools. it should also provide for subsidizing the best men to write books and articles on special subjects to be published in cheop editions or distributed free to'okeamges interested, Authoritative opinién upon current con- . ° . troversial topios ah fe vred both for the daily press and for mgnaines: histo a™tortbooks upon literature should be revised. New books should be added particularly in the primory Schools, Hundreds of exchinge university scholorships should be Brovided. local societies ehowla be formed in every center to foster British~anerioan goodwill. Important »rticles should be broken up into mouthfuls for popular consumption; booklets, cards, pamphlets, ete,, distributed through orgcnized channels to the public; cartoons to serve their purpose. Ambassadors of goodwill Should be exchanged, to mect the public in our pulpits, on our goeture platfoms, and to preside in the lacture rooms’ of our eollegeses...” Reduce this whole question to the narrow terms of British end American finance, and conmerce, and industry, «nd socirl welfsre, gnd there is no answer except thick and thin, ali out and out British-ameriean intermationol cooperation by the English-speaking peoples.....” COND, ‘Investigate if this cooperation between Britein and Amerior. In finance, commerce and industry has not led to slevery of millions of people in merica and Asia, and if it has not led to the foundations for the present world war, THIRD. | An investigation of the 14,000,000 items of literature gont out by the-British Israel World Federation as quoted in its "Notional Message" of November, 1983, 2s follows: "The British-Isracl-"orld Federation Headquarters 6 Buckinghom Gate, London, $.W.1, (Opposite Buckingham Gate) qone of the grectest Interdenominationnl Organizations of the acy; nomong its members and supporters being Bishops, Clergy and Lay peteschers of the anglican Church; Ministers and Iay Preachers of the "Free Churches, and men and women of °11 ranks, qlt is governmed by :: General Council and Committees comprising nrepresentative business mon and women, A City man has said thot it qi8,oue Of the best mamged of *11 the institutions ho knows. The qauditore are one of the best-known firms in the world, There is 1 wlerge stoff of Commissioners, Spenkers and Writers, Scores of "meetings sre held every week. Rover FOURTEEN MILLION items of literarure have been sent out, The qiecching Zor which the Federation stinds is sprecding like A FLAME qikroughout the English-sporking world, and it is bringing LIcH?, "JOY SND CONFIDENCE to countless numbers,” (Follows itemized list of British Empire units, including Mondatod Torritories snd the United States of imerica). The following items are compiled from the "National Message" of the same date, November, 19333 1, "The Mighty Kingdom of the Isles N.. of Palestine is the Chief of 211 nations, 2B. “It is ruled over by the kindred seed of David. 8. “Britain is Isreel by descent and the British are Joys. "2 wonderful money-lender nation: "3 great colonizer. "The Protector of weak n-tions, "’nd never yet conquered, "The Proud Islend lies over the Sea. "When the Empires fell, the right to the Univers2l Kingdom of the Earth pussed to the Saints of the Most High. 10. "The Kingdom of the whole Earth is given into the hands of the Children of the House of Isrel in London, ll, "Henceforth there are no nctims, no people - but one, and indivisible will be the “orld ond the World will be one Great Britain, Thus tho stage is set. 12, "5 novel-militury base of enormous magnitude must be estab- lished in'the Eastern Mediterranean, in the vicinity of Haifa, o centrel point from which to gmrda Britcin's Dominions, 13, "The censtitution"1 governnents of Britain and the United States of america are on the threshold of n constitutional crisis, and may be sived only by collective prayer end orginized Unity. 14, "The British pecple and those of the Unitud Stctes of america are kindred Isracl Peoples. ‘hen the pecple of the Grest U.$.4. wake up, und the rise of the King od the North (Soviet Russia) which we shill’soon see fighting with the King of the Isles of the South (Great Britcin), the time of Jacob's troubles nre over. 15. "The Stone Kingdom is the Kingdom of God, 2 literal ond visible Kingdom, It is the Kingdom of Isrol, It is the finel World Bupirc, It is the THEOCRITIC STsTE born phoenix-like from the British Commonwealth und the United States of americc.” ee ** * Investigate the clains that thegtonists re near the fulfillment of their uims in the reconquest of america, 9 planned and operating throuch the Curnegie Foundstion, The plan follows: 1. he power of the President of the United Stutes to be increased so is to gvedually diminish the powers of Congress. 2. Suprene Court of the United States to be revised so as to embrace only judges agreeable to absorbtion by Groat Britain, ond uniformly hostile to the United States Senate. 5, Precedents must be esteblished by said Court against the U.S.Soncte in rulings, decisions, utc., (speoinlly prepered). 4, Strong cumptign must be waged in the severe] States and Territories “g2inst Congressmen and Senntors showing hostility to Great Britain, If unsuccessful in deferting then, they must be ecntinually witched until discovered in sone overt not, mainly personal end, under threat of exnosure, forced to resign. 5. ‘then the success of the ‘rbitretion trouties is assured, a few unimportont disputes between the Unitca States ind Grout Britain my arise, in which the preference must de given to.the United Stetes. ‘These npparent victorivs must be widely advertised in order to orente confidence in the propitiousness of arbitration with Grent Britzin, While the scope of the trentics mst be of cmsiderable latitude, cure must be taken not to in ony way bring such questions as to the fortification or navigation of the Panare Caml, or the Monroe Doo- trine, into dispute until tho situation is under firm control, 6. 45 soon as compatible with conditions, the erbitmtion treaties must be widened into »n offensive und defensive alliance, 7. On ccoomplishment of same, British and American neval officers must be mtuilly.oxchanged, but care mst be taken that this suggestion is made by en american, 8. Quictly ond unobtrusively Ameriean soldiers must be sent to dgypt and Indie; British soldiers my then be quartered in the U.S. 9, English roy:lty, preferably the Duke snd Duchess of Connaught, must be ant to Ganada; thence they mst mike frequent trips to New York, But great caro showla be taken not to enter Wesh- ington if there is a demonstration ageinst them, or until they have prectically "held court" in New York. 10. The wives ond dnughters of men controlling great wealth and influence in america must be given preference at these "courts", They must be selected carefully from every Stete end Territory of the United Strtes, Thus « new "society" through reyal favor must quietly and expeditiously be created. 11, Honors must be conferred on the husbands of women thus given preference in the social circles of America, snd » rank or position determined by judiciously distributed decorations, 12, Honors must be conferred on nll american offiders fevoring "Peace", (That is, the Peace proposition advanced). 18, The women of mon showing hostility to "Peace" mist be socially ostracized. 14, ‘hen 2 strong phelanx of influentiel people in favor of "Peace" has been created, and the oxchonge of British ani American naval officers cecomplished, and es mny as possible of the United States troops transported to Indic, the King and Queen of England may then visit Washington, 15, Should any demonstration of hostility to their Majesties cour, the Hindu troops ond the British may, in the cbsence of the American soldiers, quell any disturbances. 16, Men whose wealth prevents them from being influenced by money must hove honors and position, and possibly 2 title dangled vefore their wives! eyes. 17, When newspapers cannot be bought or leased, new publicn- tions must be started, 18, Educators must receive special favors in flattering newspaper notices; and wide publicity must not be given to Indepen- donee Day celebrations; people persisting in demonstrations must be "out" and held up to ridicule, any demonstrations with fireworks must be strongly opposed ond discouraged on the ground of proteoti cm to life and property. 19, in elcborate celebration must be srranged to take place in the United States to commemorate one hundred years of peace between Great Britain and America, by which time the object and aim of "Pence" will be at the apex of consummation, 20, Eduestion of the masses must be discouroged in order to orcate harmony with the desires of the Wealthy ana the several trusts, who will soe in such co swgestion a strong tendenoe to reduce wes from their now unrensonoble heights to wasis of wages paid in Grent Britcin; also the suggestion thet the ignorant cannot orgznize 80 fornidsbly as the educnted classes will be widely appreciated, aa issention and suspicion of their own lenders enn be more easily advanced. 21. a popular feeling against IRISH immigration may be aroused in the United States, by giving wide publicity to all indivit- wal cages of rejection of immigrants for reasons of seute poverty, insanity, orininalty or disesse, 22, arbitration, offensive and defensive slliances, and finally "Pecce", must be brought sbout ss quickly as possible, For the later, armed compulsion (revolution) my be necessary, end it is recommended that the Indian and British troops be eltozether confined to the eastern part of america, leaving protection of the West to Japanese troops, 80,000 of which nre scnttered throughout the Sand- wich (Hawaiian) 'Islinds, Mexico, British Columbia end California, Reciprocity with Cenrde’onn be passed almost unanimously through the American Congress, and then opposed bitterly in Canada on the ground only of that of ANNEXATION BY THE UNITED STATES, 23, With the sasistonce of some interested end powerful trust, such as the neat trust, estranged relstions may be brouzht sbout be- twoen GERMANY and the United States; in such event, ond with a defon- sive and offensive nllinnce with Great Brétain, 1 casus belli of Ing- land woubd be more ensily tumed into account by 2 simultancous attack on Germany, Great Britain's diplomatic relations with Germeny must remin intact until consummation of the allisnce with the U.S. 24, It is suycested to embrace France in the arbitration treaties, for the moment, so suspicion may not be created during the initial efforts, kaK . * FIFTH, Investigate o secret report of an arganizetion called the "Musfo Boys". According to this secret report, divisional plans have been completed for wnat they oall their people's army. The secret report, Novenber 1, 1938, follows in brief:- "Rabbi Wise, presiding, opened the meeting, speaking of the suecess “of the Jewish Congress at the Hotel Biltmore, New York. It was necessary to have 600 divisional or district leaders know cur plans "and give full cooperation on a nation-wide basis. The 500 in tum “have agents in ench of 3,000 communitics, both urban and rurel.” ‘Louis Lipsky was tho next speaker, He said, "...Einstein is “experimenting with a rey which will help us to destroy armed opposi- "tion = airoraft, tenks ond armored cars. He hopes that with it a "dozen men could defeat 600. Through it o@ could rule nations" Judge Hartman was the next sporker, "...ifter reading a letter “he said, 'We mst speed CI0~aFL, consolidation under Dubinsky and 1so close relations with Trotsky in Mexico.' If Stelin fails, he is "their man; imerios instexd of Russia their lond, 411 of America, “North, South and Central." "Report of Plans (confidential). "PLAN No.l. (Legisletive), Favored by Sir William Wiseman, "the gradual advance in consolidation of positions, ending in ctrect "action, Time to be determined by those directing and watching the “situation. "PLaN No.2. Fevored by Meronus, Within eight months at the “longest after dite proclaimed, direct ction must be taken, Exact “time mst be selected by Board of Strategy. 90 doys must olcpse "from date rroclzimed before any move is mate, to permit proper ord “ond reoch 00 lerders who /ttended conference recently, and coord- "ination of 911 units, "Pla No.3, Favored by Barney Baruch, 2 foreign war under “olonk of wilh ts accomplished by degrees our progrom, but not "practical so long as Chamberlain end Daladier, both Nationcla, are "in power in their respective countries, 411 efforts must be used “to remove them from power.” "all plans for taking over, or wrecking, arsenals, depots, Yona arms fnotories hove been so well advencea that any Franco typo "of mtionlist uprising in the United States could be crushed at "the stort, due to 1sck of munitions. In the Lergue for Peace snd "Democracy there are 4,025,920 members, including 2,814,372 young "men of militery age who will join the People's Army under.No, 2 or No. 3 Plans, when the time is ripe to moke a Soviet America (This is the end of the secret report). ‘The term "Music Boys" is : pseudonym for certain members of the\Harmony Club, New York City, the greatest Jewish Club in america Other Jewish clubs throvchout the Country are intorre! ee x SIXTH, Investigate the meeting, «t Cap d'intibes on the French Riviere, jugust,1938, at which were prosent the following:- Henry Morganthau,Jr., Bernird MBaruch, Rabbi S.SyWise, H.R.H, The-Tuke’ of Windsor, Sir Phillip-Bassoon, ‘his mecting took place at the villa of the iast named who was, et the time, the First Commissioner of orks of H.M.Government, 4 desoription of this meetins runs in the Rew York "Pines" of Oct.19, 1938, quoting Signor Preziosi in the mgezine "Vita Italiena", Signor-Prezicsi stvtes that this meeting "orplenied a universal war that was about to break out." It is remarkable thot this was about thinteon months before the present wer netunliy broke out. Further quoting from Signor Preziosi's srticle "accepted a triumvirete composed of Leslie Hore-Belisha, the British War Secre- tory; Leon Blum, the former Premier of France; M,Litvinoff, the Soviet Foreign donmisar, as leaders of the ‘Jewish Intermtionele™. eae SEVEV, (See Exhibit 1), Investigate the subject matter of the article appearing in the N.Y."Journal-american", Toursiny, Feb. 25, 1939, This article, which tends to prove that the present world war, Just like the Iast’one, was started by a croup of cons>irators or Private individuels who conspired torether to bring it about, reads, in part, as followet-",..The spevoh (-mbassador Bullitt's Wshington's Birthday speech in Paris) Hull snid, wes submitted to the State Deportment and spproved before delivery, In his remarks Bullitt assured France that imerica's domocratic institutions ‘are worth defending, and we intend to defend thems... In this instence, the President of the United States, members of his Ccbinet, and representatives of this Country who were sclected by the President to represent ua in foreign countries, are subject to the charge of hoving insticated, aided nd abetted the bringing 9 out of the war, Also, they nade promises committing the United Stetes to take part in such'a war, as if the Congress of the United States wre counted a6 deliverable, under order of the President, to make good these peomises where these promises, under the Constitution, required the approvel or sunction of the Congress. EIGHTH, (See Exhibit B), On the scme subject, investigate @ e the article ppeuring in the N.Y. "Herald-Tribune", ‘ley, Dec,22, 1940, ‘This artiele quotes from the "Grincoire", Paris, of the same week, where Phillippe-Henriot describes the efforts of Mr.Bullitt, in conference with MyBalndier, Premier of France, urging the lrtter to declare war on Germmy and promising the aid of the U.S. in such 2 war The article is quoted in part:- ",,.Bullitt was desoribed as uring Deladier to turn down Italian Premier Mussolini's eleventh- hour propos] for nother Munich conference to save pearcee.+.. “Finclly, Bullitt was accused of bein: one of the porsons who persusdcd Deladier to declare war against Germny ct 5 p.m Sundry, Sept.3rd, instend of civing Hitler until 5 a.m, Mondzy as Bonnet desired, "Bonnet wis on the point of telephoning Coulondre (Robert Coulondre, French ambasandor to Germony) soid the 'Grinsoire™ article, when Diledier oalled him to say that he hnd chenged his mind ond fixed the expiration time at 5 o'clock the some day, Bullitt, Iukasiewioz nd Mandel (Georges Mandel, Minister of the Interior) had won him over.* In this connection, the Chicago "Daily Tribune", dated Nov.9, 1940, quotes the “Nouveru Temps", Paris, Nov.4th, as follows:- "Few people know, for example, that if M,Dalidier (Edouard Doladier, thon French Premier) ws disposed at 14 o'clock (2 p.m.) on ‘ugust 51, 1939, to accert uncondition*lly the Itelinn proposition of a European conference, end if on the same day st 18 o'clock (6 ram.) he put off French dhésion to Il Duce's offer, it was because in the interval he had conversetions with lr.Bullitt and with Bullitt's friend, Lukisiewioz (Juljusz-Buknsiewioz, then Polish imbzssador to Fr'nce)." NINTH, Investigate the letter written by the Polish Ambessndo. to his Government, reporting conferences with jmbessador Bullitt whilc in Washington, Nov.21, 1938, (M,Potocki is stated to hove edmitted to one of the Senntors that he wrote this letter), In this letter, M. Potooki made the following statement:- ".,."hen I asked whether the United Stctos would participste in a war of this kind, he (Mr,Bullitt roplied, "without the slizhtest doubt, but only if Britein and Frince make the first move.!* This letter is appended in full. (See Exhibit C). TENTH, Investigate contents of 2 letter from the Polish General Staff, Department 11, (Ref,L.17731/11 8.0.) dated Yarsaw, aug.8, 1935, to the Ministry for Foreig Affcirs, Political Dept., Warsaw, ond marked "confidential". In this letter, Cormander Gade, morioon Naval attache at Lisbon (Portugal), is quoted as follows:- "Our iderls re wholly in sympathy vith those of the democracies, it the moment the Unitoc Stotes are studying possibilities of speedy “ssistance for Britein end France. ‘Ye have cone to the conclusion th:t our essistance mus. not only, 2s in the Great ‘or, begin with the active eooperction of 4merioan’ troops after one year of the wor has elepsed, but thot 1900 seroplanes must be despatohed within one week or ten days after wor has broken out." The letter continues, ".,.Commundor Gude is men of integrity @ a and 2 person:1 friend of President Roosevelt's. He his very close connections with Belgium and enjoys the friendship of the King of the Belgions, He is strongly onti-Gemman in his sentiments, He himself is & weelthy man. "My conversations with Chemberlain, (Lt.-Col.Chamberlain of the British Wilitary Mission to Portugal), Dély (Colonel Daly of the some Mission), and Gade convinced me of the existence of » silent under- standing for close cooperation in the event of 2 conflict... "In conclusion, I should like to emphasize the oalmness nd uniformity of the views held by representatives of Brithin, France and of the United Stetes.” ee * EXHIBIT 4. From N.Y."Journal-American", Thursdoy, Feb.23, 1939, (Heeding:-"Hull Says U.S.Backs Bullitt's Paris Talk"). "ieshington,Fed.23 Toy 1-%eS.)s, Seoretnry of State Mull said the declarations of Ambassador Bullitt in Paris last might in a Weshington Birthday speech, carried the full approvel of the State Department, “The speech, Hull snid, was submitted to the State Department and approved before delivery. ‘In his remarks Bullitt assured France that America's democratic institutions ‘are worth defending, ond we intend to defend them’, "However, Ambassador Bullitt's speech drew the fire of Rep.Fish (R), New York, "Fish asserted that Bullitt's speech ‘is felse ond m insult to the memory of George washington, ‘*4merica will defend itself and its possessions agninst any and all nations, but it is not going to wer asin to mke the world site for democracy, as .\mbassndor Bullitt infers, and its frontier is not on the Rhine or with the French army or British novy but on our om shores, supported by our own Novy and our own Army Fish said," see * EXHIBIT B. From N.Y."Herald-Tribune", Sunday, Dec. 22, 1940. (Hoading:-"Bullitt Jcoused Of Helping Pull France Into ‘Jar' "iGringoire! “Iriter Says He Egged Poles On, Fouzht Mussolini's Pesce "offer." (Had of Sub-hoad), By JohBlliott. By ‘ireless, "Vichy, Dec.21. ‘illion OvBullitt, Amoricen Ambasscdor to France, pictures asa leading warmonger who helped plunge France into war by Pressure on Edouard Daladior ond Julius Lukasiewicz, Polish ambasa-dor at Paris, in an article on "ar Responsibilities(, by Phillippe Heuvic published in the current number of the weckly 'Gringoire', "Bullitt hes been frequently cccused through inference by the French anti-war party of heving been largely instrumental in gett its France involved in wer, Notably, Fernand de Brinon, now French bessndor at Paris, has accused 2’"high american personelity! of f> had o bed influence on Dilrdier by his ‘ill-founded reports and tii advice’, This is the first time, hovever, that this secusation ha: deon directed against Bullitt by name. “Henriot wrote thet on the eve of war, in August, 1939, Iukesix~ wiez, "powerfully and noisily shoved along by Villinm Bullitt, st’ cred up ballicism among Journelists and parlimentarians whom he met'. "Bullitt was described as urging Daladier to tum down Italian Premier Benito Mussolini's eleventh-hour propos: for nother munich conference to save pence. Ferociously Hostile. "turing this time’ wrote the 'Gringoire’ writer, 'Diladior hd his consultations. Gen,Miurice Gamelin (former “11ied commnder-in- chief) and the imbrsandors Bullitt 1nd Iuk-siewioz perade before him. One can ersily guess that these Inst two at lenst have shown themsel- ves ferociously hostile to the Itrlian propositions.! "at 5 pem,. on Sept.2, the day before Gre“t Britein and France declared wor, Inkesiewlez was pictured 5 running into the office of Georges Bonnét, Foreien Minister, and repronching him for tomporizing and not declaring war on Gerreny, crying, 'Ycu do not keep your wort,' “0 He tsed even stronger language! reported Henriot, 1t the Embassy Bullitt hod heated him white het’. *Finnlly, Bullitt vne accused of being ons of the persons who persuaded Deladier to declare wir against Germany *t 5 p.m. Sundry, Sert.3, instead of giving Hitler until 6 a.m, Monday, as Bonnet desired, "tBonnet was on the point of telerhoning Coulondre (Robert Coulondre, French Ambessador to Germny)! seid the 'Gringoire! srticle, ‘when Daladier called him to say that he hed chinved his mind ond {Eixed the oxpin. tion tine at 6 stolodk the sone toy, BULEE, Luka ‘piewiae. and Mandel (Geonces Mandel, Minister of interior) hed won im over", Hoped For Army's Veto. “Henriot published the text of the ~inutes of o meeting of rrin- cipal war leaders of France with Doladier and Bonnet on iu7.23 to decide whether France was prepared, from militory point of view, to cerry out her obligations to Polend. ‘his meeting wns said to have been held at the demand of Bonnet, who hoped that French military men would reply in the negutive and so aid him in his snti-war policy. "But Gamelin advooated France's standing by her engavenents if necessary and declared thet the Yrench Army was ready. Askedhow Long, Poland could resist o Germin attack, Gomelin repliedt-!an honorable resistence on the part of Poland would prevent the mass of German forces being turned against us defore the following spfing, By that noment Englnnd voula be at our aides', "The Allied generalissimo expressed the view thot while Frazce would be more prepared after some months, Germmy would be even nore 80 becouse she would possess the Polish and Rumnian resources. "?Consequently', Re declared, 'France has no choice, Tno <7) ‘solution is to hold to our engagements viv-a-vis Poland, whicn, besides, are anterior to the opening of negotirtions with Soviet Russia’. (1 reference to the anglo-Frenoh discussims with Moscow for the formotion of a pence front, which had just broken down because of thesigning of the Nozi-Bolshevik pact). Air Minister Wes Confident, "Guy InChambre, Air Minister, geve the Cabinet an optimistic account of the French air force, wiich events were to belie the foll- owing spfing, He told his colléacues that in pursuit planes France possessed 'n great number', 'The Anglo-French planes balance fairly the Itslo-German plones', he added, He admitted thet France was not yet turning out bombers on s large’ scale and would not be until the beginning of 1940, But, he added:- 'Mgland will look after the massive bombardments of northern Germany? “"Cooperation with the land forces can be assured under good Noonditions’, said the Air Minister, 'In spite of what we know of the Germin forces --- 4,000 warplanes of the first line, 6,000 in rearrve and 8,000 planes for cooper:tion --- the situation of our aviation must not.weigh on the decisions of the government as it did in 1958". “ond would, in @.. opinfon, end in the @ destruction of Europe and the establiahment of Commnicm in every St-te, ‘ithout doubt, Soviet Russiz would stand to vein most when the wor wns over, He spoke Gisperagingly of Soviet Russia, He considered that the last purge, in particular the removal of Sltcher, had completely upset the Red Amy, whioh ws no lonzer o:pnble of any'sctive military effort, altogether he considered Russir to be the "sick min of Europe" and compared it with the pre-wir Ottoran State. Of Germany and her Chaneollor, Adolf Hitler, he sroke ‘ith oxtreme vehomence ani bitter hrtred. He believed thet a wir was inevitable and that, at its close, power «lone could put un end to Germiny's md aspirations to expansion. In answer to ny question “s to what he imag- ined this coming wer would be like, he answered that the United states, Fronce ma Great Britain must rearm ono gigantic scale if they were to be able to confront Germany. The decisive step cannot be taken, Mr.Bullitt continued, until the right moment comes, I rsked him in'what wry this conflict would arise, a5 Germiny would presumably not be the first to attack Britain end Fronoe. I for my part failed to see whit could start the conflogration, Mr,Bullitt replied thet the Democratio Stetes vould neod » full two years before thoy had completely rearmed. In the merntime, Germany would presumably contime to expand towirds the East, It vould be in accordance with the wishes of the Democritic St-tes thet an ormed conflict in the Brot should sreak out between the Reich and Russia. 4 the potential power of the U.S.S.R. was yet on unknowm Zretor, it might haypen thet Germany would edwence too far from her wn base rnd be forced into a prolonzel cni enermting wor, Not until then, Mr.Bullitt thought, would the democratic Stetes attook Germiny and force her to onpitulate, on I asked whether the United Stetes vould participite in a mar of this kind, ho rerlied:-"yithout the slishtest doybt, but only if Britain and France make the first movel” Feeling in the Ynited Stetes, so he told me, wae running so hich aainst Nozism nd Hitlerism thot alrecdy today 2 psychosis was observoble amongst /mericans, similar to that vhioh previiled just before meriea declared wor on Gemny in 1917. Mr.Bullitt then enquired avout Poland snd “bout the situation in Bastem Europe 28 farcs it affected us. He greed with me that Poland wes still a State which would take up arms if Gerneny crossed her fron- tiers. I well understand, he said, the quostion of a cormon fronticr with Hungary, The Bungarians elsoore c splendid nation, 4 common linc of defense with Yugoslavia vould mike it easicr to oppose Garman oxpansion, Mr.3ullitt then mentioned the question of the Ukraine ond Gemany's intentions there, He confirmed thit Germany had . complete steff of Ukrenian officinls who were to teke over the future government of the Ukraine and found an independent Ukranisn Stete under German influence, "4 Ukraine of this type", Mr.8ullitt continued, "would, of course, be very dangerous for you as it would directly influence the Ukranians in Eastern Polond." German propaginda, he said, hid slready adopted a pro= nationalist attitude with reeard to the Ukreine., The Carpctho-Ruthe- nian Ukraine, in the mrintenance of which Germany was interested mainly for utrategia reasons, would serve asa stepping stone for the coming enterprise, "Gen,Canelin ond idmircl Jeon Darlon assured the Cobinet thot the ormy end navy were ready. They said that at the becinning of the conflict they would not do must against Germany, but they could rot vigorously viainst Italy if she came into the wor. Besides, they were of the opinion tht French mobiligntion itself vould provide some relief for Poland by rotiining © certain number of lerge German units on the French frontiers." ek * EXUIBLT C, REPORT OF THE POLISH sM34SS.DOR IN WASHINGTON, COUNP JERZY POTOCKI, 70 THE POLISH MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS IN JsRSall, OF NOVENBER 21, 1936. (Herding, sclutation, body and signoture are copied verbatim). WBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLSND Weshingt on, November IN JaSHINGTON 21, 1938, fo His Excellency the Minister for Foreign iffairs in fersaw Re: Conversation with Ambassvdor Bullitt The day before yosterdny I h:d a conversution of some lencth with Ambassador Bullitt, who wis on lenve here. He began dy stiting that he was on excellent terms with M.Tukasiewser our Ambassador in Paris, end thet he wes rlveys deliphted to meet aim, As Mr,Bullitt is continously supplyin,; President Roosevelt with informtion about the internntional situ tion in Europe, especially in Russia, his reports 2re alvays most enrefully studied by Pres‘ iont Roosevelt and the Department of Stete. Mr.Bullitt is an animetec und interesting specker, Nevertheless, his recotions to events in wrone correspond more closely with the viows of : Journelist then with tnise of » politician since, in the course of our conversntim, he nieysit upon the whole seale of extremely complex Europenn problems, ‘he conclusions he arrived st were very negative. Ur.Bullitt's remarks, trken rll in cll, were very pessimistic. dc mentioned the fect that the spring of 1939 would without doubt serin be very disturbed md thet the general situstion would be intensificd by the constont flaring up of wir possibilities, by threats on the mart of Germany and by the constant danjer of unsettled Buropean conditions, He agreed with me that the bvlanco of European power had swung from the West to the East since the capitulation of the Democratic States rt Munich had revealed their weskness townras Gerenny, Mr.Bullitt then spoke cbout Britain's complete unpreparedness for war, and “bout the impossibility of ndapting British industry to massed war-production, especially in record to the manufroture of seroplanes, He spoke with unusu:1 enthusiosm about the French Army but confirmed my opinion tht tho French ‘ir Foroe was antiquated. Avcording to whit military experts told Hr.3ullitt during the orisis in the autumn of 1938, * Puture war would lost for st leist six years Mr Bullitt was not too well-informed about the situation in Eastern Europe and this part of his conversation was somewhat superfipial, serzy-6r0cKr, ambassador of the Reptblic of Poland. SPECIAL NOTICE TO ALL JEWS. ‘The Centrel Conference of American Rabbis at the 47th Annual Conference, held in New York City on June 26, 1987, declared tor "Exemption of Jews Zrom military sevvice in accordence with the ~ highest Anterpfetetiva-¢rmviversn? Our Telmud toll us "When you go to war, do not go ee the fi but as the last, so that you may return ae the firet.” Why should we, the only truly international people, be con- corned with the mutable interests of etupid Goyim nations? We muet do overything in our power to help the groat proeidont who has helped us so greatly in cetablishing control. Support tho draft law when it de prosonted to the Amorican pooplo. Support England and Frenco, for thoy aro righting Judah's groatcet cnomy, the Goyim Gorman Stato. You aro urged to support United Statce participation in this Holy war of Judah, without roecrvation and withowt-foar. wou to~ ~ poat our trimphe of 1918 if wo maintain our united front and the dumb goyim will Zight while wo profit, with the aid of our friond in Washington. Powerful Jowe will bo on all Dreft Boards, and Jowieh physi- cians will protoct you from military scrvico, Arrangemonts arc alroady made to oxempt you, in caso religious oxomption cannot bo proparod in time. You aro wornod to ronounco, abjuro, ropudiato and dony any of thie information if cuortionod by Gontiloe, even undcr cath, ae outlined in the Talmad, and juetifiod for tho proecrvation of our race. Tho Contral Compittce Cant oa aaaeepebt aa geoeral Sureau of Investigation ‘Mnited States Bepartment of ustice San Francisco, California September 1, 1942 ADDITONAL TH War me Director Federal Bureau of Investigation 6 a3 Washington, D.C. + ‘Bt BINAL B'RITH NEMS SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS Dear Sirs The following tracing has been received from the Office of Censorship covering a communication addressed by the B'NAI B'RITH HENS SERVICE, Suite 30, 1003 X Street WN, Washington, D.C., dated August 7, 1942, to the AUSTRALIAN JENISH HERALD, 44 Queen Street, Melbourne, Australiat "This news release of ex/onar amar organisation reveals these examples of anti-Semitic and anti-American activities in the U.S.2 1. (Par.3) An organisation knew as onke riots of the Republic? mests in Hew York to indulge itéments ‘yeolrsumfaying that the eight Nazi saboteurs had been ‘railreaded’ by the FBI, and that the arrested Nasis were not spies. One member asserted (Par. 4) that Hitler is winning because the is right’. \. 2, |Par.1,) An anonymous, mineographed handout tele Makes a. Secrutheat, mae tppeared in Wer York, Baltiaor ‘termed an ‘oriental, hyphenated inerioan propagandist for Dloedy Joe (Stalin) and the British (Jewish) eapire',. This piece ‘seeks to arouse racial and religious animosities and villifies deno- eracy." ‘This is being forwarded to the Bureau and Wasltington Field Office for wintever informative value ti may bes COPIES DESTROYE} LL NFORMAT.ON CONTA or tens ene SERN OUSSFED 29 JUN B "Es SP sie Vb ae -CORYINBILE.: A2uCT 28 1942 co voted Files DivWeion ‘ - 7 oad / 3 pooa 6646__ / oe —ir, Seyfarth . Toleon —lir, Medler . Nichole -—r, Oliver —lirs. Conover —Hr. Dugan ——tir. Eberle —lient & Stat. Files —Hise Johnaon —tir, Morphy —lir. Peeler —r, Pitcher __Miss Richardson —Hisa Riek —ire. H. Snith ——lies Southard eave Handle ——Hote and Return A Meek aa Mr Clete Sederat Berroan nf dneontigations .. wer. Gegis Anited States Bepartment of Justice Mew Blashington, 2. €. Mr, Tracy LBW: NET. August 16, 1942 AULINFORMATION CONTAINED ged MEMORANDUM FOR UR. ool Ms MeQatea Mr, Harbo, ie. Quiee Team WI a hie Mga Pou. an of tneOintizpefanation League calteqe ty Nett —— He pointed out that Senator Green, under pressure from his Italian constituents in Rhode Island, has been forced to ask the Department of Justice to relinguish travel restri: Italians, This caused the Department of Justice to give tl and*he has raised the fuestion ae to whethe should not be plac 3 citizenship and he felt that” Along this mae ae sat iried’ te get me to oe we would note 1 him ‘that the ¢: Lighnent equation: istic He’ pointed out that he-fnew this but he also knew that. the Department and other Governmental agencies were reluctant to take any acti on in the face of Bureau regulations, I told him that naturally our organtza~ tion was primarily responsible for the security of the nation; that we had to take a more realistic view on the matter than a lot of indivi~ duals who have no real responsibility; that after all the liberty and welfare of 132million people transcended the inconventences suffered by @ few; that personally and unofficially, I would be inclined to the view ‘that the Bureau could not conscientiously subscribe to such a pro= cedure. I referred specifically to cases wherein individuals posing as Gernan-Jewish refugees have proven to be spies, had no answer for ehiae nvoorv YP 5-30. 67 By, He. then asked what our vy in thea organgeation o, 2b EEN group of German-Jqpish refugees wh Nt would be to keep 4 Zouch with Gernged fron various eities and thud bq of sep tgay Be nade the desertion that they could secure more infornat; an we) cout ‘and that with ar the; L. would Mafof great Peau. a nn Lif F told him that my personal oe age ngs ; gum? are already too many orgay tions in catetence; that er ope ler BB"Y °°: ones SPY} IN¢PIL] él Menorandun for ur. Tolson . Page Two G11, these refugees cane to America seeking a haven of refuge, and that in turn they should, of their own volition, turn over any information which they might have on other Gerrans. Rtchnan granted that this was correct but pointed out that the refugee psychology feared organiza~ tions such as the FBI. I told him that this was a terrible connentary; that the FBI was certainly opposite fron the Gestapo; that its chief purpose was to protect individuals such as the refugees. He stated this was true but that refugees could not get this into their minds. I told Richnan that personally and frankly I thought too much was being made about the refugee problem and not enough about the prodlen of protecting honest-to-goodness Anericans. Richnan did his best to get me to say that such an organiza~ tion would be desirable. He stated that it would be necessary to raise money for funds, etc. I made the suggestion that existing agencies such a the B'naisp'rith, the Anti-Defamation League, etc. would be the proper agencies to take care of this matter, if such were necessary, without bringing into creation additional groups. He pointed out that there was already in existence an organization, the American Federation of Central European Jews, and that with a little guidance, they might be able to set up certain machinery. I again pointed out that I thought that these refugees should be assimilate old-line Americar organ zations Set cenet SraTe CORRURTS] SF TaeeTe ST OORIGT “extended only within the circles of refugees, was not conducive to the develop- nent of real Anericanisn. He asked if I would mention this matter to the Director and that if he had any views with regard to this, he would like to have then. I told hin Iwas of the opinion that the Director's views vould [le very similar to mine. Respectfully, Hy B. Nichols ro Ler e LBW: FUL Séptenber 14, 1942 ph b0-08 Richard Qutetadt Defanation League North gelle Street 0090, Illinote Dear Wr, Gutatadt: Ure Poul 2ichacn hes told me about the contenplated neeting of the ‘outh Side Lodge on Septender 16, 1942, Ido wish it were posetble for ne to be with you on that occastons In times auch as these, it ts the ctvtc responsibility of all citizens to lend every possible effort to bring about o greater unity amcng our people and to detect those enenies within our midat who stand for anything other than unadulterated amertcanten, Phe menders of the Anti-Defanation League in the past have been nost helpful and I want to extend to those who wll attend the meeting on Septender 1é, ny beat wishes for the continued success of your organization. de Hd 80S fy a Toler, B.A. Tomm_ Clegy_AL# WAIL SPECIAL DELIVERY Gtevip— Ladd : Nichols Ane 8 a cstag -wHit 6Bo are fd toon Hf a ENS ee Pokey bene a ) @ CMe bates fo emmcron Mr, Clegg. Federal Buren of Investigation Me, aad United States Department of Justice Mr. Nichols Mr. Rosen, Mashington, B. C- Mr. Tracy September 12, 1942 Mr. Carson, Mr. Coffey, Mr. Hendon, Mr. Kramer, Mr. Medal MEWORANDUM FOR 1:2, PCLSOW Mr. Harbo, ur. Im. PaulpRichnan of theRatinDefanat eague, advised that the group was having a big meeting in Chicago on Septenber 16, and he wondered if the Director would send @ telegran or letter to I'r. Richargfoutstadt. I told him that we would give this letter sone thought. I recommend that the attached letter go forth. Respectfully, LR onois ALLINFORMATION CONTAINED ; re BERENS GNCLASSIFLED 29 JUN 8 1973 CATE_sfgo_ ste bs O ,, Sab bide Wf 7505 ony yu CORD) COPIES DF. —— 6... ey Behoral Burea of Inwestigati niteh States Department of Justice Mlashington, B. €. Mr. Carson, LBN:JS Septenber 16, 1942 Mr. Cottey jane Me. Hendon RANDUM FOR MR. TOLSOW 2 tha : see alt ‘ PouNewnnon of the “anti x ‘famation ei ef Ms Beska edn: advised me that Siomundf efesetaaat will be seventy years wins Gandy of age sometine in Deceéfber and that the Chicago office would 1tke to extend an invitation to the Director and ¢xe———— writer to attend the testimonial dinner given for Livingston. I told Richman that the Director would appreciate the tnvitation, although I was doubtful if he could accept. I also told him I would be glad to attend if possible. He . will send us further details later. ° Respectfully, X een “fh B. Nichols. ‘RECORDED & ‘INDEXED yil 2 sep 23 194" AL THFORMATION CONTAINED GEREN IS ae FEDERAL BUREAU OF mp) '10N ~ to: Sirector —dr, Edvard Tana —lir, Clegg —Hr. Glavin —tr, Ladd —lr, Nichole —Hir, Rosen —lir, Tracy —Hr. Carson —lir, Hendon ir. Laughl lr, MeGuire | —Hr, Nease 2 lon Tame. —llisa Gandy Heo Personnel Files d2bestn*~ —Files Section sais —lire, Skilloan For Appropriate Action Note and Return Bashington, 3. €. Septenber 21, 1942 MEMORANDUM FOR RP, OLSON K H, euee toame o pouttiennan of the antt-Defonation League has informed ne that the Los eles Stamp and te tionery Company, Los Angeles, California, has prepared. an employment application fora which has a place sor church affiliation, race, ‘ete. Apparently the members of the Anti-Defana- tion League are wondering about this. In checking they were advised that this form was recommended by the FBI, I told Richnan that this definitely was not the case, thot it was a fact that we did give this organization a copy of our booklet "Suggestions for Protection of Industrial Facilities" which he, Richnan, had already seen, and thot wos the only possible basis upon which theYfos Angeles. Stamp and Stati onery Conpony could make sucha clain and then it was untrue Because our booklet did not go into such personal matters. Respectfully, YP Wire ALLINFORMATION CONTAINED copies DESTROYED WHEREIS UNCLASSIFIED 29 JUN 8 1973 . DATE eI He Wi pa RECORDEI > oO -'7y , 2582 72, INDEXED Dass seP 23 1902 = Se JOHN EDGAR HOOVER > ral Bureau of Rnvestigaiio United States Department of Justice - Blashington, 2. €. October 14, «1942 Mr. Carson, . Mr. Coffey, Mr. Hendoa Mr. Kramer WEVORANDUM FOR MR. POLSON Mr, MeGuir Mr. Harb, Mr. Quinn Tamm __ Mr. I straightened this matter out with Cherfok, who in turn asqured me that he would straighten Lewis out. Richnan of the Anti-Defamation League upon my return to waskington, and I told aichnan I had picked -up a rumble to the effect that Lewis was making the above-mentioned statenents. Richman has written Lewis a conmunication pointing out that the Director and the Tureau have given then the friendliest of cooperation, although the Bureau must, of necessity, take a conservative attitude toward alien enenies from a security standpoint. \: In the meantime I happened to see Paul. I an attachine copies of the nenoranda exchanged gpetween Richnan and Richard Guéstadé, which sete forth the Grticdesanation League views. Respectfully, 7 COPIES DESTROYED 29 JUN 8 873 Attachnent Lior jones PAL WOMAN OomEER 13, 1942 Deaw Daves My attention nas been called to 4 probal with regard to the attitude of toe F.B.I. in oonzec’ yestrietions on eneay lions, ay uwur to renove restrictions ag Were the alten! can be prove the FBI, has hed to fate the posttion thet 0 reetdd wy ted from eueay aliens. eiuse of the grave exergeney Wd ‘Of the iui ted man-power of the I, these restrictions have dyta in identifying the disloyal of loyal aliens, they prediosted won thet Dos, Thet 16 why 1 te under standable that they hie postion deupite the Preatdent! s proclanation releas{rh agafihns, Kousaniens and Eulgariens from ange restrictions gh Leet night, granting ‘ent of Instice te considering aleo, releasing who beve deen expatriated Wy their country, while the eleseifiontion, es 1t primarily to let you know thet the Director of the F.B.I., as well as bis Bureau, have elven us the friendliest of cooper atten, Kindest peveoaal regarts, AL oN Ha COMTND iN $4} A as a a % September 18, 1942 us, gralreres U5 Beadon ssa’: oe antehes, Call fprata wT lr. Berges: 2 Our Mr, Stante'Placohs discussed with me your letter of Sentenber'l’, _ in shteh you coment St sone Length won the unhappy vlight of Jewish herefusees PrgeGernany. We know, of course, thot Jevish anti-Nezi refugees, gg, of Comary, sto lacsitieg as ener aliens. ‘ie understont Pponvelied ‘to odey stringent restrictive Laws and regulatto: Mwarfen, tivetnile travel limit tron dwelling places, ete. f} effect, we réalize this pute then in one end the Nezis and _,it-linn Fasetsts, desoite the fact thet having lost p oltizefishio Seby Let deozee in November, 1741, they are almost to a man bh Nezi. Soné"@f the exceptions nade by the coy. Sudeten Gomens, Hungarians, ete., avvesr styhce. I should be loathe however, to accept your atctement thet ty of the Jewimn refugees constitites defangtion for the atti tu dopertaents generclly hardly justifies that oharze. It is tra\) pokes may be naagy” where we have bean able to oint then out \ nrompt effort has been made for opr smtp the last cowie ¢ bra fron liashineton thay the eneny elfen eontrel unit of en\\pt Juctice ig very syanathetye vith the Jenin retugoesy ‘There cles to over Tt i= noot cuestion as to whether the Match alent create @ astional Aiations against all stgene with those country we In view, nonever, of the Preaident*s proclasation relessins foment | Mungtdens, eve,, from these restrietions, one dashircton ctive| Jocuestea the FBZ, to renove its objectio against Geman JAM jnno, after all, are expatriates fron © om conntny, Ta sd of their om. "One of the dificultice lies in the fact that at ove been found anongst the spies. ith @ dennrt= ent such es the FBT; an\ the sagnitudinous remponsinilities sich it bears, con understand 1ts apprehension, We ere continulng our efforts at Washing ton end I an cure that there is reason to believe that 1t will not be long before our efforts sheet mith success. {1 Pluase be -asoured that we.ase professionally ooncerned with anid stirred by ‘the cizemserintions pieced ypbn cur brethren. We must be sufticien:ly objective, however, to vbe tolerant of sone of the necessities in7osed won ALL INFORMATION ‘CONTAINED guard agsinst physical and psychlocical ssbotare. Very sincerely yours, Richard Bioutetect Direbtor “PAUL RICHAAN aboust 26, 1942 “Z have submitted the menorendnm you sént me to Devertment, where I sent the orisinal memrandy: sent a coy to the party who om: andua. great question at the present wise to use any Legislation, issue et this time. One af FB feels that with their lim strict regulations azainst all & we are at war. Howevg metion releasing thy from theae restri: ¥ their objections n Jewish Refugees, who, after all, have 2 by their own country. Of course, the diffi fro fact that a few refuzess nave been, I shall keep you informed of Late RICHARD B, GUTSRAD? PAUL RLCHMAN AggUST 4, 1942 senstor Green Of Rhote Island, hes ear anon him by his Italian cone: rte foe slation. ‘the ‘Department of Justice, dene I could introduce. bgoole around here but I tmagine our offict jable sucgestions to offer: These surze c fe to be hero within ten daysl cc omen tatisn 5 ssn so0-FEe-F/ 1. I am indeed oxtranely glad to reud a menorandua suggesting an Alleviation of the present situation. I think the mesorantim is, on the @ grant contribution indeed. The folloinz rauarke ero made for the surpoae of constructive eritici su. 2, A definite mistake has bee: ae to the classification of the Anhabi tants of the Sudeten territory, which 1s not a minor one, dsoause of certain implications of the vory position of these Sudeten Deutsche. They are not privilesed ujien enaates, but on the very contrary, friendly aliens, inasmuch us they hold Czech passports, Tbe Sudeten Deutsche-avi ti tho exception of soe Jows ond an infinitely smell minority of "ractnl Gersanet-—ur: volently pro-itler, iis clays strossed thit from the "secur ity first" viowolnt the redssifi~ ton prohhen has not only some negative importance tn excepting certein loyal groups, but partlouls 2 roverse of the nedul in reclvast ising cortein groups of "Friendly altsns" wich aru friendly aerely froa 2 very techniea viewpoint, I rovpectfully dtsasree completely with what 1s safd in the first four paragr ph of the nmorandus, I leave aside the cusstion whether 1t 4s extrnely wise to start : nonorsndus of this type sith the psaudoradaLeston that the Legtalature vould not do whvt the executive branch 1s asked to toe Yat outside of those technte:l consider :uions the present ab:tus of the Lev ta gisconcetved. Tithe $0 USC Section 21 gives 9 blanket power to the exscutt Te. This ts por ifectly correct from the legislitive point of view all powers are given to ‘the executive to deal with anyone who, by reson of allegtance or birth, could possthhy be {nintesl to the interests of the United Stites, It is for the executive to decide in what individual caves or with reg:nd to what g:oups it actually sekes use of the power bestowed upon At. In other words, the dlenket regulations if of the ome K type nc the power given to a comsnding general to remove all persons, citizens and aliehs alike, froma certain defense area, RNCLOSURE It 4s thereupon for the gonerel to decide vhich classes, groups or in\ivi= duals he actually intmds to ranov Tt ie obvious that the blanket regulationx does not infer that all elasses and individuals that con be subjected to treatment us alien enenics should be treated as such, Under the same alien enesy definition of the Canadian lew, ir, Justice Frankfurther, Lieutenant General Krueger, the commanding general of the Fourth amy, and Sonator Wagner of Naw York would be elton oneate It is therefore our tank not to criticize the basic law, which is per factly all right, but to constructively criticize the present attitude of tae excoutive in refusing to yleld the powr dolegited to 4% in auch a manner eo 48 obviously incumbont upon the aver.ge loyslty of the uver ce group oF snatvidual. Tt my well be thst mony ho are not Lawyers wll scoff at the avo tance of the above argunent, by describing it as merely legalistic, Yet in the Departaent of Justice ue have to ded “Ath Leuyors, Also the tuctieal Anplicerions as stated above are of Laporteres in any event. 4 In the question so :rie or or Group Zxenptions” the meu randus 18 in favor of group exesptions. his 4s excellent, inasmuch as the ho-ring board aystes has been refused by the Departent of Justice for exactly ‘the same reasons are stated in the memorandum, Yet there shoul” be no elaieston that these masons aro iia. Yo begin with, we have not to doul with one million, but ut Least ot first with merely 100,000 individuals, This is the maximum muiber of those to etuted in thelr reglstrotion cuectiounatre of 1942 that they are victine of Nact or Paschst oppression, This {9 epproziastely the ame muber of por-one as wore given hourings in England during the helght of the "blits" in a country that was engaged 1n what any contenporary observers believed to be her last battle, As to aliens yho have sons, busbunds, otc, in the amed forces, u roup oxenpiton 46 already in force on the west Coast, a cocbat zone, This wes a group exesption mixed wth individual neartnges I wrtte the aforesontioued not becue I om in favor of heuring bourde sroup cxenption is preferuble-but I wa definitely against scceptanee of the very wrong wnguaont of the Depertaent of Juctice, es in ary Later dlseusston our own "aah sctons" could very aichly be useds 5. No group exanotion should 5 esked for in favor of people «ho h: Jcorteun born children, The fuct thet soreone establishes a fusily in this collntry may bo ovidence against bis velng a Next spy or saloteur, but aot against hie hovin; Nat syupstnto: ted that the victias of Nazt ogoresston are of a very definite value to tho Unttod t tos. Thoy are the onus thet oan be usod ‘and aro actually usod in many warlike activities shers Hitler has to use ute right truttors auch ax Lord Hew Fas. In a roconatruction pertod these vivtine wll be of peculiar ortanee, 25 they All be the one pillar of the educa tonal bridge that tas to be bullt tov-nds those vietins of llaz4 opprasaton that have stayed in Germiny ant thst Geman goverm= nent and education. As short realnder how Hitler tronts utnoritios {nfl eal to his enamy may be 4 positive contritution to the war offort. As to the Italian {1litorites, they should be given group exei tlons upon proof of L1liternoy as furnished by the fact thit they could not sign their naue in the 1942 registration, or by similar definite tuotors, ALL others proved by the fact thet they did not »pply for -itizenchip pepers tit they were not keenly interested in Anorteantes, Yet thio yarticul.r reason should not de st ted in menormndua coming from a Jewish size, Yor this very reason no useful purpose cxn be served by the last puragreph of the memorandum, ‘The feeling between the Italien and Jewish "alien enemy" groups ts none too 90d as it oxists nt present. May I repeat that in ay sutmisston the aenorandwm is an excellent one, and that theg@ove suzzeitions siould in no way detract from this expression of my most sincere aduiration of the moworandim as a wholé REMPTION OF CERTLN OAUUPS OF WONT {LIENS i ‘FiOu TNE RESTRECTIVE EAGULATIONS PRONULO.\ZED BY | ‘BI DEPARBGINT CF JUSTICE Tate 50 Us Se Ce ssce ZL defines as saiy cltons "all natives citizens, dent zons oF subjects of tho hostile netion or goverment," Al2 persone falling under thet definition are subject te immediate arrest and interment at the ats eretion of the Attorney Generis As ouch erpunts aro only mete in specific enpee om the beste Of pubstintiel muspicton that the yorvon in cisstion is in fact Ato ‘Loyed to the Unttod Stas =, there 1s offmend we rexon why that rightof die oretionnry arrest snd intermext should be concidered @ burden on auyone who is conscious of his obvieus loyelty to this country. a Tt ds true that the anazy alien dexigntion in itself constitutes « paycho~ Logienl burdea om She Longe mubor of loyal persons techalegliy included within thet extogory, It chmiid, Donover, be reciived.that in the public conselourness persons ers mo Longer considered an enewy liens who have been axsepted from the euoay alton roguistions of the Dopartuent. ‘Those persons, indeod, ore no loager mubject to the muy outwardly visitle restrictions which alone Ldeatity thes to tote comuntty ae oneay aliens, It vould thus appecr that ali renonsble asnds of permas included 1n thet less will de wet once they ure exsested from the Departrent of Tuntioe regulotions even though they continue to cone withte the purview of the Lew. Another consideration of still gre.tor importance would appear to epoak agsinet am attespt %0 modify by act of Sonsresn the Lemil definltion cuted above, Antiwalion fouling xnd empoctelly feeling againat soresliod enogy aliens is on the tnereace today adong the poopie ct Largs a2 ell op maong their elected rep resentatives in Congress. One typical stataront wus thit of Ropresentative Norrell, | ALL INFORMATION CONTADEED HEREIN IS Ji ENC CARE BA gels mm RO TE Desens of Arkansas, ¥h>, in a speech bo ante on the floor of the House on April, 2 of tie your, oiled on Attorney Generd Biddle te “asome ¢ more vhaw Orous attitude toncnd alin enonies residing swng ue and to soe that they ere ‘mot able to sequins positions iu which they may be oble to hare a suseesstul act of sabotage in the gutne thet it wos an eet of sarsleseneas,” ‘In view of thic and of the negetive receytion which most bills hive received in Congress during the last fes yours which wnre introduced to raliove the sit= nation of alfens, {tie very doubtful stotuer such a MLL would have ony chine Of success at this tius, As e matter of fact, {t cust bo anticipated that the thtroduction of sush ¢ bill, slong with the hecrings that will needs de beld on At, sed the Gvbotes on the lov of whe Senate and the Rouge that uLLL take pines, and tuo. chaousstons in the proos andon the ratio that wll untoxbvedy nocompany it, may ersata auch € storm of opposition on the pars of those walle organized eeneste witch tove aliniye gratbed eagerly ist every chance to spread the gospel of Giocrigtzation and group hetred that the entixe mstter will ham ‘tne wory groups she M12 ts oupzoced to help tuueasurshly nore than tho metuten gnce of ‘the yronent law could ever doe : ‘Tho fot of the nutter to, it stouls be. evreaned, that the Departaent of Fuctioe by suiting exceptions to the application of its restrictive regulations oun relieve pructicnlly the entire stress now recting on thass {unosont members of tbe ebaay alten group, The Dopartnent of Srstioe hep already 42 the peat msde a number of cush oxeoptions, Thus persons who oro aitives, eltizens, dent= vons or aubjects of what forseriy wis Austria, tho Freo City of Danig, tho Suteten Teret tory, Hungary, Rwsnte eng Bulgaria heve down exmpted froa these | regulations, The Departuent of Justles clearly felt tet the peoples of those gecatiotitn ond terettorion have desoae Anvalved in the wir agains’ the United Bootes Anvokuadorily and parchy under fovelga pressure und that tho ollegianes quevesore 4a won ‘to the puppet govemmente hich ro today aiding the tate io ite vertase egsinet tho Ustted Hetions, 4 "> fape ene conaLderntions may Run For Congress 8. Horace J. Haase Wante Innediate Negotiated Pesce 9, Verne Marshall's Associate Now Is Army Colonel 10, Dilling's Friend Passes On Aray Commissions 11. "Social Justice’ Distritutor Is Made Lieutenant 12, Bundist's Son Is Wow Lieutenant In Army Intelligence 13, 4 Fitth Colum Printing Press Raided In Rarlen 14! ‘Christian! Front Celebrates 'I An an American Day" By 15. Vicious Pamphlet Written By Mote, Indiana Megnate II, ROLL oF DIsHONOR Indicted For Betreyel F Denocracy Banned By U, S, Post Office Ae Subversive Sunmoned For Investigation By Grand Jury Atteck F.D.R., Charged With Criminal Libel Poteon Pens! Runor-Hongering Aids The Axis TIT, DEMOORAGE'S ANSWER 21, Drive Against Discrimination Wakes Progress 22, Scholar Proves 'The Protocols! & Rank Forgery 23, Artucto Warne Of Nazi Menace In South America 24, A Concentration Canp As Seen By Catholic Innate 25, ADL Director Evaluates The Current Scene 26. Golunnista Laud Jewish Heroism In War Effort 27, Rev, Nn, Kernan Speaks Up For A Living Denocracy 28, A Leglonnaire Attacks Bigotry As Un-Anerican a Eastern Regional Office Spring Edition, 1942 NENSLES ns BR THB PATTERN OF BETRAYAL 1. FORS oF Dewocracy The Fifth Colunn in dmerice, dealt hard blows by the Fed- MAE steateay Soa erel government's "Spring Offensive" against subversive lead COUNTER-CFFENSIVE © ere and publications, is lmnching a counter-offensive ageinet the national wer effort. A two-pronged attack is beiag pre~ : pared! a compaien to elect QuisHings as well as unregenerate isclationiste in the Congressional elections noxt Novenber, and a drivo for negotiated pence with the Axis. Runors and whispers are replacing publications banned fron the nalle as Vehicles for selition, Axis sympethizere, at the behest of their lesders, are seeking to infiltrate the nation's armed services, key war industries und civilien defense organizetions. Two of a Kind Gerald 1, K, Saith with Charles 2, Coughlin 2, GERALD guru's Gerald L, K, Saith, fomer Silver Shirt aide of Willian HAT Ig TEE Dudley Pelley and head of the self-styled “Committee of One : ‘Magrioy BING Milton," has announced hte candidacy for the U. S. Senate fron Michigan in the November elections, There are indica- tions that "Reverend" Saith has been chosen to iuherit the mantle of Father Coughlin. His announcenent of his candidacy wes coupled with a vigorous attack on the Administration and a defense of Coughlin, designed to win him the support of the “Ghristian" Front, This latest move follows closely on the heela of the cateblichnent of his "secret" society called "The Tnner Circle" and the issuance of "The Crose and the Flag,” hig monthly magazine. NEWSLETTER REYNOLDS, NE OFWER PRAISE ~ NO APOLOGIES woovaurr opens TONGHESSTONAL RECRD TO SMITE 5. JACOB THORKELSON AGAIN SEEKS SEAT TD. S. CONGRESS: 6 Pege 2 The first ismes of "The Cross and the Flag! received the commendations of Senator Robert R, Reynolds, chairman of the Sonate Military Affaire Committee, and Senator Gerald P. Nye of America First notoriety. The publication follows the nazi- "Social Justice" line of preaching defeatism, disunity and dis~ trust of the United Nations, Both Reynolds and ye refused to apologize when Snith promptly used their comments for publicity purposes, Senator Reynolds stated! "I have no apologies to of= fer for endorsing the progran of any individual or group stant~ ing for the things I have stood for for many years." Senator Nye stated! "I haven't any apologies to offer...I don't figure it te of sufficient importance to even ask that there be a ceas~ ing of the quoting of the lines." Representative Roy 0, Woodruff of Michigan offered Gerald L, K, Smith additional encouragerent by reprinting in the Con= gressional Record of March 26, 1942, an editorial fron "The Cros and the Flag." Snith, himself, is distributing this re- print in connection with his campaign for the Seaate. The edi~ torial attacks the Administration, seeks to discredit our al- lies, blasts Leon Henderson, Walter Winchell and Harry Hopkins, As might be expected, it defends Charles A, Lindbergh, “America Firet® and Representative Martin Dies. s 8 8 Ex-Representative Jacob Thorkelson from Montena views this period of denocratic crisis as opportune to announce his candi- acy for the United States Senate, Thorkelson's record is elo~ quent with his peculiar talents! distribution of the Protocol! insertion of nazi propaganda releases in the Congressional Re~ cord; abuse of the Congressional mailing frank. Thorkelson worked for unification of the "Christian" Front, the "Christian" Mobilizers and the Silver Shirts. He lauded Joo McMiliiens, Yorkville nazi, on March 4, 1940, as a "staunch American" and nas in turn hailed by William Dudley Pelley, now charged with sedition, es "anew star of patriotic inspiration," Since his defeat two years ago, Thorkelson has contributed regularly to the anti-Semitic "The Defender" published by Gerald Winrod. Wiltian Lenke, presidential candidate in 1936 under the sponsorship of Charles 2, Coughlin end Gerald L. K. Smith, is again secking election to Congress from North Dakota, Millian ¥, (alfalfa 3111) Murray, convert to anti-Senitism and former Anerica Firster, 1s running for election to Congress from Okla~ hona, Leon de Aryan, notorious editor of "The Broon," a hate- mongering newspaper published in San Diego, and Anerica Firster, has also announced his candidacy for the U. S, Congress from Californias NENSLETTER 2, ANDI-SBIITE FROM feiss 70 FOR CONURESS @. HORACE J, HAASE TANTS ra HSGOTTATED PEACE Page 3 Like Thorkelson, Gerald B, Winrod has also announced hic candidecy for the Senatorship fron Kensas. Winrod's record al~ 0 speaks for iteelf. He hee been questioned by the Grand Jury investigating nazi propaganda becaiise “The Defender," hie pub- lication, followed the line of the: Fichtebund and other nazi releases. He, too, has dealt in "The Protocols," distributing a scurrilous piece entitled "The Truth Abat the Protocols." He has received an accolade from Schirmer of "World Service," nazi propaganda sheet, who recommended "The Defender" along with "Social Justice" to American readers as “enlightening,” Horace J. Haase, former America Firster and intimate of meny known New York fascists, is the sparkplug for a movement for an immediate negotiated pesce with the Axis, Hease was recently “on tour" in the Middle West seeking support for his organization, "Americans for Peace." 0, B, Collier, Detroit Court reporter and head of the "World News Analysis’ who ad~ vertised in "Anerica's Hope," Haase's ouphemistically titled publication, is already sending out mineographed relea dorsing Hanse's orgent zation, NEWSLETTER Page 4 Horace Haase Propagandizes For A Negotiated Peace AMERICANS FOR PEACE An. organization of rank and fle Americans united for effectiveness in voicing their desire for peace, freedom and independence for all mankind and for the preservation of American institutions through the establishment of the security only a just peace can bring. HORACE J. HAASE Temporary Chairman 1165 Broadway New York, N.Y. sseseaese se a i Sabhctene Ss gE SROESEEES ESHER Special NEWSLETTER Supplement April 15, 1942 eee, WE ADVOCATE THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE ENDING OF THIS SENSELESS WASTE OF LIFE AND EFFORT--NOT IN SOME DISTANT: FUTURE OF EXHAUSTION--BUT NOW BEFORE MORE MILLIONS OF THE HEALTHIEST AND FINEST YOUNG MEN 0} BELIGERANTS ARE SLAUGHTERED. We urge everyone desiring such action to join us or some other REAL peace group, Get in touch with us or have those you are working with do so. Let's have UNITY FOR PEACE--the peace the people desire in this--THEIR COUNTRY, Excerpt Fron Newsletter Supplement To “Anerica's Hope," April 15, 1942 es 8 ee 9. VERVE MARSHALL! § Thile the nation ie mobilizing its strength for victory, im ASSOCIATE NOY ividuals of questionable loyalty aro finding strategic positions IS ARMY COLONEL © in the nation's armed services, Colonel Hanford MacNider, presi- dential candidate of Verne Marshall's infamous "No Foreign War Committee," te now in Australia with the Supply Division of Mac- Arthur's forces. Formerly a vice-Chairman of the Anerica First Committee, Macllider shared the platform at rallies with Charles Lindbergh. eo 8 8 10, DILLING's FRIEXD Colonel Eéwin M, Hadley, chatrmen of tne War Department's PASSES ON ARMY Civilian Comniesion which passes on applicants for commissions COMMIT SSTONS in the Army Air Force Procurement Division (Chicago), was a for~ ner associate of Elizabeth Dilling (see tten 19). Her husband has assorted that the “Ernest Sincere," who wrote un-Auerican pamphlets entitled "Facing the Facts" and "Plan of Action," was none other than Colonel Hadley. Among his intimates he also num bers Colonel Senctuary, notorious anti-Semitic, pro-nazi pan- phleteer, NEWSLETTER Page & ai. $s0CtaL susticet Bernaré T, D'arcy, recently commissioned as a lieutenant DISTRIBUTOR TS in the Engineer's Procirement Division, ranked high in the WADE LISUTENANT Coughlin Column as Eastern distributor of "Social Justic Dlarcy played an important role in the "Christian" Front, act= ing with Father Edward Lodge Ourran and Patrick Scenlon, edi- tor of "The Tablet," to return Coughlin to the air. Both anti- American and anti-Senitic, D'arcy also supported Verne Mar~ hall's "Ko Foreign War Committee." 12, BUNDIST'S som Is Rudyaré S, Uzzell, Jr., commissimed as a second lieuten- NOW LIGUTENANT IN ant in Militery Intelligence, Third Corps Area, Baltimore Mary~ ‘BON INTECLIGENGE land, 1s the eon of Mrs, Mary Uzzell, who worked for the Ger- man~dmerican Bund and was a close associate of Fritz Kohn, the former Bund fuehrer jailed for enbezzlenent of the Bund's funds. se ee 13, A FIFTH coumor Peter H, Stahrenberg, German-born WPA enployee, maintained PRINTING PRESS a secret printing press in East Harlen, New York, which pub- EAIDED TH HARLE © ished anti-Semitic, pro-nazi propaganda, Recently, it was raided by the FBI, ‘Stehrenberg was the editor of the "National American," official organ of Anericen National Labor Party, 8 nazi front organization, Stehrenberg printed "The Hidden Hand," an anti;Semi tic pamphlet written by Colonel 2, N, Sanctuary, pro-Japanese reprinte from "The Patriot" issued in London, pro- nazi and bigotry-epreading cartoons, as well es a variety of other un-Anerican literature, Stahrenberg was an aide of McWitiians, Yorkville "furor," and has received praise from "Social Justice” and “World Service," nazi propaganda sheet, es 8 ee 14, SOuRIStran" yRowr Despite the denise of "Social Justice," "Christian" Front ‘ iS groupe intend to contimue their activities, Disguised as the . a AN DAY’ © "Graphic Arts Anchor Club," more than 1,500 Fronters celebrated "1 Aa An American Day" on May 17, 1942,'in Columbus Hall, Brook lyn, The Front's peculiar idea of Americanien was clearly de- nonstrated in the close scrutiny of all who sought admittance as well as in the anti-Semitic outcries that greeted the speak- ers. Father Edward Lodge Ourran, Coughlin's Eastern lieutenant, John Henthan, an associate of Bernard D'arcy (see item 11), and Joseph P. Walsh, who cleimed an association of twenty years with the "infallible" Curran, were the principal speakers. In the Bronx, menbers of the “Christian” Front are meeting regularly on Thursday nights. At e recent meeting, a collec- tion was taken up "to help defray the expenses of those arrest- ed on @ charge of treason." ELE SLEPTER 15. Victous Paurauer Werte By MOTE, THDTANA MAGNATE Page 6 "G.0.P, "Fifth Coluna' Finds The Flashyots," a new pan- phlet written by Carl E, Mote, wealthy Indiana public utility executive, reveals its mthor as a fascist, contemptuous of democracy, saturated in anti-Semitic literature, a renegade from the spirit of his Quaker backeround end the spirit of Anericanim iteelf. In 28-pages, Mote achieves the consider- able feat of condensing almost ail the vilest canarés against Jens, His "authorities" range from lmown nazi agente to a- vowed "American" fascists and professional hate-aongers. The spirit of Mote's thinking 1s indicated on the pamphlet's cover reproduced below! 6.0.P. “FIFTH COLUMN” FINDS THE FLESHPOTS Autopsy on Antics and “Loyal Opposition” of Comrade Wendell L. Willkie “HE che apet of Boies Penrowe rested pescefully during the bal- loting at Philadelphia, then the doctrine of immorality isa myth.” “The antcr of Comrade Wendell L, Willkie, since he Set ap- peated on the political wene, are no’ more mysterious than the ‘Paina of amall boy who has exten green apples” "Comrade Wilke has not neglected to feather his own nest.” Nest to Roosevelt, Wille deserves to rank asthe foremost ‘enemy of the Jewish people in the Twentieth century.” “When Comrade Rootevel’s Red ia considered along with the ideo ‘ought to be apparent that both horses in the 1940 Presidential race were owned by the same sable.” “tn retroapect,& is longer strange that Willkie and Roowe- welt, in the campaign of 1940, both appeared to be running agaiut ‘Adalgh Hider, rather than againat each other.” "What a sad travesty upon the potential expacty of the coun tay to end ke bunaiation age these abwurd twaddlers all of them, in Washington, D.C” “Bedlam isnot the American way of lif, in peace or war.” A MONOGRAPH By Carl HL Mote President and general manager of the Northern Indiana ‘Telephone Company and the Commonwealth Telephone Corporation; author (1914) “Industrial Arbitration”; joint author (1915) “Learning to Ear” (A Plea and a Plan for Vocational Education); author (1939) “The New Deal Goose Step"; forthcoming, “Ageresior Na- tion” ‘This pornphlet, 25 conte, NENSLEDTER 18. Inprorgp FoR EatRaval OF 1%. BANWED BY Uy Ss. POST OFFICE AS Svinsivz Poge 7 TI, ROLL OF DISHONOR Professional ogitators and hate-nongers are being erilled by one of the most effective Federal Grand Juries ever created. -Fol- lowing the inspiration of Attorney General Biddle, Postmaster Gen— eral Walker and Special Prosecutor Willian Power Waloney, local lew enforcement agencies are daily giving proof of their vigilance in defense of democracy at hot Among those individuals already charged with seditious activities are the following! Z._J, Garner and his son, Jenog, publishers of "Publicity" which 1s alleged to have discouraged enlistments and encour- eged insubordination in the armed forces. (See iten 17.) Ge %, tiang, “fuehrer" of the pro~fescist “Crusader ite Shirts. Wi1iien Dudley Polley errested on order of Attorney General Biddle because bis publication "The Galilean" contained ar- ticles written with "intent to interfere with the operation or success of the military and naval forces of the U, $, or to promote the success of its enenies," Robert Hable who declared before s California State Legia}a- tive Committee on October 17, 1941! "Yes, I'm for Hitler’ charged with failure to register his organization "The Friends of Progress" as a subversive society, Lie 0, Jones, orgenizer of "The National Copperheade! which supported Charles Lindbergh, columnist for "Publicity," and "Chief Justice” at a mock impeechnent trial last fall of Pr ident Roosevelt in California, Ralph Tomeent, Jop agent affiliated with "Scribner's Connen- tator,” unofficial anti-Semitic organ of the America First Committee, has pleaded guilty to violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Garland L, Aldeman, indicted for “seditious conspiracy,” was ‘an official of the pro-nazi National Workers League in Detroit; admirer of Willian Dudley Pelley. se ee In response to the increasing protests of the American people, the Post Office Department moved to ban from the mails all publica- tions containing seditious material. Those already banned include the following? J , noxious mouthpiece of Father Coughlin, sus- pended publication and was barred fron the maile following Attorney General Biddle's charge that it was “clearly sedi- tious." Archbishop Mooney of Detroit has stated? "ly under= standing with hin (Coughlin) 1s sufficiently broad end firm to exclude effectively the recurrence of any such unpleasant situation, ‘NENSLEDTER Page 8 ZeBey, a weekly published by Court Asher, in Muncie, Indiana, ‘was banned fron the mails because it folloved nazi propaganda vrosdeasts and was clearly anti-Semitic and anti-American, Philadelphia Herold, & German-American newspaper, publish- ‘by Willis ‘af and Sons, who also printed the Bund's newspaper, “the Free American,” was denied use of the nails for "sustained and eystematic attack upon certain of our ae~ tivities directly related to the war effort." Eublicity, published by E, J, Garner, in Wichita, Kansas, was ‘banned fron the maile for seditious content; hearing set for May 21 to show couse why mailing privilege should not be per~ manently revoked was ignored by Garner end the ban was mate permanent, Frencis P, Moran David Baxter B, J, Garner A virtual roster of know fifth columniets and Axis sympa thizers can be found among those recently appearing for question= ing before the Federal Grand Jury investigating nazi propaganda in Washington. Of special notoriety as foes of denccracy are the following? [oy on, editor of "America In Danger!" (Onsha, POSSE, meiSenttte publication,was jailed for contempt for refusing to reveal the scurce of e seditious postcard which he distributed widely. After three days he decided to talk. Returning to Omaha, however, he continued to publish "America In Danger!" with no change in its scur= rilous nature. NENSLETTER Hlizedeth Dilting, self-sdnitted author of "The Octopus," one ‘of the most obnoxious books ever published in America, is al- s0 the neurotic, publicity-seeking "Joan of Arc" of countless phoney "Mother's" organizations. After testifying before the Grand Jury, she returned to Chicago and allegedly is to con- tinue publication of her vicious newsletter. Gerla 3B, Winrod, publisher of "The Defender" (see item 7). David Baxter, heed of the pro-fascist "Social Republic Society, recently wrote a special message to his followers which reads as follons? "WARNING! 0 DISTRICT MEMBERSHIP? Do not neglect your arsenals. Buy ams and keep then in a place where they ‘ere readily accessible, Kenton Jenkins, pro-nasi colleborator of Elizsbeth Diiling, te the distributor of a variety of hate-nongering leaflets and cartoons. Erancts P, Moran, "Christien" Front leader in Boston who featured ao the highlights of his meetings nazi propaganda films showing the might of the Gemeny army. Janet Ayer Fairbanks, fomerly a leader of the Anerica Piret ‘Ganstitec Teitisets who hes a record of many years of prov nazi sympathies. Representative Clare B, Hoffman, hero of numerous subversives Tike Willian Kallgren, editor of "The Bescon," anti-Semitic Publication, and John Geis, editor of the hate-mongering sheet, The Anericon Vay." Hoffman was called to explain distribu- tion by these un-Anericens of Congressional reprints of his speeches. Representative Ramilton Fich who was summoned to explain his ‘Felations with George Sylvester Viereck, convicted as a nazi agent who failed to comply with the law requiring registration of all agents of a foreign government, o 8 8 David H, Rathbone of los Angeles, associated with Robert Noble and Ellis 0, Jones (see item 16), was convicted of criminally libel~ ing President Roosevelt after admitting athorship of pamphlets in which the President wes referred to as "a fool, an idiot or insane. award Holton Janes of Concord, Massachusetts, has been similerly charged with criminally libeling the President. James, alleged to be the leader of the "Yenkee-Anerican Action," an organization hos- tile to the President, the Catholics and the Irish, advocates an im~ mediate nogotiated peace with the Arts. Page 10 RUMOR-MONOERING AIDS THE AXIS ‘Anonymous Leaflet Distributed Tn Midtown New York ‘THINGS EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD WONDER ABOUT My people ere accused of being “complacent” shon the truth is that every household is worried sick about the progress of the war end the umcerteinty of the Government. hy Washington, D.C. 1e crowed with Aray and Navy officers, mmy of whos are acting as office oye end aessengere, when the Jobe could be filled with aon’ classified SA or . Phi delphia Mile 100-4174 GEORGE E, SULLIVAN, Noventer 6,14 ‘Washington, D.C Daa Mr Preset AMERICAN UNITY 70 WIN THE WAR AND SAVE THE REPUBLIC haan et rst at zs mt Le Ra ee ee ee ee vou Sistas ai ial eee “qutt Tove ceaped your stenon een = Hees Raga ‘ ‘AMERICAN MORALE Fea ae TREEDOM is nyo TOPALITARAMIAM fue mechan ot ras, ota prmtor st AMERICAN FREEDOM. cnn TH Fh erent htm ng hl FaONT a nn Ste AMERICANISW an be endl E pemreaga anseneremr tegen mm ‘ame of 8 EePaairoyng the Geran nd Zap ngs we as ae eri th clei dvs ake os eer” {Tn THIRD FRONT DANGER tae Yeo wor andor obvet ol Amara, I opti 0 Sere se jr tt pp a aed Sst eof heparan Pat ering ciel” Pt tng nde eng entin” rycen wip RSL ie le uy ose oases WB Dre ‘oat t Spin ie oleae AMERICANS Seteh easy decd fake ciate of tse, dot 2 ‘ime, age tg a Rone SSS arr ree aca a ee ‘Roki ARLNtsh Telter of te far AMERICANISM.. Dnrring th Repac ethe revere of nan 0d Sbany ‘Ban an a ry Sor he apt tas Sve xo “= “ et ante he et rn Freche Pan, ean nay yf ir, fe Pe ad ben 'isay “ela rng rod “Mew Doc deni fe adng Ted Le Bs, carne etree ge gi cnt uti wy yen! ree Saath Eat ye on hoot tht Rel Fetes orien se Seeing ceil TANT Sar SU eo arent Nan ea a SA ecees beg gene, ee Reaeeeeee cea seer aera, Sere.rteer toes che eee ce es os Sap oy omen Coit oa ‘i rae ‘af Congres> BME Preys ess sila” (na 2:8). ‘ee tn ery meme fy" the vt fede nl fate nh co prin el at {spn him onal ie, trace hum ta neverending alarery” (The Talmud pp. 8, by Arwne Darwester, poled 1) Reset abn Ely of Ac ee os a ah el ey oh Belted ete, Sa setter Pai es, ee eva oo TaN Sede Sy vt oan anaes Scere (eid cei ee ie Gsirayr, il rman th avo fo vr. Nethng hat en wild wl mt ot net sega iota "He Wat tg Mae fa al at de Nt mn ty shin eyo fring on ore et enaetig MCT BAPE Ge eS inci ned tot heen Gee ve sof the words moet cae! It sare really iced i ig cr te, 1 them do 90 eis aie arta ope ema be SSPE ent ali 16 inet Sl ti ei Ae es DEMAND THAT CONGRESS INVESTIGATE THE ZIONIST MOVEMENT IN ALL OF TTS RAMIFICATIONS IN THIS COUNTRY AND THROUGHOUT ‘THE WORLD. This ocity wil bring about Warld Pano, which will be Jasng Hf Zoom is oulwed together with is many subversive agendas nd is dacructve uso of Money. There is unimpeochable evidence inthe bores and in Jewish wins since te days of Queen Vitra of Eland ‘This together with record of is bell infuence behind Roosevelt and Chucil wil expose the gully wish lsdeship which has fred out rity steng, our sldts ond sors and our money to tight fr Jewry card lis Zins clans to rule the ah. Lat th pune the ce, Danand the Cones invest te Zionist, Hey Moomba, I. cd renove hin bom clon. Danond o public anouning ofthe Tesi, and ol the Soret Curency Sobilaton Fund of two bin dolls ding tis frm of ofice, We must now how cur money has been secely used, cau th deny of he set bene, Denn tht Conse invests fston Fel Foner. The Wash fngon Tes Hara of Sunday, Novebe I nis edi setin rears to tis nite Jew in an ctl cotoned "The New Dea! Fichsie”, ox "the lego chit ofthe New De’. The Jw ein of tho deuce ples fh ast decade ace cla anyone who oan 60d. ‘The Zionist investigation will ned many leading Tews such os Bemard M, Borch, not ong ogo dubbed as our unofiial President: He cso bas conidenl understanding with Winston Churchill of Enalnd. Leon Henderson who is brining io use tk Soviet rotcning system, Judge Rosman te chost wir lor President Ronerelt. Dr. Stephen '. Wise of the Word ewish Congres, ond many otter jews now drunk ‘eth the politico, nani] and propagandist power they ae wing over CChston Amarin ond in the councs of to Untied Natons. NO ONE IS SUPERIOR TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW OF THIS LAND: BUT CONGRESS MUST BE COMPELLED TO APPLY THE LAW, AND ITIS UP TO CHRISTIAN AMERICA TO SEE TO IT THAT THIS 1S DONE. Dept cl pac Cte pa, 1S HITLER, JAPAN, OR POLITICAL ZIONISH QUR PUBLIC ENEMY NO ONE? —.—_ Contry othe public sotaments of many patie Ameroms the ret reoenty of cur people are NOT behind war os conducted by President Roosevelt ond his advisors. The unergnied pices! vote dung the recent celoctons of November 10 is ample pod The peorle know that Jopan is notin Nor Ain, bt in te Pace nd rch nearer to vs than the Soloman Isands ‘They know tho the teochery we have fo punish shat ol Per! Harber, _-— Ad ther iso grove suspic lat he ope ae na he el ces, encept 0 fara hoy have been used fo force us int abl war ois tho wishes of 85% of our izes. ar tes hae ttn tht Piet Pcs eked «quae with Germany long before Peor! Harbor, and that prior to his hostile foreign polices the German government had not injured the United States or its tn : ‘The President repetaly promised he would mainzin peoe, keep ow toy fm ating ce ro al ba 8 TRUE HE DD PROVOKE WAR WITH GERMANY, ond host retaoton fom Jona staring wit Pea Hotbo. He hos sid "That War', "We planed it that way: Who is WE? We cannot win ony war by satring ur armed stengh ol over the cart, BUT WE CAN BY DOING JUST THAT, MAKE OUR COUNTRY OPEN TO ATTACK FROM THE ENEMIES OF OUR REPUBLIC WITHIN’ AND OUTSIDE OUR BORDERS. We may suspect that if planned that way \WE WILL NOT WIN FREEDOM FOR ANY PEOPLE, BY LOSING OUR ‘OWN, s quoranied fo us under our Cnstuon with is Bil of Rahs, ‘The Presiden promised. "HE WOULD DRIVE THE MONEY CHANGERS FROM THE TEMPLE’ Di he do so. ‘The Money Changers ore inte Temple mor secu fdoy than at cay time inte hisery of cur word: The soca UNTED NATIONS cre fehing fo main tht seniy ot the emense ofthe ordinary cians ‘who must poy the bil in "Bcd, “Sweat” ond "Tens, ond os the Pres \ det hws by lowered sad fli FOR WHOM IS THIS FREEDOM WE ARE FIGTHTING FOR, The coed answer should be found before EVERY FREEDOM AMERICAN CITIZENS NOW POSSESS IS LOST, tn Enso, ll se who cit to th Poser Chuchilsogon re in cement camps. In Godless commuisic Rusia the people re the semis ole gcvernent,dnbeence to is ces exe punihd by N tho withdrawal of ralon cords and the right to et, by imprisrment, ot Sern eno ot by the Fling Squod, liqudaton has reached erection, cand out LandLsose money is being used to uppet his monstous gover rent nis milly ers, For what Frodom is Russia Biting fr? Fusion Connunism and Zins ar he bitte eneie of Chishaty, but wo permit out President andthe Contes otlette Communism and ts CONTROLLING CREED CALLED POLITICAL ZIONISM of TALMUDIC ‘ORIGIN, Zions een, cents old, of c polialy power and ‘wealthy minty win Jewry. Ii in present contol le Unie Noto tn Wothinton, Lando, ond Nesow, This combination wil destoy Amer ici, cur Repub nistonity ond ol ol ot Freedom IF NOT ENTIRELY FLIMINATED FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ‘he Zionsic Money Changers ond thelr Gentle ronds dase the total destucton of Americanism, and propose A WORLD FEDERATION, or super Inkematinal gorment nin Now) 9 tot he heedon cur Fob, fered tom Grect Bian in 175 and ltr yrs wil be permanently sup precad. THESE ZIONISTS EXPECT 10 RULE THE WORLD THROUGH THE POWER OF THE FURSE AND UNDER THE TALMUDIC CODE. ‘Too Talmud refers to Gentes (oy os heathens. Do Chistian Gentle Anetioncitzens consider themselves os heohens?. The political Zonsic Jewish Hodes DO. I is eosy wo deny thee wes to decent hunny. ‘Anyone may do 0 ows lieratre athe Jawish press is reed ine the nous Balu Decoration ole lost wed war. We have such irs In ou own goverment. (Me Bolow Decloton othe Britsh goremmen spensred the idea of «Naioral Home ioe he Jews in Palestine In DRECT OPPOSITION 10 PROMISES OF HOME RULE PREVIOUSLY [MADE BY THE BRITISH TO THE ARABS os reward fr hi i tory cdo Brtch armies in Poles ond the Near East. These pronises fo the Ars were olicily KEPT SECRET tom the Eich speking werd ui ery in 198, bat near th end cf that yer te Zits hod forced wor upon Europe, because ocet enters of te Bish goverment withd a give belt justice tothe Arab by gig te conto oer town curt, cd hod orded th soppoe cf Jesh imation fo Poestne ler to "THE ARAB AWAKENING’ by George Aneios, «book published by Lppinot of Pia. in 128, for das ofthe Neor Ect probes) ‘nism, Communi, Wed Fedatee, Uni Now, or Icon] ovenment UNDER ANY NAME, sped by cimical subvtsie act ties, intrigue, bribery, and the cunning use of public ond private monies, AREA ANS to AN END — THE CONTROL OF THE WORLD BY Z180- STIC TEWRY, AND THE FINAL ELIMINATION OF CHRISTIANTTY AND ‘THE FREEDOM OF THE MASSES, WE ARE NOW FIGHTING FOR THE FREEDOM OF EWRY 10 DO THIS, AND 10 ENSLAVE US UNDER A ‘BURDEN OF UNPAYARLE DEBT, ‘ho preset hindonce fo the werd plan is Kia's Germanny and is conto in Exope and we have the explanation why Jewish Fons such os ooseel, Church, Wikio and ober spac ard wae cf « GLOBAL WAR. ‘Acari to Tonic leadership ond is propaganda, Hie is public enemy No One — it does not mater about Poot Harbor, exept as a up- poring isu. I is suspected that Japanese teochery wos inspired by the ‘Secret Socates of open, whose nara ard alte! suppet sll cwais ‘avesigoton, In be ‘neanine we have profesional con wes on the publ payroll (Rex tut and bers) whose duty apps fo be to ditt the wor news, ond to conse ond mised the publ. 1 shoud be chor fa anyone who wil hin, inveignte, and rear fo the bonsful solements of Jwith cuheship during the post generation, tha! OUR PUBLIC ENEMY NO ONE 1S POLITICAL ZIONISM with is conc ‘of money unde the Gold ond Debt system, ond that his enemy is ely responsible for World Warr. In opposition to this money system, Get reais ney hosed upon Podicton and PROM PRBOTT OTR ‘which, ‘work and income for ALL Ta Times of peace, and has ‘9 most mod wor nec Te se of Gol. ‘THE START OF THE REMEDY ‘The Philadephia Inquer cf October Ss, 1942, on page 3 a news em sices under the capton cf "Hull Denounces Hie” tht the Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgarthou, rs being uiged **" to assume charge cf the Zionist movement"** ond that his ipo London maybe connected ‘i the propos’: He i 0 publ servant and we have a righ o know hot his business wos in England and oll abou his oi! connections, Your lost hope to precerve Aceon peaelily is tough Can ‘gees — your elected public sorvans, who wil obey your wishes you implenet th trout satonal Chron and ptioic eaninton ec: ively oped upon Cenaress in Washington,DC Ik may become necessary 10 drop yur dally actites fr evil to macnn on tis enermoulyinpatant mate, 1 you fol to dos, iis chro, tht pubic nd pate mony bas batt you, Body cad sou, yur Chrison els, nd tht zoe ols deserve th hi hertoe handed der by Gene Washisen and be gra! pots of is doy of some 150 year og. WE WILL HAVE SOLD OURSELVES TO ZIONISTIC IEWY ‘UNDER THE COVER OF ITS GLOBAL WAR, 6 Pout Often Dex Baader 1825, Mttebarph, Panerlasta, Dorary 1, 0G Hn selene 808 Rey Hirey: Sear) HLL, Ptttebarg, Preleente Doar Migs OlIbertt ‘Tats vill asknovledge ewatpt of your letter datet January 28 1943, ax (ding to a reprevsntative of the FAT an tavitation to spank before the aesbere of the AntLeDeunation onguatention on one of tye wuggusted dates, Please be ade hood that St vill be a plocgare to mike an Agent available for this purpore on Toorunry 2, 1968, ab 3) Ps Ke Deceneeof the dLetenoe of the date {4 M0 not pouutblo to furateh tho peakar's tdentity af thts thoe: hovever, fe will aeet ‘oat the Jevish Gommntty Grnter, Braddock, Peaeylvinia, abortly tafore 8:30 olelodk on the tventy-thtnd. Tory atnoesiy yrs, 1.3. HORTON SpoctaL Age i Oharge er York city February 5, 1943. WePwaTI0N LEMGUE, ere évivus reports on the stove orvanteation: “a preset ‘du ARSTAIN, conmected Wtu the New York City office ot ‘ne a lata {HAGUE and sorcdng directly uncer ‘GMOWARD- FINDER Fa Smee) secs to be dolng 40st of their + Se Aocal contect werkt ett aod extrese Left, Froa shat I gatnere frou Wl and otners Bill EPSTEIN niaself seas to be in tue seme camp, 72 ‘HOLACE dsaSTON on whose allazec Communist sffiiietions here und sbrouc reports vere sutaitiei sose years ago anc ato used to us eaployed hy the ADL, in Hes York and sivo su. sequently was shifted to Pittsburgh, ts fey Jone agein, Govever, ow he {s vith the-dWiNlCah JUALSG COMUTTEB, Tals change coes not that stan tht ne chenged Jobsitoae tue ogo es I reyortea tne/sonticen UsL tuwestigetive and allied ectivities o! Cai JF COMRIPIRE snd the ANTE DEFAMATION L:sGUb, perticulerly im Hex York vere quietly. aerged. Also note that the Wl, Taes real estere section, of tecay, page 32, cerrtes e notice to the effect thet HO%sCk LahSTON noe waa Leased a seven-roos spartzert at 2950 Fer apes AL FORAY CMTANED 7b mas was Bu os 2 WL 34 Baul ae "Aol ters ase Es YORE, WOW YR Fetrury 120,19) Uhreetor, Fa Dear Stet 8 origioal and cow eapy of report of Ceom ‘Ndentdal Informe in shich he allopes thst the AuTT=DerAsiTzON AOE and the AYTTEGGN GFHTIN COTEDER ov ward very cloely together, Coptos of this repert ane Retng retained in this office tor reference purposes, Very teuly pone, CAE OORRCT, Special Az in Charge ssiéixan Ping aM y//. 5S oe meen JRONPIOENNAE, [unr StATES OF AMERICA HDNET cal) The ™ natal Ho, HN etx, rinina "3s sus . oxico, D. 5, vaio 8682 usr nu Defer (rove ar when psoraah etobene [PD pIRFORAL OF ail ‘mtd CowaomT. sme, 10a » caro nea(m. vor leat rear Pes Beptes eA cea Reval Crna (0). oat ml sg Take iA Tg ‘seas ein OL I0101085 rumen, 14, 1902 Poumon Take saioaaie® naira’ sad: seaHcontO oF JES Ss TY NiKLCO COMTRDUTE "0 DePS, Govan coptatsa Prophets, IK7CIO@S, SEPT. 1942, Pig + ROCA SLIDAGUTY Aoi9P SARE Perneoutton of TAS, Hach eld te Satag given ‘9 watico to angen coMTETRE of refures 25, a orguateetica ering reas 2 ETRHIRT Gt Ta'e awoting In TCD Brees piecaed their support to tbe GSINy MEXONS COMTMAL TSRAZE DORTETAE TOLEDAND gare a tye hotr Afscoaree of the Maietory of the true velor of the TSUOUITHS ia the progress of humanity." The Ce'r'h, wiih the approval of FARSIUEM CMUAGHO, Looks out for tho velfare of the dmv Ti WERICO, 11, MS Jn N8xi70, costae 90 vermis, Y2K100, oapronetng a Gontre to até tn tho sz Civ sheagand peove te the MEXIOAR RSGSSRERSESSREEG [BUMDWE'S YorE: SPOONS TS ene publleatton of te C9 2H 2 we ao | 10-1642 Bags el] [| ld" Tra c_ je EASTERN REGIONAL OFFICE NTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF ONAL ORTH MEMORANDUM ADL Representatives and Sponsors Leonard V)[Finder February 19th, 1943 Textbook Commission Because of the many inquiries received by us from members who have been solicited in behalf of the Textbook Conmission, we are issuing a summary of our views enclosed herewith. Our opinion is predicated upon the advice of various Christian and Jewish leaders, and it ie one in which other Jewieh or- ganizations, including thejémerican Jewish Comittee, share generally. Assistant National Director peor 7 SOEKED ce yy ioF\ 9 ren 25 18 7 “i S ap 5 RECORD! Lé4 ie 9 “wor FOR PUBLICATION TEXTBOOK COMMISSION The organization sponsoring the project, The Protestant, is not favor— ably recognized by those Catholic and Protestant elenents it seeks to persuade to change the contents of certain religious textbooks. Tts progran duplicates the efforts of thgFederal Comoil of Churches of Christ in America, the National Conference of Christians’ hnd Jews, Bie-Commission on American Citizenship of the Catholic University of America, and of the efforts of other inportant religious groups. It is the considered opinion of sone of the best known public relations counsels and of Christian and Jewish leaders that this project, as presently conceived, will have the effect of furthering the very antago- nisns it is supposed to combat. ‘The advertisements used so far in the campaign repeat the very charges which cause prejudice and thereby give then renewed impetus. ATOM CONTAINED HEREIN Ss USA AD Pb Brotosyn® joo 5 30-57 cea 1) onmoma 8 a OFFICE OF CENSORSHIP CHIEF POSTAL CENSOR wasunaTon, 9-6 0243 March 17, 1943. 93793 ‘BL SPECIAL MESSENGER me, John Ragar Yoorer, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Departuent of Justice, Washington, D.C. Dear ir. Hoovers Enclosed is a copy of « letter of transaittal fron our New Orleans Station, along with « photastat ef the orig Saal conmumication from Bolivia to Messrs » 122 Bast 42nd Street, Suite 401, Hew York City. Please let us have ywur recommendation as to the OFFICE OF CENSORSHIP pate MAF 9 1943 Subject: Transmittal of Origine) Letter Containing Possible Code or Secret Writing. Tor Chief Postel Censor, Washington, D.C. 1, In accordance with Section’ i of registered ceument P=108, we are attaching the original letter inter~ sopted at this station vhich we believe my possibly con tain code or secret writing. Also attached are all rele+ ts o> extracts therefrom, . 2. Attached original let FROM mo UNO AUTIDEFAMATION LEAGUE POOR: BOLIVIA Lea Ey dead St. SUNT 40L WEN YORK, BY, rg 2+ Reasons for submitt ‘a! Cryptic message rogarling correspoudenoc, with specific instructions for future aascages. + Previous records on file: Nou 5. Laboratory Examination: COPIES DESTROYED Bxominations by secret ink laboratory were negative. 29 JUN 8 973 ——— Enclosures (enumerate) ‘WOME For the District Postal Consors 16 6-S20- €% utehasd ot Cop satat {a this ton 2 “asd cen tdlocd to tain the Tqndene ‘he matter oon reloose, ve ill bo da a for ep isigestion Vita Auta (Me somber. Ty neg aloo mugartut thet Mf xo con yoo dostelte op tat hero coz te Eoghan ot dori 20, 1943 Pa Peramen ress ag FAN J aa Ser -ceFautron LUE —_—_—_A[_S* Frou a highly confldential source St has beea Learned thet Leonard Finder conversed with Frank Prince, and Finder indicated he vas trying to get a commiaeion in the Any, Pinder, os you nl recall, vas & ninor officiel in the Anti-Defanstion League in Cileage, Pinder dleated to Prince that ne wanted to get Lnto sone branch of the Gorernsenty that be wan not interested in belng acnigned to a comdesion which be bad a goutbility of getting ax Captaln in tanti-atroraft,® Moder said he aid oot rant to get Into eonetiing for witeh be wan not qualified and widch woald not stand hia in good stead after the nar, Te appeare fron what Pinder sald that tds destre to get a ponition n the Government was pronpted by the groxdag dlestnalon within the ranks of the dati-Defanation League, which te stated mas an outgrovtt of te recent conferences resulting in pressure being brought by *4.JsC.* (dnertcan Jemish Conctttee). Ae previously indicated to you, the Aati-Defeaation League was roving ite neadguarters to New Tork as the result of the preseure brought by the dodsC Pinder auid that thay were concerned with the blacc sarket and hat he was dom with dplvan Joseph on Wareh 23, 1943, and ue Mlatd dom the lav'to the wholesale meat dealere in Hew Yor« aad also hac & necting with tooe of the people in textiles. Tn addition, he said ne bad a seating with sue of the people "in rayon" and some nore of the meat dealers, "and we are ‘actually trying to go to tom on then but T wrote to Dick that ve hud to 0 this thing natiocally, T sald that 996 of the wholesale nest dealers through cout the entire United States are Jevish and T felt that we siodld get in wom touch with every community tunediately and have then advite us of the factast canbe Dick referres to herein 1 probably Richard Gudatect of the Anti-Defanttion vom League, Finder in addition indicated that other cities in the United States nw AVE oot been contacted by the tac he partioularly referred to Caleago vue 204 Cary (Indtane), Born yn an Zs, Ts nt tna orn Tita Lag Vn eae ta en Gla Sj dont ee TGR? Finder aleo indicated that Lou ovens wae 51 ria gi seaigtac SE Aebional Director in charge of fuct fading natidtaliy: Tete tcionted TATU gabon 4 “2. 4 comaction vith Hovens that he éid not feel that Novena iaen nov to bande Abe-eitantion and aleo stated tiat individuals whon be identified as Poster, ranked aad Ontoeburg were also leering, Plader referred to tary Monaky ss buekdng Lou Havens, Pinder Adentifled ac individual weed Phil Habernan | an being "atrictly AsdsCof and wad that in the place of Haberman an individual ‘ganed Wateruan ws acting as chairoan, Pron the convereation of Pinder with Prhace, Minder and Prince agreed that Hoary Mocaky nas a trosblenaxer, With regard to Lou Horna, Prince asced Pinder Lf Novena was going nto toe Army and Pinder indicated that Hovecs was bragging that nie Draft Board was ender tla thaad because the helped to appoint soce of Ate aaabers.” Finder indloated that Horena Le 32 youre of age and bas no ctiidren, umn married fax acts ago! Pinder stated that Hovane wae using a the fuet that fe nad bewn 4a an autoucbtle aceldant and ono atively right. Pinder stated aleo that Horene was deliberately from taking the operatien whieh noald aace the ankle all right dad #he bas Adal tted thats? Pinder aloo indicated that Hovens probably spoke to Davié Miles about getting vane ind of a apeclal post and in this conection Pinder stated MIncldenty, het the guy (lovers) abo's doing ide best by trying to create hysterta at thet tine, by teLilng everybody ne would be inveee gated wdtn ten daye and that we had cymaaite Sn sur f11e8) and that soue of the non like Habaraan would be lable to fall sentences, # Vinder told Prins that he, Prince, had still sone loyal friends in the AsDoLa (Jat-Defecation League), He Ldentified these as Zollovst Deve Litter, Lawrence Goldnith, Marcell Steiglet (ptonette) and BIL ovenbloca, Prince aude the folloving statenect at thls points Mall, the hdng ab ut Lt Ae thksy when I nee what I do and when T hear wat Ico, when T imow sone of the things that are going on) and te LeeLing that x IML told you the truth, Leonardeeas far as ayself Le goncerued, I wes 55 years Old th4s aonta, v0 maybe five nore years, aaybe ten, but I've got a id ‘hatte RALE a dim and I'e worried to death, Thu worrted to deata at viata, golng on and do you think that it Lan't—welre not golog to have 8 ard tise after thle war's overT™ Prince stated alao that ne felt that the meabersnio of the Binal ritp;eould aaatly stand « five dollar tax and stated that tint would give Aha/haJole a8 much a9 ib needs to sped practically. Prince stated at thie aaah Mlony afer Alto aad ad one apningw lllon dolar effectively {f {g wok onary an good an spending $35%,000 to good affectet / Ta addition to the foregoing, Pinter indicated thet the cabers of th £.dyCy and te Anti-Defamation League tad a aeeting at whieh there vee 4-203 Lot of frketion about revolut!one and tut Blebard Gudstedt was *anong ‘howe who was spanked vary aolemly.* According to Finder, at the nesting ‘plan vas introdueed as to hut the groups aboald do with negroes, with capital, and other groupe religion all the way down, business et ceteriee ‘he Army camps" It appaara thet Gudetedt wrote a Letter and gave copies of ‘ihe sane to about aight people, Aneluding a Judge Ae Ke Cohen) and Apparently according to Finder, Gudstedt ddd not furnteh Finder a vopy of ‘op letter, Tala resulted in the so-called spanking wtich Gudstedt reeaived verbally fron the oomittee, and Gudstedt accused Finder of Lanuturity of oxght by stating "iat I maa being very iapractical tan I mggested that tot only should we work with labor, bat we anould also work, in so for as we coald, through press service, or speacers or any other apectal aedla in the ‘held'of big business; that if there are certain Paseiats, I ald, in ct Suck Nodes (VatLonal Asaoetation of Kanufecturera), I siould hate to think that ve were resigning all of big business to the Paseist-uloded xen; if this 4e A danger sone, then {t becomes a tone in olen we ahold wore harder and not lean," According to Pinder, Gudstedt sade the observation tha ne could cat swe now they could worc with both Labor and Neduls simultaneously, and the committee Juaped all over Gudstedt because of ie shortsigttedvees, T thought you would be interested in the informatio: as to the iopenston within the ranks of the datl-Defuaution League and the Anerican Gortsh Conaitten, an weld as the otter information revealed through the ‘dion of tha confidential surveillance, oun eodtraiGover: ‘ Tolan awe g Qf cis Heberal Breau of vestigation cette ited States Bepartinent of Justice py ke em Bashinston, B. €. ' ut april 2, 1909 svoeanDOv FOR to eviteteatin lage, Street, 401, New York, Mins Bets received in the Technical Laboratory for apoopriate exanination yj from A. Gs Hay, Chief, Brnination Section, Ofe of Censorship. 90-88 Photostat of the front of an envelope addressed to Mlesars, Antidefanation League, 122 Hast 42nd Street, Suite 401, Wen York, Woy ToS Photostat of accompanying typewritten beginning "Thanking you for ‘he typenriting apnearing on the instant evidence was conpared with comparable material contained in the file of writings pertaining to National et forth as follows: ‘he writer apoears to be associated with the Atidefanation League in soe capacity, possibly as a representative in Bolivia, Tt is Possible that he is in that cowry attenpting to arate the int~ exests of the Jans and does not desire his true identity to becone loom, therefore, in specinen @ he is evidently atvising the hone ce to be more careful in their direction of nail to hin, The original evidence, specinens @] and 2, is being retained in the files of the Laboratory. ‘he results of this exanination should be brought to the attention pv of Supervisor 8 D, Douglas of Censorsiip Liaison, tae Hederal Bureau of uuestgatic (teks | ‘ited States Department of Justi ew Tork, Yev Tork rT at CONTANED Cale June 50, 1953, airlaudt ug 165 Moab 4688 Strat, pw Ton City n June 2, 1948 WIIGE $, CRISOIOLO, a subject of Yev Tork invostigntion, iow an Agent of this Office and alrised hin that he lad received a letter iron am individual ty the name of JOB\IIIIRVICL of 260 Avemie 2, Yew Tork, Yew) Tork, who 40 a reader of Hal!utiood!, \ ‘TIMELEVICZ states, "I noticed that you attacked the Non-Secretorian dctiseed league in the Bublonn for Ste unfounded contuct toverds Paxl Aan, | he rousn Tex viting this letter 1s because T lec» a neater of the lesa” last north... I thought that Washington regarded the League as a civilian coriliary agency to the Tet, of Justions..P ho complainant also sent a photontat of thie letter to the vriters ‘he complainant aloo stated that on tvo occasions tvo different wooen cam» to his © office and tried to eet bn to mio som antiSenitie stetonent, tut be refused ‘to be dom out into any staterant vhatevers One of these vonen gave her nane as ray ENDUOMTLION of 55 Haat th Street, Yow York Ot to called there and lecovored ar nano vas Snue2(Gusy oA, Ths otter vona, vio gate Bar nane os MEER, poned an a proserue aad antl Senttie, Be tlloves that the vas ent Wy the Anti-tefasation or entnText agua, ‘ow complainant Later ascertained that STEFANT was comected vith the AntieDefonation League of 165 Vest 45th Street, bey fit ‘The complainant aleo added that or tore that the AnteDoteastion Toagos oF the Aatl-es snutlarien of the Dpertntt of Ju Curette from the Anti Defenaton League of Bs Brith 122 Ba 2 Set, New Yad in NEWSLETTER ALNPORMAT OH CCXTANED Vobe 1, HO, 2 <8 Weal) seein 2010100, I ft ie We 454380 Prraris 1, 12 PRCwoUDA comDNTES ari Propagenda Hee Soreod Ey Wer Techniques Goebbels Shalks Up A Victory Por Aris In dnerica ‘he Naat Attack On National Unity Gains fa Monentan 11, QFPBISIVE cu ti 408 TROT he "Conspiracy" fried 5 ‘Joseph B, Ranp Strikes Feynotet= 'A Purge Plott! Saith, One Bye On 1944, Joins In The Attack Saliiven Charges Indictaente Are 'A Soear Plot 0 Tn Exoneration P The "Conspirecy! Defendants Adopt Stratogy Of Hate Tarod!'s Friends ‘Defend! Hin 2y Attacking Jens Cerner Wante Yo Use ‘Protocole! In Bis Defenae 11, Heme oP bisa Gersan Lent Of Guarch Te Unenerican Taxiphile Ctfers 'Pie-ln-Mhe-Sxy! Tp Ter Teterane Hate Verehant Zo Publish ew Hagenine Polaon Pent datl-Deneratte Press Of doerica 17, Divoowacy cit et tyne "Yoeny ALseas" Tonate Fighter Flane fo Amy Najor Step Taken fo Achieve Fasie For Jertah Unity Ualfied Aotion Under Fay Yor Beecue Of Jens ADL Reprints Give Auswers To Axis Fropaginda Toliy-Levin Teas atled ds Synbol OF Anertcan Tay Hew Radio Series Is Yow Avatlable For Broadcast 0-5 t FT CORD w 3 ug Paces Tit eap tr i gamers Guts Wa Tioteay Foe ‘Bis to pean maiz ou Sc er eee di ‘s astern Regional Office Spring Taltion, 1948 1, 3B racewoaypa commamss Merchente of hate are using the "Joket and the Miaay* poem, pabltehed enonyaoushy and distributed eurretit ta divisive reqpons supplanting the eabversive poblictions™ ‘banned fron the nets by goverameat action, Winsogranhed sheets aad printed leaflets are spreading the nas! Lee that "Torld Jewry" 4s reapcustble for the war; that ors are shite Ang thelr patrtotic dates; an, that Jeys are profiteertag on shortages, Coupled with these falee charges 1s deliberate ine cltsnent to soldiers and civilians alike to "revenge! then ives agen the Jone when the Gernaze and Jape hare been de’ feated, Sinllarlty of content and natiomide dlssenination ofots to intensive plaming with s spectfic purposet destruce ‘Hin of uatioal norele in this tine of danocratie erst wee . ‘he preliminary shot in this now propegmnda barrage wat fred in an enogaous fourline statement titled, "he Firet Anericaa," which gives heroic "irstet in tho present wer to Cotta Helly, Zivard O!are and Joan Ontten, "Abe Cohen,* tn tho final Ino, 18 desertbed as the "first! to get ta sot of now tireas' The Snsfdtous doggerel. spread Like wili-tire, Tt was reprinted by e mmber of presumably reeponsitle pabli=| cations ant finslly was broatcast on a national ratio bookp Ya prominent Catholic clergraen who, despite deleting the rotereace to "ibe Coben," gave dignity to the general form of the pleco, Police attention to alstribution of the Fpoont in Pilladelphia and other elties, an well as editorial conieonse ‘tion hes retarded te muabroct-like spread, but he iret doericant in still being Alaseninated, The mevees of "The First dnerican hes protakel a rash of more elaborate Mpetic! efforts, anch as "the Offictal Soog of the Zosher Air Bald Wardens," a victoua parody on the officiel Marion Compe amg; a earrilove piece eattled "ners cals Fighting Jv; and, "Rejected," which carries the note Neorg by Soten and Satan, Inc, dex Tork, Jow Yorks? 50 placee-ere-now being widely Alatributed, eapectally ta avrtnty oo ats ins arene flletiog er.) gems ING J A poet wrote @ tribute to our county! "Pghting Jevt; $0 let's Join our friend the poet anc Qy* “0 that Jew too. But where are all bis oft~> pala? Tri \Q3 the end Moe, Trayite bi for toiNG ave to go. \ So when zeece LcoW abet "inti dad ne 1 at ‘o fool us single Ceri ft A burkovdts becones B ‘These fenous chazps of We give then all feir == Of post-war nations to contral” 7 “hsb after Jonny Doughboy er on the Tan He's coning hone:to get the » - And then we!ll gee gone fun. 4, Sone must! 7 TLL OF BTCOPa 1, gyms oot xe Tore A caopalen, vith strmg enti-Senitic undertone, as Yow under vay'for sce tine to exonerate the 3 individuals oy oxatng trlal Ln Taslngton on charges of sedition, (Geo AIL Hensler, October 1, 1942.) The defendants the selves, inelating Gerald 3, Miarod, 2, J, Garner, inaboth Diiltng end others, with long careers of Jer-balting, have vom aaking the charge that they are ricting of « Noxish eatarot plot, A nunber of gen of nations) reputation and there nore aptly characterized as notorious hare rallied to thelr detent, thereby elving weight to thelr rebbleroualng Tho Keynote of the campaign in defense of the GA who vere indlcted waa struck nany months ago by Joseph Ps Hamp in a pamphlet titled, jpn taal ace Fat (see ADL Hews- letter, Cotober 1, 1942). Ia tts pages, Kanp attacks naxy procdenocratie organlsatitms, Sneluting the Anti-Defenation League, Kemp's "Constitutional Béucat!mal League,” put Lishers of the pampblet 1t fe interesting to note, te neo toned tn the original coaeptrary indletaent aa one of the crgwaizaticus which the defondante Q1A "exmport, usey eon tol, contribute to finmctelly and otherise ald. Gerald 1, I, Sotth, the Detroit rabble-rouser and for= er follower of the jailed Pelley, 1s act only in the fore- feat of the fight to free the 4 bat, nore tmportantly, 1s aking political capttel of the fight, Io the Februsy, 196, sme of Te Crpse and the Flag, Suith denounced the Indlet~ ents and alleged "the existence of a diabolical conspiracy gang in Jnerica," quoting extensively fron Congressional neo ers mentioned in ttes 8, Notwithstanding formal Aserowal ponsible heads of the dnerica First Coomitiee, Sxith 4s sponsoring an Mmerice Piret Party,’ epperently with an te toverd tho 1944 elections, he same ‘sme of The Cross the Mag inciudes an article axtitted, "U, 8, Senator SE Mer oon eat kein” Ganalé foith editorially coments, "Unerica First leader precente ogleel argments concerning Snteraational pronegenists, 6 (eorge B, Sullivan, Washington attomay, Atsagrece only Mehtly with Kamp'e charectertsation of the indictnents a9 pirge plot,* Silttvan, who ban been Linked with Charles 3B, deca, one of the 34 defendants, celle it "a anear plot," His tooklet, the Bond to Victory, which in iteolf ie a 'snar plot,# has been folloved by a deluge of letters acd pott tious to the Frosidant and to Congress, Sullivan follows the Cough Unite pattern in bs defense of the 34, Ho Dlans "alontiet rather than Jeve, not only for the indlctaenta, but for antl Senttion in doorica totays Page 4 George 8, Solttvan In thetr efforts to win over ublic opinion, the defene dante hare used for their om afrantege statenente nade by severe) Senators and Congressnen formerly identified with groupe much as the dneriea First Conmtttee, Thove moet widee ly used taotnde the following Smator Burton E, Mheelert "In all candor I must sap-to you thet I think tt (the indictuent) has been one of the ost disgraceful proceedings thet hee ever been carted on in this country," (Letter to Attorney General Biddle, Senator Sereld P, yet “They (the indicted) are no more exilty of conspiracy then T en, Representative Clare 2, Hotfeant "The principal charge vinlch I nade, and the gentlesan should iow it, wee that as 9 congptreoy = not against the 28 persons in= » agalast of Congress + « conspiracy to smear and to purge oan @ ‘ae oousetmact! et Tang ae 10, 1800's mammg Tmo ‘Enon ams ‘ae indtotments on chargos of Nennsptrocy" hare by 20 ems teruineted the anti-Senitic careers of aone of the dee fendante, Although the defendants have dented the cherge, thetr public anerer has Yeon a vitriolic attack upon the Jen Gourt Atber, publisher of Jka, refers to the "toprbary origh control in Mashinet publ Aiblicitz, bes taken up Ham's charge of Mewish Gestapo," Charles B, Badeon, publisher of dnerica In Daneer!, describes the {ndletnents as a plot enginsered by what be temas the ‘od celfvadnitted author of Bae Betagus, a vicious etteck on 3!nai B'rith, Willian Sllgren, puoleber of fh Sac ict ed naics Soak bare alto ‘ken up the ory that the indictnente are a "anear plot! fo= nted by devs, (See ten 7.) THE COMMITTEE FOR THE PRESERVATION OF CHESTS CHASE a -EPORTS THE RSTRY OFTHE CASE CONCERAING OR. ERA ‘ptcel of the tactics used by adipted by Goreld 3, Tarod who has boen called "The Jeyhonc Nasi," Subsertters to bis nonthly publication, The Defender, have received ctroular Letters headed Motive onl Farge Plot! hich pratee end urge widespread dtstribution of Kemp's par phlet of the same nane (see item 5), He has alec ealicted the ald of Harvey 2, Springer of Colorado who has organized the sowcalled "Counittee for the Proservation of Christ's Canoe ia dnerice,* Through thie organization exd bie pesado religious weekly, Hester Toice, Soringer has appeelet to Christian clergymen for finds end support in bis fight against the political persertion! of Marod, Biba W edited by Fiiiten D, Herrstron of Minneapolis, Minnesota, fs lao propegadtzing for Viazod, "the nartyred Christian! Revereat Bob Shuler, the lot Angeles flrebrand, han sintlerly Adentifted hincelf with Tiarod's hate-songering do Pegs 6 1, J, Garner, tho indls ted publisher of Publictty which ame! fron the aatle on sedition, is attemting to distribute f nillion copes of » panphlet witch features afters on Jena, Like their condefendants, the Gamers quote the anti-Jerlah wri cf Kemp's Native Nagi Purge Plot ant further state the folloriu} "Mute ‘political indictuent™ 12 v0 full of the word Jer, Jew, J that nobody quentione {ts real parpoee,.the Christians are on one slde end the Jew on the other,? has expressed the hope that the "Protocols of the Mae Man of Zion! (an adattted fengery) will be brought up fn the trial, He says, "hie Jorieh feats has got to be settled! 111, Haguouas oF pigowteT The Brangelical Reformed Ghareh of St, louls, Mesarl, naintalne a nusber of faiesions for ald to aeedy seenen ant ine grants, The Hew Tork mission office is directed by Bevereot Paul, Land, who also ie the editor of ite officiel Cerna Language publication, Binmanderers Traund (Phe Inaigrant!s Trient), A study of Teeent Leeuee of this arthly publication, ublished in Cleveland, Qhlo, rereala 1t to be rictously anti Jovtsh, eati~Ainintstration nd anti-Britishs Typteal of tte contents 1s the folloving trax the December, 1942, ieeuet "It vwe win the war, the dew and the Bolshevik wins the pesce," Sige nificantly, this publicetion clains forelgn correspondents 4a Breen, Homburg, Berlin ant Vienna, 15, MUMIPHILE OFMIRS Joe MofhLLLns, erste fushrer of the Chrtatian Yebil- ie Ti-7 izers end Anericen Destiny Party, 1s trying to rebuild his po= TOME TEENS —ttteal fencee end establish a record for poot~nar uses In "Nhe Servicenan's Reconstruction Plan," a booklet written by MoHiDiLane and published by Berringim Hand Press, Barrington, Tiiinois, he advocates the payment of $7,800, in Yh interest ‘bearing goverment bonds to each nenber of the armed services ‘upon Honorable dlscharge, Mc¥ilLtans dosea't mention the word ew onze, but fallen My Bchardam, hls layer in soveral Tew ‘Tork courts, reminds the reader in the introduction to the booke Let that WoMi1i4ans 49 an expert on "the underlying religion notifs witeh dlvectly affect nost economic and polftieal que tons." 14, CE wong epi #, Mote, author of the anti-Semitic pamstilet, "0.0.P. TOMBUSE A — "Fifth Colma! Finds the Reshpots," tc oliting and rablishing HTIAGTIE a ew nagaine called dnericg Preferred, which 1 scheduled to appear shortly, A prolific aad vensnous propegantist, ote has emtributed to aut been praised by the subversive publications of Milian Dudtey Petley, Charles 3, Bideon and others of ain Sher Mk Wren in, 1948, spsatca semars Witten Telleren, 24, Atascadero, Calif, Maze, 1965 mst Hover’ B, Rand, 24, Heyerhill, Vas Mares, 1945, wasrzay voice Harvey Springer, 34, mo uist Honry Sattler, Ba, Meriden, Conn, Semuary, 1945 ‘BXOERPYS ROM EH -DBUOGRUNTC PRESS O MLERTCA "We bare vondered what aight be the remlt if those four hundred Jerish rabbis st Jerusalen wa are reported to havo requested tho Garistians to pray that the Jews night . be delivered fren the devices of the Maris, vould asa representative group, at the old capital of the Jens, there Jems ves rejected, adntt the national aia of the Jews in rejecting Jems, confess thelr om personal To ection of Hin, and publish to the world of Joes their etlon! "Oure 19 a Chrtetien form of goverment, and an alié anti-Christian group has decided to externinate it, "Kong with Jems, He Alectples rerw inom to be Jews as to their fh and rellglon and yet only ous of they umber vee racially «Jon Tt mas he who betrayed His, ‘The people of thle nation have ow declared thenselves gaiast the whole Mischell outfit, If thie grow dares tay to contin with thelr pitefil, tnaolent slanter and persecution of Christian petriote, they will feel a degree of public wrath cane dora upca their heads, which ‘hay cannot now even inagine, They will create a ave of datlsSenittan strong ena gh to dissolve the whole now deal, "Mat do you think of the 23 defendants who were indicted for osmizacy to comit aediticat I believe it te nothizg flee but another conkeand-tal (sla) story ke the Olas ‘Han Front indletamt,ranythlag de on nate belie (sic) and nothing really substantiating,,....f any indictments shouldbe ade, {¢ Ue ay courltion and belief it (ele) shouldbe ante on Attorney Conrad HLdle for his ecteas against Father Coughlin=-the American truth," By ‘my aurBis! Eom Ha ar 6 reo 1, palocey ox oe za? Sixtesn hundred refugees fron natintescist oppression contetonted thelr dines and dollare to purchase a Ourtian Washer fighter plane which was chrfsteet "loyalty! and presented to the Army on Vareh 21, at La Guardia Meld, Yer York, Arthur Cihn, ehelman of the loyalty Comittee, ‘sade the presentation, In accepting the plane on bebalf of Robert Uorett, Asistant Secretary of far for Air, Brigadier Generel Wits R, Teor stated, Only in Anerce aud {n countries of oar Aities could such a celebration be hela,! Bitsabeth Berguer, eracims star of screen and stage, deleted the laze e9 # femme of freedon, deceny azi'hoves! Zea Var~ well, noted exlumtist who acted ac aanter of coremates, azore hoe the point that while tothctcally the refugees re Fenny allen," actually they were cur all the world's "anoonqutod peop Higa Veswol! rig.Gen,Mllie Byfaylor Aisebeth Berger ‘Ax taportant step tovard unity of ection with reference to post-war Jerish protien and the upbuilding of Palestine ves token whea Henry Vousky, Procident of B'nai 3'rith, called nto conference representatives of 35 of the Leeding Jewish national neckership orgenlsatione in Pittaburgh on January 24, elegates fron 22 of the 35 organtsations representing nore than @ million dmerican Jews attended, the decielon of the conference vas to establigh a comon progran of action in comection with postenar problens, aad to elect a delegation to carry out sald progran, in cooperation with the duly accred-| in Kew York fo schotuled to ‘meet again within the next several eckes ‘im © 18, unpre acrton Hr sais mas Page 9 The fomation of the Joint Committde’ox! the Buropesn Yaergener Jevish Situation offers further erideace of grow ‘ngunified action in deeling with world-wide Jevish protlens, ‘he principal ala of this new organization 1s to rescue Jone {in narl-ocenpled countries, Two najor requests were included’ fn a nenorendan sent to the leaders of the Uatted Nations? that the Geraan goverment be approsched thraigh sae nedtral ccantry in en effort to secure release of Jens and thelr al gration to auth havens of refuge as nay be provided; if this fe act gosefble, to pert the United Nations to food the tn perlled Jonish victing, A serles of denonstretions in inpor= tant cities are being sponsored by she Joint Comtttes tn ord to arouse public opinion to the seriousness of the situation. Participating in the Comittee are B'aat B'rith, the American evish Goomittee, the doerlcan Jeri gh Congr Tabor Comtttee ant a mnber of other cute gmtzations. ‘To emmteract the nov Aris propaganda line of Aiscredtte ‘ng Jevish parttetpation in the war effort, the AIL hes erail~ ble a mmber of reprints shoring typicel Jorish heroien end secrifice, oe Paszak! ty Irene Faull, published by the Lebo Ceordtnating Couset) of Minneapolis, tells the tmaly inepiring story of # worker who refused to be seduced into batred of bis fellow nen, "A Good Joke ~= Yeh! Tab! pointe to the dtebolic ratare of the story and poen which epreads mepteton xd hatred, ‘SHi12 a Ohasp" relates Sotividuel emlotts of doer cen Jovs in the present war. ens Under Fire! 1 the record of nen who have given a full nessare of devotion so that ‘The Keliy-Levin tean of pilot and bonbardter that sank the} ‘iret Japenese battLedbip, the Haruna, 1s nmorlaized to a ‘fine leaflet issued by the Christian Institute for American De nocrecys A sinilar tribute is found in "Three dnericans reprint of an editorial in the New York Times which describer ‘the death of three American airmen, a Protestant, a Catholic a Jey in line of duty, This Miterature {9 also available for special dletetbution, | oe he vitel role of the hone froat 12 the preset global struggle for the preservation of freeéon 1s the thene of "Zest We Torget = Harnal Vigtlence Is the Price of Ubertg! the nev serles of electrical transriptions curreatly being brosdcast on radto statiae thrmghout the sation, The inepiring storle 4n thts the serenth serlee of recordings issued by tho Tnsti~ tute of Orel end Tiaual Hcation are devoted to the need for rigtlance in each of the different gasses of the hone front, such as schools, fectorlee, dustness, religion, emurts, ete, Sho previous series, "Lest To Forget = dnerica Deternines Her Destiny," has bees telecsed for use is scbocl mame a Lest We Porget:-— Biernal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty 1 ETERNAL VIGILANCE AGAINST TYRANNY: yadda rng eo Tieton dic oy crs ange tS eet ee en Se oe fee ose tS Ela! At fio el SLE pete Getcha taht Ensen bw hat pre pr iy Esk len ahicuettslvece Seed pregnal VGIANCEIN GOVERNNINT: ws G6) ice el ee ee eet ETERNAL VIGILANCE IN THE COMMUNITY: noc sion oder cmd ae Be eka essa tein Sts eS nn ple en Se om niehnconyd Seon Segre nun 'gltaeg f et s Geran em von aida curbs Sint d been Set Os chek ‘Teun of ee oa ef sitio sper ken ap we eee Rieewenn ts Saal Gwnatied Sut ng nen eng ena THT 9 TERNAL VIGILANCE IN ORGANIZATIONS FRNAL VIGILANCE TN TH Scouse Telos fcc rel a hd 8s eocat eon be se ly Sts oer ec ltt wt dorset ataecThe fs Soothe Se wi, isa = incr de ann ye a a ol zich ie diesen, Sen : ‘aan Tea he fre tt mse eg enng, 11, ETERNAL VIGILANCE AGAINST RUMOR: Ou ETERNAL MIGHANCE. IN" THE FACTORY: "exw nmuoy axd eber ron esac seiciny seep opin, es Aon es neste by Hos ert tia per oa Sei a anaes ee STE ecmeel Ege bel ecb @ et ‘Sch ate he ps ems oy. ‘Sree ls na ETERNAL VIGILANCE IN BUSINESS: Te np) ht vs Bs soe es Senate ewes ryt ETERNAL VIGHANCE FOR NEW TRUTHS: secu = ‘ited vo obscure these rath. Let the people ee the th and 6 ETERNAL VIGILANCE IN THE HOME: The Amer etek ol mae den ine. aan anes 1s TERNAL VIGILANCE ANONG WAR VETER [ETERNAL VIGILANCE IN RELIGION: The scces pele ear tsps Bele te wel es a. of Ares’ aed foes in eve athe oferthe mast eloquent seu Poe Raa atte Manette hae tole aap 8 ETINALMGILANGEINTHE GUTS ein Zhe mug et een =e eee ie of Praga Thiel fol eth Ai prog a hn LST WE FOG: SE, and bib on i is a a ui of a en UST WE GEE eo ee te a ce en eet ae ce ad Sh ge fd ny tae ted ie A Tesi ee ero ON pal a aga Ml 9d atin esos ore ee Sa at “a Serre WoL OpETOEAR aes a at ch dey ooo Sep ei eo a AISLE EWR" Che Hs BEE A ren gh oe ove my sa aT ASL Sees" Saas oan crest tee ee INSJTUTEGR-ORAL AND VISUAL EDUCATION RADIO DIVISION, 101 PARK AVENUE, N.Y. ¢ ‘ureau of Fnvestiga Muited States Department of Justice Pittabangh, Peonaylvania daly 1, 1943, Wnti-Defanation League, ex Tork Gity, New Tork} VERUAL SECURIT = 0 Bureau File Ho, 1004530 Deer Sir: Referenge is made to Bureau letter dated March 28, 1942, Burvau File No, 200-530, wherein it da requested that the Pittsburgh Office furntah regularly to the Burean copies of the Mlewslettert, published by the Bastery Regional Office of the Anti-Defamation League, 122 Bast kd Street, Hew Tork City, ILWOMEnd Rnclosed herewith is the 1943 Spring edition of the "ews, Uafter®, which was forwarded to the Pittsburgh Office é HDHERG, Exvcutive Director of the Jewish Public Relations Council, 54l Wood Street, Pittaburgh, 41943 winter edition of the "ensletter® is not being for vwanied to the Bureau at this tine inasmch as an isnue for that period was not published, according to lire, FRIEDBERG. Very truly yours,

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